Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

I won long ago, you have went on and on for 3 days now and called me names of who h only point out you are the liar! Again I don't like people who kill Americans, you idolize them. Good for you it is a free country and we are both allowed our opinions. Sorry mine has caused you so much consternation and tears. You may grow up some day.

Bump stickers are doctoral dissertations compared to your argument.

For over 5 generations Americans have respected Lee as a man who did his duty as he saw it at the time.

INcluding the veterans that he fought.

I've repeatedly asked you to address that, or to explain why you are harder on him then them, but you've don't nothing but repeat your position over and over again.

Like someone that knows he can't actually explain or defend his position.

Your attempt to make this about me is noted and dismissed as just another layer of your dishonesty.

I give 3 dead flies shat others think of him. I can not make it any plainer for you. I do not like people that kill Americans. Put him on your It Rushmore for all I care, you are aloud!

I didn't say me, I was referring to 5 generations of Americans including those that fought him.

YOu are taking a far harder line than them and it is absurd of you.

I've asked you to explain that, and you have just repeated your senseless talking point over and over again like a brain damaged parrot. Who is a liar.

Jesus Christ bud it can not be made any plainer to you, I an not get behind a person that kills Americans! And I do not care what the next 5 generations think of him. He killed Americans, HD is not someone I would find honorable.

this is the 75th blue and gray reunion at Gettysburgh.


Within a few years after the war, America, including the soldiers of both sides, put that fight behind us, and accepted the heroes of both sides as our JOINT heroes of our JOINT culture.

If the veterans who fought and lost friends, family and maybe limbs could respect their former enemies

who "killed Americans"

why can't you? Why do you feel a need to try to reopen these ancient wounds?

I am not reopening a damn thing! It is MY opinion, it is what I think of the man. You have yours and god bless you for it!
No it’s true. Anything funded by tax dollars is socialism. Schools, libraries, infrastructure, public hospitals, the military.

Try to be less of a liar.

Definition of SOCIALISM

"any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods"

You are the liar, lefty. This Trump supporter is the one who is calling you on your bullshit.
Okay here is the keyword to pay attention to: “collective”. Another term often used is social ownership. What is the collective? The CITIZENS. If I’m wrong, explain what collective actually means because in the definition you provided it says “collective or governmental ownership”.

A school is not a "means of production".

Neither is the military or the police or a road, ect ect ect.

If the government owned the farms and the factories, that would be socialism.
That isnt what the definition refers to. It isn’t about the program itself. It refers to “ownership” and “productivity” of any program. Tax payers fund these projects and benefit from them. That is what collective or social ownership means.

That is certainly what "means of production" refers to.

Otherwise, pretty much ALL GOVERNMENTS would be socialist and what would the use of a word that makes no distinction?

What you are parroting is a lie by socialists to try to hide how radical they are.
Lol see now you’re catching on. Yes, ALL governments are socialist. Just because a country may have a capitalistic economy, it doesnt mean it doesn’t have a socialist backbone. The US has a socialist backbone even though our economic system is largely private. Keyword: “largely” because our monetary system is owned by the government - a further example of socialism.
It is sad to see the almost religious hatred some Northeners have for Southern heroes of the War Between The States....usually ignorant people who have little knowledge of history.

“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.” – Thomas Jefferson

“When a government betrays the people by amassing too much power and becoming tyrannical, the people have no choice but to exercise the original rights of self defense – to fight the government.” – Alexander Hamilton

“The ultimate authority resides in the people, and that if the federal government got too powerful and overstepped its authority, then the people would develop plans of resistance and resort to arms.” – James Madison

“The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.” – Thomas Jefferson

“This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We, the people are rightful masters of both Congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We need a revolution every 200 years, because all governments become stale and corrupt after 200 years.” – Ben Franklin

“What country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let them take arms.” – Thomas Jefferson

The Southern States had every moral right to attempt to secede from a government that had become a threat to the South...using their wealth, power and greater numbers to inflict tyrannical abuse and unfairness upon the Southern People.

'Long before he ran for president, Lincoln himself had twice affirmed the right of secession and even armed revolution. His scruples changed when he came to power. Only a few weeks after taking office, he wrote an order for the arrest of Chief Justice Roger Taney, who had attacked his unconstitutional suspension of habeas corpus. His most recent biographer has said that during Lincoln’s administration there were “greater infringements on individual liberties than in any other period in American history'

The Right to Secede

The war between the states settled only proved the good guy does not always win.

BTW......The idiot that keeps saying that General Lee killed Americans and should have been hanged............failing to understand That General Grant also killed Americans and was elected President and has statues honoring him. It was a war of brother against brother....literally in many cases....families having some who fought for the North as well as some who fought for the South.............all of them deserve to be honored for fighting for their beliefs and a willingness to sacrifice their very lives for their beliefs...right or wrong...and volumes have been written and will continue to be written about who was right or wrong.
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Yeah, they gave me a subsidy, a whole $28.00 a month. WTF good is that when the policy is just as expensive as a house payment?
Why don't you tell the whole truth? Add that $28.00 to the tax credit you were eligible for
and the picture brightens considerably.

When government confiscates my money because I couldn't afford something they demanded I buy, yes, that's as Commie as you can get.
But the government knows your income. You were deemed to be at an income level that should be able to afford it...especially if you take advantage of the tax credits. But wait. .
Trump's tax proposal would eliminate that credit. Aren't you proud of him?

I doubt many Republican voters are on Commie Care so they don't have to worry about that vote
Don't be shocked when you discover that many people who voted for Trump this time around voted for Obama. Those finicky voters don't always vote along partisan lines. And the poorest among them love their new access to healthcare. Just don't tell the damn fools its Obamacare.
But in either's too late....they love it and any attempt to take it away will have dire political consequences. And if the Republicans decide to orchestrate a failure by refusing to fund the PPACA , They had better
have something to replace a Single Payer program.

They both failed me, but Democrats are the ones that created the problem in the first place. What you are trying to do is blame Republicans for not fixing the Democrat problem.

I don't see the PPACA as a problem...that's your viewpoint not mine. And yes, I do fault the Republicans for not fixing it by making it better.
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Nearly one in five millennials consider Joseph Stalin and Kim Jong Un “heroes,” according to a Thursday poll.

The poll demonstrated an increase in acceptance of socialism and communism among American millennials and was released by the Victims of Communism Memorial Fund.

One-half of millennials and one-third of Americans would prefer to reside in a socialist or communist nation instead of a capitalist democracy, according to the poll.

“One in five (23%) of Americans age 21-29 consider Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin a ‘hero’; 26% for Vladimir Lenin; 23% for Kim Jong Un,” the study notes. Furthermore, over one-fifth of millennials surveyed had a positive opinion of Karl Marx.

The study also found that 71 percent of millennials could not pinpoint communism’s definition and four-fifths of the generation did not know how many lives were lost as a result of the ideology.

Nearly 1 In 5 Millennials Consider Joseph Stalin And Kim Jong Un ‘Heroes’

The question is, how do these people form their opinions? Where do these young people (not long out of high school) get their information from?

Before any of you leftists try to discredit the report, let me remind you that Bernie Sanders is an admitted Socialist, and he was a close second for the Democrat presidential nominee. Now we find out the only reason he didn't get the nomination is because the race was fixed against him. So this poll seems to reflect the election outcome.

If people are saying they would rather live in a government system they know nothing about, it can only mean one thing, and that is they were "told" how great such a system is. Who told them that?

I'm telling ya, we really need to do something about our education and social programs, and I don't mean throw more money at it.
Daily Caller, as an example, is why your thinking is off.
I take it from the idiots mouth who Mr Orange. Don' need anyone to sugar quote it.

Give my your single best example of his quote that proves your false accusations.

NO, long list of crap, or wall of text. One clear quote with a link so I can see in in context.
Mocking a disabled person for a starter. How you gonna spin that one?

He mocked a reporter, who was attacking him.

That's not being a "bully", that is fighting back.

That's the best you got?
A 70 years old and a president to be can act like that and it's Ok? What trailer trash you live in honestly?...because where civisilized grown up people live are not supposed to act like that.

Better than letting the media act like dicks and not be called on it.

Your top example was that he mocked a handicapped person.

As though he was just mocking some random nice guy minding his own business.

SOrry, reporters don't get a pass anymore and never again.

By, "sorry", I mean I'm really fucking glad to see it begin.

FUck the media.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.
5th post
It's called the "War of Northern aggression" for a reason.

Because Southerners are stupid after centuries of inbreeding?

That's the only reason why I would call a war the South Started so a few rich people could own slaves a "war of aggression".

Some people's family trees don't fork.
Lincoln started the war, asshole. That fact is irrefutable. Lincoln invaded Virginia. The latter didn't try to attack Washington.
Why don't you tell the whole truth? Add that $28.00 to the tax credit you were eligible for
and the picture brightens considerably.

You don't get any tax credit. I trust my CPA more than you. 28 bucks is all you get hands down.

But the government knows your income. You were deemed to be at an income level that should be able to afford it...especially if you take advantage of the tax credits. But wait. .
Trump's tax proposal would eliminate that credit. Aren't you proud of him?

And that's the problem right there. Big Brother thinks they know everything. Do they know what my mortgage or rent is? do they know how much I pay for my children's college or child support? Do they know how much I pay in property taxes? Do they know how much I pay for my medical and prescriptions? Do they know how much I pay on my credit card every month or perhaps a student loan? Do they know how much I pay for house or apartment insurance? Do they know if or how much I'm paying on a second mortgage? Do they know how much my car payments are?

Government doesn't know any of these things. Big Brother says you make X, so you can afford X. So it is said--so it is written. Commies.

Don't be shocked when you discover that many people who voted for Trump this time around voted for Obama. Those finicky voters don't always vote along partisan lines. And the poorest among them love their new access to healthcare. Just don't tell the damn fools its Obamacare.
But in either's too late....they love it and any attempt to take it away will have dire political consequences. And if the Republicans decide to orchestrate a failure by refusing to fund the PPACA , They had better
have something to replace a Single Payer program.

Were you even awake during the election? What was the two largest issues Trump ran on????

I don't see the PPACA as a problem...that's your viewpoint not mine. And yes, I do fault the Republicans for not fixing it by making it better.

Yes, it's my problem and a problem for millions and millions of other Americans.
The bad news: Most millennials prefer Socialism over Capitalism.

The good news: Most millennials don't really know what Socialism and Capitalism are.
Bump stickers are doctoral dissertations compared to your argument.

For over 5 generations Americans have respected Lee as a man who did his duty as he saw it at the time.

INcluding the veterans that he fought.

I've repeatedly asked you to address that, or to explain why you are harder on him then them, but you've don't nothing but repeat your position over and over again.

Like someone that knows he can't actually explain or defend his position.

Your attempt to make this about me is noted and dismissed as just another layer of your dishonesty.

I give 3 dead flies shat others think of him. I can not make it any plainer for you. I do not like people that kill Americans. Put him on your It Rushmore for all I care, you are aloud!

I didn't say me, I was referring to 5 generations of Americans including those that fought him.

YOu are taking a far harder line than them and it is absurd of you.

I've asked you to explain that, and you have just repeated your senseless talking point over and over again like a brain damaged parrot. Who is a liar.

Jesus Christ bud it can not be made any plainer to you, I an not get behind a person that kills Americans! And I do not care what the next 5 generations think of him. He killed Americans, HD is not someone I would find honorable.

this is the 75th blue and gray reunion at Gettysburgh.


Within a few years after the war, America, including the soldiers of both sides, put that fight behind us, and accepted the heroes of both sides as our JOINT heroes of our JOINT culture.

If the veterans who fought and lost friends, family and maybe limbs could respect their former enemies

who "killed Americans"

why can't you? Why do you feel a need to try to reopen these ancient wounds?

I am not reopening a damn thing! It is MY opinion, it is what I think of the man. You have yours and god bless you for it!

You are attacking people who have a different opinion.

YOu are attacking their patriotism.

That's a fine way to reopen old wounds, if that is what you want to do.

If not, if you are trying to do something else, you are doing it very badly.
You are stupid, hence you are a Communist.

The Commander in Chief is the one who decides to go to war. Soldiers, even generals, take orders. Lincoln bears responsibility for the war he deliberately started; Lee only bears responsibility for the strategic decisions made in fighting that war.

Learn something before spouting off.

Ya that's it Lee chose to fight against his country because he was a traitor to his country. He did not have to fight for the south, HE CHOSE TO. Learn something dotard!

Your outrage over a decision made well before your grandfather was born is hard to credit.

THe Americans of the day, choose long ago to forgive and forget.

Who are you to retract their forgiveness?

Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!
Na, You don’t understand the issue. The Civil War was largely about states rights… Dumbass
10th post
Try to be less of a liar.

Definition of SOCIALISM

"any of various economic and political theories advocating collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods"

You are the liar, lefty. This Trump supporter is the one who is calling you on your bullshit.
Okay here is the keyword to pay attention to: “collective”. Another term often used is social ownership. What is the collective? The CITIZENS. If I’m wrong, explain what collective actually means because in the definition you provided it says “collective or governmental ownership”.

A school is not a "means of production".

Neither is the military or the police or a road, ect ect ect.

If the government owned the farms and the factories, that would be socialism.
That isnt what the definition refers to. It isn’t about the program itself. It refers to “ownership” and “productivity” of any program. Tax payers fund these projects and benefit from them. That is what collective or social ownership means.

That is certainly what "means of production" refers to.

Otherwise, pretty much ALL GOVERNMENTS would be socialist and what would the use of a word that makes no distinction?

What you are parroting is a lie by socialists to try to hide how radical they are.
Lol see now you’re catching on. Yes, ALL governments are socialist. Just because a country may have a capitalistic economy, it doesnt mean it doesn’t have a socialist backbone. The US has a socialist backbone even though our economic system is largely private. Keyword: “largely” because our monetary system is owned by the government - a further example of socialism.

All governments are not socialist. As I pointed out with my dictionary definition.

That you can still lie about that, after being shown the dictionary definition shows that liberals cannot be trusted on ANYTHING.
Ya that's it Lee chose to fight against his country because he was a traitor to his country. He did not have to fight for the south, HE CHOSE TO. Learn something dotard!

Your outrage over a decision made well before your grandfather was born is hard to credit.

THe Americans of the day, choose long ago to forgive and forget.

Who are you to retract their forgiveness?

Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!
Na, You don’t understand the issue. The Civil War was largely about states rights… Dumbass
The right to maintain slavery in the Southern States AND expand slavery into the Western territories...
Why must you people be proven stupid and ignorant time and time again???
Give my your single best example of his quote that proves your false accusations.

NO, long list of crap, or wall of text. One clear quote with a link so I can see in in context.
Mocking a disabled person for a starter. How you gonna spin that one?

He mocked a reporter, who was attacking him.

That's not being a "bully", that is fighting back.

That's the best you got?
A 70 years old and a president to be can act like that and it's Ok? What trailer trash you live in honestly?...because where civisilized grown up people live are not supposed to act like that.

Better than letting the media act like dicks and not be called on it.

Your top example was that he mocked a handicapped person.

As though he was just mocking some random nice guy minding his own business.

SOrry, reporters don't get a pass anymore and never again.

By, "sorry", I mean I'm really fucking glad to see it begin.

FUck the media.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.

Disabled people are people too, not delicate flowers to get a pass for everything in life.

THey get in the game, they are going to get some push back.

You guys are the bullies that want to be able to dish it out, and scream foul if anyone fights back.
Mocking a disabled person for a starter. How you gonna spin that one?

He mocked a reporter, who was attacking him.

That's not being a "bully", that is fighting back.

That's the best you got?
A 70 years old and a president to be can act like that and it's Ok? What trailer trash you live in honestly?...because where civisilized grown up people live are not supposed to act like that.

Better than letting the media act like dicks and not be called on it.

Your top example was that he mocked a handicapped person.

As though he was just mocking some random nice guy minding his own business.

SOrry, reporters don't get a pass anymore and never again.

By, "sorry", I mean I'm really fucking glad to see it begin.

FUck the media.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.

Disabled people are people too, not delicate flowers to get a pass for everything in life.

THey get in the game, they are going to get some push back.

You guys are the bullies that want to be able to dish it out, and scream foul if anyone fights back.
AKA..."yes, I'll do and say anything to excuse my stupidity for voting for a loser..."
Your outrage over a decision made well before your grandfather was born is hard to credit.

THe Americans of the day, choose long ago to forgive and forget.

Who are you to retract their forgiveness?

Stating a simple fact, not outrage, fact!

There is nothing factual about the abject ignorance you spew.

Lee fought and killed Americans, fact!
Lee, left the Union to be with the rebels, traitor, fact!
Na, You don’t understand the issue. The Civil War was largely about states rights… Dumbass
The right to maintain slavery in the Southern States AND expand slavery into the Western territories...
Why must you people be proven stupid and ignorant time and time again???

Aldo agreed with their legal right to do that.

Have you ever joined an organization, and AFTER you joined, they informed you that you were a member for life now, and could never leave under pain of death?
15th post
He mocked a reporter, who was attacking him.

That's not being a "bully", that is fighting back.

That's the best you got?
A 70 years old and a president to be can act like that and it's Ok? What trailer trash you live in honestly?...because where civisilized grown up people live are not supposed to act like that.

Better than letting the media act like dicks and not be called on it.

Your top example was that he mocked a handicapped person.

As though he was just mocking some random nice guy minding his own business.

SOrry, reporters don't get a pass anymore and never again.

By, "sorry", I mean I'm really fucking glad to see it begin.

FUck the media.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.

Disabled people are people too, not delicate flowers to get a pass for everything in life.

THey get in the game, they are going to get some push back.

You guys are the bullies that want to be able to dish it out, and scream foul if anyone fights back.
AKA..."yes, I'll do and say anything to excuse my stupidity for voting for a loser..."

Mmm, nothing in your post addressed anything I said in my post.

THat makes you The Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, and a dumb ass punk.
A 70 years old and a president to be can act like that and it's Ok? What trailer trash you live in honestly?...because where civisilized grown up people live are not supposed to act like that.

Better than letting the media act like dicks and not be called on it.

Your top example was that he mocked a handicapped person.

As though he was just mocking some random nice guy minding his own business.

SOrry, reporters don't get a pass anymore and never again.

By, "sorry", I mean I'm really fucking glad to see it begin.

FUck the media.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.

Disabled people are people too, not delicate flowers to get a pass for everything in life.

THey get in the game, they are going to get some push back.

You guys are the bullies that want to be able to dish it out, and scream foul if anyone fights back.
AKA..."yes, I'll do and say anything to excuse my stupidity for voting for a loser..."

Mmm, nothing in your post addressed anything I said in my post.

THat makes you The Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, and a dumb ass punk.
As soon as you roll out the "State's Right" out yourself as being dumber than a frozen hemorrhoid...
Better than letting the media act like dicks and not be called on it.

Your top example was that he mocked a handicapped person.

As though he was just mocking some random nice guy minding his own business.

SOrry, reporters don't get a pass anymore and never again.

By, "sorry", I mean I'm really fucking glad to see it begin.

FUck the media.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.

Disabled people are people too, not delicate flowers to get a pass for everything in life.

THey get in the game, they are going to get some push back.

You guys are the bullies that want to be able to dish it out, and scream foul if anyone fights back.
AKA..."yes, I'll do and say anything to excuse my stupidity for voting for a loser..."

Mmm, nothing in your post addressed anything I said in my post.

THat makes you The Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, and a dumb ass punk.
As soon as you roll out the "State's Right" out yourself as being dumber than a frozen hemorrhoid...

Says the guy too stupid to answer a simple question.
No moral compass I get it. I'm sorry I can' stand low lives, bullies and punks. One just doesn' mock a disabled person media or non not a human thing to do....the person who does that is simply a low life punk.

Disabled people are people too, not delicate flowers to get a pass for everything in life.

THey get in the game, they are going to get some push back.

You guys are the bullies that want to be able to dish it out, and scream foul if anyone fights back.
AKA..."yes, I'll do and say anything to excuse my stupidity for voting for a loser..."

Mmm, nothing in your post addressed anything I said in my post.

THat makes you The Logical Fallacy of Proof by Assertion, and a dumb ass punk.
As soon as you roll out the "State's Right" out yourself as being dumber than a frozen hemorrhoid...

Says the guy too stupid to answer a simple question.
Says the guy stupid enough to be duped by the "State's Rights" bullshit...

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