Navy SEAL commander who handled the Bin Laden raid says that the country is under attack from Trump


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
. They are always flip flopping. One day they feel like a woman next day a man.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
I am, but we made our bed have to finish what we started. I know you don’t give a shit about the Kurds, but ISIS will only grow stronger from here on out.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.
That's easy. How does being a Navy Seal make him an expert on politics, government or the Constitution?
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
I am, but we made our bed have to finish what we started. I know you don’t give a shit about the Kurds, but ISIS will only grow stronger from here on out.
Do you want to stay in the middle east? I understand the Kurds. We have screwed people over before. But then again how long do you back them up? Is it a year? Is it 5 years? Is it a decade? Is it 20 years? How about 30 years? 50 years? How much does it cost? We are with NATO and we see you want us to pay for them now. We are at the DMZ since the early 1950's. Should we let Japan nuclearize? There is more.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
I am, but we made our bed have to finish what we started. I know you don’t give a shit about the Kurds, but ISIS will only grow stronger from here on out.
I certainly didn't make that bed. You want to fight in Syria? Then go to Syria and fight. Keep me out of it.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
I am, but we made our bed have to finish what we started. I know you don’t give a shit about the Kurds, but ISIS will only grow stronger from here on out.

Good I hope they attack the illegal killer rapist Mexicans in California.

McRaven is a raving TDSer. CNN writes in an Op-Ed:

"If Democrats want a trump card against Trump, they should consider McRaven as a candidate for the presidency in 2020. For one thing, he's an actual American hero. When it comes to the military, Trump blusters or throws tantrums at or about them. But McRaven took out targets. That's a contrast that would work decisively in McRaven's favor."

McRaven for president in 2020 (opinion) - CNN

Read the link if you have already eaten dinner. It's disgusting Democrat propaganda from CNN.

Here's a sample:

"That, along with the impressive showing of democratic socialist Bernie Sanders, made it clear: In politics, populism has become the name of the game in America.

And with democratic socialist candidate Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's stunning upset over 10-term Democrat Joe Crowley in New York's 14th Congressional District in June, many Democrats are convinced they need to field a presidential candidate from the populist left to fire up the base in 2020"

Jesus, they are sooooo lost.
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Trump loves the military, and the military loves him back... until they don't like Kelly, McMaster, Mattis, McRaven, etc. and suddenly they are all idiots and over-rated to Trump and losers with TDS to Trump supporters.

If you added up the achievements of these guys... dear lord. This conversation is just ridiculous. I think it is pretty obvious now that either Mattis or Kelly wrote that anonymous letter to the New York Times. Kelly has already admitted that he had to tell Trump all the time that he couldn't do stuff because it was just illegal. How sad is that? He said Trump wouldn't read anything, and when there was a problem he would just blurt out something and they would have to tell him it wouldn't work, why it wouldn't work, and many times they COULDN'T do it because it was illegal. So I think we also now know it is true that Rex Tillerson called Trump a moron.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

They won't have his on Fox TV or mention his name.
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
I am, but we made our bed have to finish what we started. I know you don’t give a shit about the Kurds, but ISIS will only grow stronger from here on out.
Billy, I actually admire your patriotism and concern for the Kurds...

Should we start a "Go Fund Me" page to buy you a ticket to Syria (since the airlines won't accept your food stamps), where you can do your part in this???
This is coming from an actual hero in the military and not a pussy who dodged ‘Nam by making up a medical condition as the reason. He reminds us that basic human empathy is important and that it doesn’t make the US look weak.

Former top Navy SEAL who oversaw the Osama bin Laden raid says the US is 'under attack from the president'

It’ll be hysterical to hear republicans try to make his opinion seem illegitimate. Maybe if Bin Laden was killed under Bush instead of Obama they wouldn’t bother being so goddamn petty.

Soooooo, he's upset that trump is preventing us from being the world's policeman.

Huh....I thought you were tired of US involvement overseas.

What a two faced hypocritical ass you turn out to be
I am, but we made our bed have to finish what we started. I know you don’t give a shit about the Kurds, but ISIS will only grow stronger from here on out.
Billy, I actually admire your patriotism and concern for the Kurds...

Should we start a "Go Fund Me" page to buy you a ticket to Syria (since the airlines won't accept your food stamps), where you can do your part in this???

Tramp is taking the military out of Syria and sending them to Saudi Arabia? They pay better.

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