NAZI Gets Sucker Punched

You know, although I don't think walking around with a swastika armband is a good idea because of things like this, I also don't think that someone deserves to be physically assaulted for what they are wearing.

Yeah, wearing a swastika is deplorable, and yeah, it represents one of the worst periods of humanity, but assault is against the law.

Yes, I think the person that hit the dude with the armband should be brought up on charges.
Damn! That fucker went down quick. That's the thing with punches to the face, one punch landed in just the right way can knock someone out instantly or even cause permanent damage. Yeah, he should be charged with assault, but I ain't gonna shed a tear if he isn't.
The State must arrest, and investigate to see if charges are warrented(.)
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Of course he should be charged, but I'm sure the guy thought it through first. I'm sure he asked himself whether or not punching this guy was worth it. Same with the guy wearing the arm band. If you aren't prepared for the possibility of being punched in the face then don't don't wear the arm band.
People are intolerant.
Sucking dick, hating skin color, hating religion etc etc is not worthy of violence. Humans are such savages.
If the guy in the armband wants to press charges, and the person that threw the punch is identified, yes. At least from the video, that's an assault. I don't feel particularly bad for the guy who got knocked out, but it's still an assault.

I doubt an assault charge would result in much in the way of punishment, though.
Sounds like a set up that worked perfectly. One more leftist off the streets. That was a brave thing to do.
True, assault is assault, but if you're going to walk around with a Nazi armband, you're asking for it. It's the equivalent of mouthing off to a drunk in a bar. Fight's gonna happen. So you run to the police all surprised about it?
I wouldn't.
If the guy in the armband wants to press charges, and the person that threw the punch is identified, yes. At least from the video, that's an assault. I don't feel particularly bad for the guy who got knocked out, but it's still an assault.

I doubt an assault charge would result in much in the way of punishment, though.

Probably so as the Obama tainted court system lingers. However a guilty verdict would weigh heavily in the sure-to-follow multi-million dollar civil suit.
Let's just pass a law that allows Antifa thugs to assault Nazis at will and Nazi thugs to attack Antifas at will.

They both get what they want and decent people don't have to worry about getting involved. We might get lucky and they wipe each other from the face of the earth.
You know, although I don't think walking around with a swastika armband is a good idea because of things like this, I also don't think that someone deserves to be physically assaulted for what they are wearing.

Yeah, wearing a swastika is deplorable, and yeah, it represents one of the worst periods of humanity, but assault is against the law.

Yes, I think the person that hit the dude with the armband should be brought up on charges.

That's a felony that should be punished. However, if he had used a bicycle lock, it would have been legal 'cause it's a liberal tactic..
This was not a situation where he was just seen and punched out. He was hunted and attacked. Hope punching him out felt good because it's all caught on video and the Nazi was not attacking anyone. So some one is going to do some time.
I don't think he deserved to get punched for wearing that, but I can't understand what was said before he got punched.

Something or other about "nation", then he says "They deserve to" and I'm not sure what he says after that, maybe "mock her"?? Although I think it's something else.
So a guy in Seattle was walking around with a Nazi arm-band and gets assaulted. Now, this is a tough one for me because I do not agree with white supremacists however there are laws. I think the guy the threw the punch should be charged with assault. Opinions?

VIDEO: Man With Nazi Armband Takes Knockout Punch to the Face in Seattle
How is that a sucker punch? They were face to face. Looks like s clean punch to me.

The 'Nazi' had his hands up. How was that not a sucker punch? In any case you didn't say if you think the guy who threw the punch should be charged with assault.

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