Natl Emergency Distraction What Dems Need To Push Catch & Release Pro-Illegal Immigration Expansion


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Less Detention Beds To Lower / Limit # of Illegals ICE Can Detain / Deport

Expands Catch-And-Release

Make no mistake, this is a PRO-ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION Bill:

spending package provides the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency with less detention space to house border crossers and illegal aliens, funding about 40,250 beds rather than the 52,000 beds that Trump had requested. This is about the same level of detention space that is currently funded and that which ICE officials have said is not sufficient.

Due to the massive number of illegal aliens in the U.S. — around 12 to 22 million — and roughly 1,300 new border crossers coming to the country every day,
ICE officials have had to routinely exceed this 40,250 bed limit. (That's 474,500 Illegals entering the US ever year.)

This has caused the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to release thousands of illegal aliens into the interior of the country. In the first two weeks of January, DHS officials released about 2,000 border crossers into the U.S. due to the lack of detention space, a glimpse into what Catch and Release will continue to be should Trump sign off on the GOP-Democrat spending bill."

A bill being pushed by Democrats (and moronically agreed to by GOP idiots) creating LESS ICE bed-space is an INTENTIONAL ACT designed to result in even MORE illegals having to be released into the genral US populace.

--- And HOW is that supposed to be the Democrats NOT standing with Illegals and seeking to STOP the # of illegals in this country?

The Bill also calls for funding on an Ankle Monitor Tracking system for released Illegals despite officials warning Congress of their ineffectiveness (doesn't work).

GOP/Dem Deal: Less Detention of Illegals, Expanded Catch and Release

Some politician needs to write a 1-Page Bill and submit it for passage into law that simply states:

'I, the United States Government, to include all Federally Elected Politicians who continue to spend money that does not even exist, do solemnly acknowledge the fact that we - the United States Government - is BROKE....BEYOND BANKRUPT, in TRILLIONS of Dollars in Debt. I acknowledge we have wasted Trillions of dollars in tax payer dollars for personal, party and benefit of friends and families.'

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