Neil Degrasse Tyson is a joke

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.
I'm sure you are way more intelligent, right? :heehee:
Its called learning, dumbass. I can “think” about wormholes all day long. It will accomplish nothing. Neil knows and shares what he knows.
Stay stupid my friend.

And spins it for the rubes like you for his social and economic desires.

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.

He pretends to be a scientist as well parroting the party line on manmade Global Climate Warming Change

First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.
From the start of the vaccine it was stated by the companies that were creating it that the vaccine was never intended as a cure as Biden and the left proclaim.

It was to lower the risk of dying and side effects and that is all it was intended.

Biden and the left have made it clear they will lie and deny facts and will then proclaim the science support them and their lies but it never did.
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Neil Degrasse Tyson getting into vaccine debate.


First this dipshit says this : For you to say it wasn’t tested, is a gap between your awareness and understanding, how things work and what actually happened.”
Then he says this: If you do not get vaccinated, you will put other people in this organization at risk. And that organization does not want to take that risk. So you do not have this job anymore if you decline it. So in with any public health decision, there has to be a consequence to you not participating in that social contract contract,” he added.
Now we have this : “The strain evolved,” Tyson argued. “So that the vaccine that prevented you from catching covid was tuned to the variant of Covid at the time, the vaccine was designed, okay. Over time there were variants that arose. The vaccine provided partial protection against the new variants enough to keep you from dying statistically.”
If that is true, why were people pushing boosters? Or still needing to get their first shot? Why are you still pushing the "its good for the collective" bullshit?

For the 1,978,566,877,890,343,347,223,145th time, the jab does NOT stop transmission, or stop you from getting sick! You apparently are aware of that fact, but still parrot the fauxi narrative SMH
One good thing about this covid shit is, it showed who people really are.
I don't know what happened to him.
He was in the top echelon of public scientist speaking 10 years ago... then he went woke and liberal.
Now... half of what he says is simply false. And for a scientist to knowingly and willingly misrepresent facts is especially egregious. Indeed. He isn't even a scientist anymore but a propagandist.
I don't know what happened to him.
He was in the top echelon of public scientist speaking 10 years ago... then he went woke and liberal.
Now... half of what he says is simply false. And for a scientist to knowingly and willingly misrepresent facts is especially egregious. Indeed. He isn't even a scientist anymore but a propagandist.

Yup, he decided to take the 30 pieces of silver instead of adhering to the scientific method.
I don't know what happened to him.
He was in the top echelon of public scientist speaking 10 years ago... then he went woke and liberal.
Now... half of what he says is simply false. And for a scientist to knowingly and willingly misrepresent facts is especially egregious. Indeed. He isn't even a scientist anymore but a propagandist.
He became famous and only cares about his fame and earnings…
He was on Joe Rogan awhile back.
Anyone who watches his podcast knows that Rogan is no genius. Not dumb by any means, but probably only a little above average.
Several times in that podcast... he out debated DeGrasse. That is saying a LOT. DeGrasse was visibly upset several times because of it. He isn't use to an interviewer not just going along.

You guys may have seen the other day where Bill Maher really got the best of him.
It shows you how low he has gotten to that he can be outdebated by average intelligent people.

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