Neil Armstrong: Obama killing off U.S. space program..

America's leadership in space is slipping. NASA's human spaceflight program is in substantial disarray with no clear-cut mission in the offing. We will have no rockets to carry humans to low-Earth orbit and beyond for an indeterminate number of years. Congress has mandated the development of rocket launchers and spacecraft to explore the near-solar system beyond Earth orbit. But NASA has not yet announced a convincing strategy for their use. After a half-century of remarkable progress, a coherent plan for maintaining America's leadership in space exploration is no longer apparent.

"We have a long way to go in this space race. But this is the new ocean, and I believe that the United States must sail on it and be in a position second to none."

— President Kennedy

Kennedy launched America on that new ocean. For 50 years we explored the waters to become the leader in space exploration. Today, under the announced objectives, the voyage is over. John F. Kennedy would have been sorely disappointed.

Column: Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy? -

I guess Neil Armstrong hasn't heard that we are broke. We can no longer afford to be "leaders in space"?
But obama says we can afford to give billions in aid to islamic nations that hate us.
Obama and the houses have increased NASA spending in all 3 of his budgets, and the next 4 years worth of estimates show annual increases forthcoming.

So I wish we were cutting spending that we can't afford, but of course that's not going to happen.

Might just as well cut it to Zero sinse obama does not want a American owned
Rocket ship.
^^^ This, the OP, and Armstrong Debunked Already.

it helps to read the thread, especially the short ones! :lmao:
lol,talk is cheap,maybe in twenty years.And then Russia and China will be so far ahead of us in space.obama is a traitor.
America's leadership in space is slipping. NASA's human spaceflight program is in substantial disarray with no clear-cut mission in the offing. We will have no rockets to carry humans to low-Earth orbit and beyond for an indeterminate number of years. Congress has mandated the development of rocket launchers and spacecraft to explore the near-solar system beyond Earth orbit. But NASA has not yet announced a convincing strategy for their use. After a half-century of remarkable progress, a coherent plan for maintaining America's leadership in space exploration is no longer apparent.

"We have a long way to go in this space race. But this is the new ocean, and I believe that the United States must sail on it and be in a position second to none."

— President Kennedy

Kennedy launched America on that new ocean. For 50 years we explored the waters to become the leader in space exploration. Today, under the announced objectives, the voyage is over. John F. Kennedy would have been sorely disappointed.

Column: Is Obama grounding JFK's space legacy? -

I guess Neil Armstrong hasn't heard that we are broke. We can no longer afford to be "leaders in space"?
But obama says we can afford to give billions in aid to islamic nations that hate us.

EXACTLY. It is about priorities. Space Exploration, Defense and the Innovation that come from it, are vital. We spend 10 times what we spend on the Space programs, on Wasteful shit all the time.
lol,talk is cheap,maybe in twenty years.And then Russia and China will be so far ahead of us in space.obama is a traitor.

Wait, I thought you corporatists wanted to pillage the commons (public owned assets) and give them to corporations and stick taxpayers with the debt and losses... So now, the only way we will go into space is if some group of shareholders get their profits, and NOW you're not happy? What is it? Is he now your hero or a traitor? You know, many of our most important inventions were born of our public-owned NASA program. You think corporations will share their "inventions" to help mankind or the military? Well, they will, but at top dollar. One more question... does it hurt to be a stupid as you are?
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You know, Neil could always start a company with his money and go to space as much as he wants.
Barry Obama.. the science guy!


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Obama may have inadvertently done the one thing that will save America as the dominant force in space and manned space exploration. Since the beginning nothing has been done in manned flight that wasn't formed and shaped and regulated by NASA. It's the grand thinkers of NASA who were the designers of the Shuttle concept, which sponged up NASA funds for 35 years. If that was good it was because scientists and managers leanred how to do a lot with very little using off the shelf equipment.

With the SPACE Shuttle gone, we are no longer limited to "drilling holes in space" in LEO. Now private enterprise can step into the breach and provide some new direction within the free market structure.

Elon Musk CEO of SpaceX says he can get four men (and'or women) onto the surface of Mars within 10 mears (or less) for a two year mission including 1-year enroute, and do it for less than than the cost of a single shuttle launch and return.
lol,talk is cheap,maybe in twenty years.And then Russia and China will be so far ahead of us in space.obama is a traitor.

Wait, I thought you corporatists wanted to pillage the commons (public owned assets) and give them to corporations and stick taxpayers with the debt and losses... So now, the only way we will go into space is if some group of shareholders get their profits, and NOW you're not happy? What is it? Is he now your hero or a traitor? You know, many of our most important inventions were born of our public-owned NASA program. You think corporations will share their "inventions" to help mankind or the military? Well, they will, but at top dollar. One more question... does it hurt to be a stupid as you are?

lol,You are a total idiot.It cost billions to go to the moon.There was NO public profit in it
you fucking moron.And you made MY point that the punk obama is a fool.thanks.
Now get back to sucking obamas balls.
Wow, these right wingers. Just when you think they've reached the limit of "stupid" they dive bomb down two more levels. One gets so exasperated with the lack of knowing anything of relevance.

NASA - NASA Engineers and Scientists-Transforming Dreams Into Reality

Engineers draw the cutting edge in every capacity for NASA, from avionics to electronics, software to rocketry. Similarly, to explain the things and places it explores, NASA enlists scientists from a multitude of specialties within the fields of astronomy, biology, chemistry, geology, materials science and physics. As NASA has extended its presence on the final frontier, they have defined new fields and expanded knowledge and technology on almost every front. One in every 1,000 patents issued by United States Patent and Trade Organization has gone to scientists or engineers working on NASA projects and tens of thousands of scientific studies from the agency’s missions have been published in leading journals worldwide.

Curiosity "10 NASA Inventions You Might Use Every Day"

NASA Spinoffs - Inventions Benefiting Our Daily Lives - Apollo Spinoff Inventions

NASA patents | NASA Tech Briefs

Over the past three decades, NASA has granted more than 1000 patent licenses in virtually every area of technology. The agency has a portfolio of 3000 patents and pending applications available now for license by businesses and individuals

One way for federal laboratories to contribute to industrial innovation is through licensing
the right of the use of their inventions to firms. Because the licensing decisions of the
federal labs are based on the concreteness of commercialization plan of prospective
licensee and the estimated degree to which such commercialization contributes to the US
economy, licensed inventions can be regarded as having higher commercial value than nonlicensed ones. In this paper, using the licensing information of NASA patents, we analyze
the relationship between the commercial value of patents and widely-used patent indicators.
We found that the more technologically important (as measured by forward citation counts)
and the broader in technology areas (as measured by the number of claims), the higher
commercial value a patent is likely to have.

Energy Innovation Portal: National Aeronautics and Space Administration Technology Marketing Summaries

Here you’ll find marketing summaries for technologies available for licensing from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The summaries provide descriptions of the technologies including their benefits, applications and industries, and development stage.


So Obama has a choice. We could go to the moon using old technology. OR.

We could work with private industry to develop new technology and non conventional rockets and modes of earth to space transportation. Increase our "footprint" in space in meaningful ways.

Why even bother? Well, NASA, in concrete ways, has led the US to become the leaders of world technology.

A couple of obvious reasons:

In space, you can create alloys that are unaffected by gravity during manufacturing. That includes "perfect ball bearings". Two things that even uneducated right wingers must see the relevance in developing "nanotechnology", or as they call them in right wing science talk, "little tiny widget things".

Comments by scientist Robert Zubrin in and article in the Washington Times:

" Word has leaked out that in its new budget, the Obama administration intends to terminate NASA’s planetary exploration program. The Mars Science Lab Curiosity, being readied on the pad, will be launched, as will the nearly completed small MAVEN orbiter scheduled for 2013, but that will be it. No further missions to anywhere are planned.

After 2013, America’s amazing career of planetary exploration, which ran from the Mariner probes in the 1960s through the great Pioneer, Viking, Voyager, Pathfinder, MarsGlobalSurveyor, MarsOdyssey, Spirit, Opportunity, MarsReconnaissanceOrbiter, Galileo and Cassini missions, will simply end.

Furthermore, the plan from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) also leaves the space astronomy program adrift and headed for destruction. The now-orbiting Kepler Telescope will be turned off in midmission, stopping it before it can complete its goal of finding other Earths. Even worse, the magnificent Webb Telescope, the agency’s flagship, which promises fundamental breakthroughs in our understanding of the laws of the universe, is not sufficiently funded to allow successful completion.

[ .....]

The ostensible reason for the administration’s decision to kill planetary exploration and space astronomy is budgetary discipline. Yet while federal spending has grown 40 percent since 2008, NASA’s funding has remained virtually the same. It is not NASA that is bankrupting America, but OMB. If the administration needs to cut budgets, it should start with those of the regulatory agencies that are strangling the nation’s businesses rather than NASA, which helps the economy through scientific discoveries, technological innovation and the inspiration of youth to pursue careers in engineering.

Furthermore, if there were a need to cut NASA, it would make more sense to trim almost anywhere else in the agency. Instead, the administration’s goal seems to be to destroy the entire space program by hitting it in its most vital parts.

The desertion of America’s great exploration enterprise is an offense against science and civilization. It represents a radical departure from the pioneer spirit, and its ratification as policy would preclude any possibility of a human future in space. It is an inexcusable decision, and it needs to be reversed. "
Tbh, his plan for commercial Space industry fails.

NASA had a local workforce. Now this commercial place will bring in workers from other areas and basically force the current locals to move due to lack of jobs (and a job is almost an extinct species here).
Seems this thread started with an OLD article. Oops. Turns out Obama was right. Things are moving along. The only way Republicans can stop this is to cut NASA funding. And of course, considering the fact they already held millions of Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts, they have proven they are more than capable of bringing great harm to this country. Not just capable, but willing and able.


ILS Proton-M successfully launches with QuetzSat-1 |

The agency gave four private space companies — Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, SpaceX and Boeing — contracts under the most recent phase of the Commercial Crew Development Program. SpaceX, alone among the group, has already launched a test flight to orbit of its prototype spacecraft.

NASA's future rides on commercial spaceships - Technology & science - Space -

NEEMO mission ends early – conducts six successful underwater EVAs | 60 Day Report_508.pdf
Manned space flight is a waste of money.

Robots can do it cheaper and better.
Seems this thread started with an OLD article. Oops. Turns out Obama was right. Things are moving along. The only way Republicans can stop this is to cut NASA funding. And of course, considering the fact they already held millions of Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts, they have proven they are more than capable of bringing great harm to this country. Not just capable, but willing and able.


ILS Proton-M successfully launches with QuetzSat-1 |

The agency gave four private space companies — Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, SpaceX and Boeing — contracts under the most recent phase of the Commercial Crew Development Program. SpaceX, alone among the group, has already launched a test flight to orbit of its prototype spacecraft.

NASA's future rides on commercial spaceships - Technology & science - Space -

NEEMO mission ends early – conducts six successful underwater EVAs | 60 Day Report_508.pdf

The cuts are being planned by the administration, not congress. Read the link.
Seems this thread started with an OLD article. Oops. Turns out Obama was right. Things are moving along. The only way Republicans can stop this is to cut NASA funding. And of course, considering the fact they already held millions of Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts, they have proven they are more than capable of bringing great harm to this country. Not just capable, but willing and able.


ILS Proton-M successfully launches with QuetzSat-1 |

The agency gave four private space companies — Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, SpaceX and Boeing — contracts under the most recent phase of the Commercial Crew Development Program. SpaceX, alone among the group, has already launched a test flight to orbit of its prototype spacecraft.

NASA's future rides on commercial spaceships - Technology & science - Space -

NEEMO mission ends early – conducts six successful underwater EVAs | 60 Day Report_508.pdf

The cuts are being planned by the administration, not congress. Read the link.

You read it. And go slow. Here, let me help you.

Before they get to this part:

President Obama's proposed 2011 budget did not include funds for Constellation, therefore essentially canceling the program.

There was this part:

However, due to its congressionally authorized funding falling victim to Office of Management and Budget cuts, earmarks and other unexpected financial diversions, Constellation fell behind schedule. An administration-appointed review committee concluded the Constellation program was "not viable" due to inadequate funding.

It says the program was pretty much ruined by congress. Obama's plan is best. We need to develop "NEW" technology. Not just go to the moon to prove we still can.

Comments by scientist Robert Zubrin in and article in the Washington Times:

" Word has leaked out that in its new budget, the Obama administration intends to terminate NASA’s planetary exploration program. The Mars Science Lab Curiosity, being readied on the pad, will be launched, as will the nearly completed small MAVEN orbiter scheduled for 2013, but that will be it. No further missions to anywhere are planned.

After 2013, America’s amazing career of planetary exploration, which ran from the Mariner probes in the 1960s through the great Pioneer, Viking, Voyager, Pathfinder, MarsGlobalSurveyor, MarsOdyssey, Spirit, Opportunity, MarsReconnaissanceOrbiter, Galileo and Cassini missions, will simply end.

Furthermore, the plan from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) also leaves the space astronomy program adrift and headed for destruction. The now-orbiting Kepler Telescope will be turned off in midmission, stopping it before it can complete its goal of finding other Earths. Even worse, the magnificent Webb Telescope, the agency’s flagship, which promises fundamental breakthroughs in our understanding of the laws of the universe, is not sufficiently funded to allow successful completion.

[ .....]

The ostensible reason for the administration’s decision to kill planetary exploration and space astronomy is budgetary discipline. Yet while federal spending has grown 40 percent since 2008, NASA’s funding has remained virtually the same. It is not NASA that is bankrupting America, but OMB. If the administration needs to cut budgets, it should start with those of the regulatory agencies that are strangling the nation’s businesses rather than NASA, which helps the economy through scientific discoveries, technological innovation and the inspiration of youth to pursue careers in engineering.

Furthermore, if there were a need to cut NASA, it would make more sense to trim almost anywhere else in the agency. Instead, the administration’s goal seems to be to destroy the entire space program by hitting it in its most vital parts.

The desertion of America’s great exploration enterprise is an offense against science and civilization. It represents a radical departure from the pioneer spirit, and its ratification as policy would preclude any possibility of a human future in space. It is an inexcusable decision, and it needs to be reversed. "

NASA's budget has only gone up, not down, during Obama's Presidency.
Seems this thread started with an OLD article. Oops. Turns out Obama was right. Things are moving along. The only way Republicans can stop this is to cut NASA funding. And of course, considering the fact they already held millions of Americans hostage to extend the Bush tax cuts, they have proven they are more than capable of bringing great harm to this country. Not just capable, but willing and able.


ILS Proton-M successfully launches with QuetzSat-1 |

The agency gave four private space companies — Blue Origin, Sierra Nevada, SpaceX and Boeing — contracts under the most recent phase of the Commercial Crew Development Program. SpaceX, alone among the group, has already launched a test flight to orbit of its prototype spacecraft.

NASA's future rides on commercial spaceships - Technology & science - Space -

NEEMO mission ends early – conducts six successful underwater EVAs | 60 Day Report_508.pdf

The cuts are being planned by the administration, not congress. Read the link.

You read it. And go slow. Here, let me help you.

Before they get to this part:

President Obama's proposed 2011 budget did not include funds for Constellation, therefore essentially canceling the program.

There was this part:

However, due to its congressionally authorized funding falling victim to Office of Management and Budget cuts, earmarks and other unexpected financial diversions, Constellation fell behind schedule. An administration-appointed review committee concluded the Constellation program was "not viable" due to inadequate funding.

It says the program was pretty much ruined by congress. Obama's plan is best. We need to develop "NEW" technology. Not just go to the moon to prove we still can.
And what party was in control of Congress at the time when the program was ruined according to you?
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