New DNC President Demostrates Democrats Spew Ignorance and Lies (Electoral College)


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
DNC head Tom Perez falsely claims Electoral College 'not a creation of the Constitution'

"Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez incorrectly stated "the Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution" during a Tuesday night speech.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution," Perez said during a lecture at Indiana University Law School. "It doesn’t have to be there."

The Electoral College, a mechanism for indirect election of the president created by the Founding Fathers as a compromise between smaller states and larger states, is clearly laid out in
Article II of the Constitution: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."

This is the same dumbass who just denied knowing anything about and not finding any records to show the previous chairwoman / the DNC gave millions to a foreign agent through a Russia-linked firm for a false report containing Russia-generated propaganda against Trump.

Today - in reaction to all the evidence coming out against Hillary, DWS, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama - libtards and snowflakes be like:

DNC head Tom Perez falsely claims Electoral College 'not a creation of the Constitution'

"Democratic National Committee chairman Tom Perez incorrectly stated "the Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution" during a Tuesday night speech.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution," Perez said during a lecture at Indiana University Law School. "It doesn’t have to be there."

The Electoral College, a mechanism for indirect election of the president created by the Founding Fathers as a compromise between smaller states and larger states, is clearly laid out in
Article II of the Constitution: "Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electors, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress."

This is the same dumbass who just denied knowing anything about and not finding any records to show the previous chairwoman / the DNC gave millions to a foreign agent through a Russia-linked firm for a false report containing Russia-generated propaganda against Trump.

Today - in reaction to all the evidence coming out against Hillary, DWS, Mueller, Holder, Comey, and Obama - libtards and snowflakes be like:

View attachment 156688

The political parties don't have presidents, they have Chairmen. That said the commiecrats really scraped the bottom of the leftist barrel to get this guy.

This is a monster gaffe and if a repub said this, it would be headlines. Instead, it's been blacked out by the networks.

DNC Chairman Tom Perez: 'The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution'

oct 26 2017 Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said during a lecture Tuesday the Electoral College isn't "a creation of the Constitution."

Perez made the comment while speaking at Indiana University Law School's Sixth Annual Birch Bayh Lecture.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution. It doesn't have to be there," he said. "There's a national popular vote compact in which a number of states have passed a bill that says we will allocate our vote, our electoral votes, to the person who wins the national popular vote once other states totaling 270 electoral votes do the same."

Perez went on to note the first state to pass such a measure was Maryland.

Contrary to Perez's claim, the U.S. Constitution establishes the Electoral College in Article II, and the 12th Amendment details the process by which electors will meet and vote for president and vice president.
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This is a monster gaffe and if a repub said this, it would be headlines. Instead, it's been blacked out by the networks.

Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said during a lecture Tuesday the Electoral College isn't "a creation of the Constitution."

Perez made the comment while speaking at Indiana University Law School's Sixth Annual Birch Bayh Lecture.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution. It doesn't have to be there," he said. "There's a national popular vote compact in which a number of states have passed a bill that says we will allocate our vote, our electoral votes, to the person who wins the national popular vote once other states totaling 270 electoral votes do the same."

Perez went on to note the first state to pass such a measure was Maryland.

Contrary to Perez's claim, the U.S. Constitution establishes the Electoral College in Article II, and the 12th Amendment details the process by which electors will meet and vote for president and vice president.

Perez is one of those idiots that hate the system until they learn it is better than the national vote.

The idiot is upset that California could not sway the vote but let a Republican win the National Popular vote and lose the Electoral College and watch Perez praise the Electoral College...

Also the Democratic Party need to run a candidate that can win the Electoral College which mean they need someone to win swing states...
This is a monster gaffe and if a repub said this, it would be headlines. Instead, it's been blacked out by the networks.

Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said during a lecture Tuesday the Electoral College isn't "a creation of the Constitution."

Perez made the comment while speaking at Indiana University Law School's Sixth Annual Birch Bayh Lecture.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution. It doesn't have to be there," he said. "There's a national popular vote compact in which a number of states have passed a bill that says we will allocate our vote, our electoral votes, to the person who wins the national popular vote once other states totaling 270 electoral votes do the same."

Perez went on to note the first state to pass such a measure was Maryland.

Contrary to Perez's claim, the U.S. Constitution establishes the Electoral College in Article II, and the 12th Amendment details the process by which electors will meet and vote for president and vice president.

Link to the speech?

Actually -- link to anything?
This is a monster gaffe and if a repub said this, it would be headlines. Instead, it's been blacked out by the networks.

Tom Perez, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, said during a lecture Tuesday the Electoral College isn't "a creation of the Constitution."

Perez made the comment while speaking at Indiana University Law School's Sixth Annual Birch Bayh Lecture.

"The Electoral College is not a creation of the Constitution. It doesn't have to be there," he said. "There's a national popular vote compact in which a number of states have passed a bill that says we will allocate our vote, our electoral votes, to the person who wins the national popular vote once other states totaling 270 electoral votes do the same."

Perez went on to note the first state to pass such a measure was Maryland.

Contrary to Perez's claim, the U.S. Constitution establishes the Electoral College in Article II, and the 12th Amendment details the process by which electors will meet and vote for president and vice president.

Perez is one of those idiots that hate the system until they learn it is better than the national vote.

The idiot is upset that California could not sway the vote but let a Republican win the National Popular vote and lose the Electoral College and watch Perez praise the Electoral College...

Also the Democratic Party need to run a candidate that can win the Electoral College which mean they need someone to win swing states...

This has been an ongoing strategy with the Democrats for some time now.

Their goal is to convince their voters that they are not the minority; that the country is turning liberal and socialist; the Republicans are nothing more than rich old white men soon to die off.

So when things don't come out as they predict, they need to make up excuses. They need to convince their voters that they really won, it's just that the Republicans cheated somehow. If their voters ever learned the truth, they would be less enthused about voting and that would hurt the Democrat party.

Trump: Russian collusion and interfering with our election system.
Bush: Diebold machines that were rigged for GW.
Bush: The Supreme Court "selected" Bush for the presidency.

On top of that, there is the gerrymandering excuse, the Voter-ID law excuse, and yes, the electoral college excuse. They even went as far as to blame punch-card ballots that cost communities millions of dollars to convert from that to modern machinery.

It's all BS, but it serves a purpose, to convince Democrat voters that they are always cheated with every Republican win.
Can we please replace this guy with someone that understands the constitutions to lead our party?

"Replace" based on what? The OP didn't even link the evidence. I couldn't find it either.

Yer gonna take ShitSpitters' word for it?
The Twelfth Amendment (Amendment XII) to the United States Constitution provides the procedure for electing the President and Vice President. It replaced the procedure provided in Article II, Section 1, Clause 3, by which the Electoral College originally functioned.
Link to the speech?

Actually -- link to anything?

I just added it to the header post.

Thank you.
Actually I already saw that link, and several others, and all any of them offer is a voice recorder recording that sounds like it came from a closet down the hall, and from what can be heard it sounds like it BEGINS with the quote in your title.

---- And that means we have no clue what the context was going in. And it also means it was deliberately edited TO start at that point, meaning whoever edited it that way wanted us not to know the context that sets it up.

Why do you suppose they didn't want us to hear that?

Now when you can find us an intelligible recording of the whole thing, or a transcript ---- you'll have a claim. Either that, or the whole thing crumbles to dust.

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