Nation's largest health insurer about to exit obamacare???!!!

If the RWNJ states would have cooperated just a little, it could have been better than it is. Unfortunately, they cared more about opposing our president than they care about the people.

They didn't vote for it. They didn't sign it into law.

Yup - Not a single repub voted for this mess when it passed in 2010. They knew it was going to implode.

But it didn't implode. The right did succeed in making it less effective and denied decent healthcare to some, but that is all they did.
Good. We're getting closer to single payer every day. It's good to know the right can't do anything to stop it. After all, the voted to kill Obamacare more than 50 times.

After govt failed with obamacare you think america wants MORE govt involvement in health care.? THINK

But the majority opposed Obamacare as well.

They no longer need our consent.
Good. We're getting closer to single payer every day. It's good to know the right can't do anything to stop it. After all, the voted to kill Obamacare more than 50 times.

After govt failed with obamacare you think america wants MORE govt involvement in health care.? THINK

But the majority opposed Obamacare as well.

They no longer need our consent.

A large percentage of those opposed thought it didn't go far enough. There were very few who didn't want any healthcare program.
Good. We're getting closer to single payer every day. It's good to know the right can't do anything to stop it. After all, the voted to kill Obamacare more than 50 times.

After govt failed with obamacare you think america wants MORE govt involvement in health care.? THINK

But the majority opposed Obamacare as well.

They no longer need our consent.

A large percentage of those opposed thought it didn't go far enough. There were very few who didn't want any healthcare program.

Like I said, they no longer need our consent.

Thanks for proving my point.
Good. We're getting closer to single payer every day. It's good to know the right can't do anything to stop it. After all, the voted to kill Obamacare more than 50 times.

After govt failed with obamacare you think america wants MORE govt involvement in health care.? THINK

But the majority opposed Obamacare as well.

They no longer need our consent.

A large percentage of those opposed thought it didn't go far enough. There were very few who didn't want any healthcare program.

Like I said, they no longer need our consent.

Thanks for proving my point.

Is it your perception that this is the exception to the way things run in this country, or is it just that this one annoys you?

What's your insurance status?
Progressivism 101
Use government regulations to create an imbalance in the marketplace. Proclaim that the only way to fix the problem is with a government program. After that program creates dozens of new problems, create a whole new government program to solve them. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The imbalance was created when for-profit insurers entered the market.

That is something only a simpleton would believe.
Progressivism 101
Use government regulations to create an imbalance in the marketplace. Proclaim that the only way to fix the problem is with a government program. After that program creates dozens of new problems, create a whole new government program to solve them. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The imbalance was created when for-profit insurers entered the market.

That is something only a simpleton would believe.

If by "simpleton," you mean "someone familiar with the history of health insurance in the U.S.," you're correct.

If you mean something else, you'll refute my statement.
Back to the thread!

Largest Private Health Insurer Quitting ObamaCare


What does that mean? Another cut in the side of the massive elephant in our midst?

Translation: UHC is losing money by the truckload on O-Care policies and is looking to cut its losses, just like the smaller competitors that preceded them out the individual market door:

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Largest Private Health Insurer Quitting ObamaCare
Back to the thread!

Largest Private Health Insurer Quitting ObamaCare


What does that mean? Another cut in the side of the massive elephant in our midst?

Translation: UHC is losing money by the truckload on O-Care policies and is looking to cut its losses, just like the smaller competitors that preceded them out the individual market door:

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Largest Private Health Insurer Quitting ObamaCare

Another blog...and you might not want to use "elephant" as a's your party's logo.

Unless you mean that when we transition to single payer it will destroy the GOP.
Progressivism 101
Use government regulations to create an imbalance in the marketplace. Proclaim that the only way to fix the problem is with a government program. After that program creates dozens of new problems, create a whole new government program to solve them. Wash, rinse, repeat.

The imbalance was created when for-profit insurers entered the market.

That is something only a simpleton would believe.

If by "simpleton," you mean "someone familiar with the history of health insurance in the U.S.," you're correct.

If you mean something else, you'll refute my statement.

I am more than happy to read your explanation that - "for-proift" insurers created an imbalance in the healthcare market. I could use a good laugh. Have at it.
I am more than happy to read your explanation that - "for-proift" insurers created an imbalance in the healthcare market. I could use a good laugh. Have at it.

Judging from your sarcasm, I'm guessing you don't even know that the "Blues" began as nonprofits.
Back to the thread!

Largest Private Health Insurer Quitting ObamaCare


What does that mean? Another cut in the side of the massive elephant in our midst?

Translation: UHC is losing money by the truckload on O-Care policies and is looking to cut its losses, just like the smaller competitors that preceded them out the individual market door:

Read more @ Political Pistachio: Largest Private Health Insurer Quitting ObamaCare

Another blog...and you might not want to use "elephant" as a's your party's logo.

Unless you mean that when we transition to single payer it will destroy the GOP.

So - what's wrong with a blog? Especially when it links to a "valid" source?

You are so brainwashed that you can't recognize truth when it hits you in the face.
If the RWNJ states would have cooperated just a little, it could have been better than it is. Unfortunately, they cared more about opposing our president than they care about the people.

They didn't vote for it. They didn't sign it into law.

Yup - Not a single repub voted for this mess when it passed in 2010. They knew it was going to implode.
They, most of them at least, voted against it for purely partisan reasons. ACA was essentially the same legislation Republicans would have produced if they'd been in charge. So I give them little to no credit for their opposition.


But the Democrats had control of Congress and the White House. They got the law they wanted. For apologists to claim otherwise, for them to blame the flaws of ACA on those who didn't vote for it, is pathetic.

That's a convenient dodge. There's this thing called "compromise." You'd have to look at the process over the lifetime of the bill (no different than most bills, really) to see what it began as and how it ended up and why.

What's to dodge? How and why ACA ended up a piece of shit is irrelevant. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was all the Republicans' fault. Maybe they got together with the insurance lobby and tricked the Democrats into writing a bad bill. But they weren't responsible for voting it into law. The Democrats could have stood up to the Republicans and health care lobby, but they didn't. The President could have vetoed the bill, but he didn't. The Democrats own ACA now, warts and all.
If the RWNJ states would have cooperated just a little, it could have been better than it is. Unfortunately, they cared more about opposing our president than they care about the people.

They didn't vote for it. They didn't sign it into law.

Yup - Not a single repub voted for this mess when it passed in 2010. They knew it was going to implode.
They, most of them at least, voted against it for purely partisan reasons. ACA was essentially the same legislation Republicans would have produced if they'd been in charge. So I give them little to no credit for their opposition.


But the Democrats had control of Congress and the White House. They got the law they wanted. For apologists to claim otherwise, for them to blame the flaws of ACA on those who didn't vote for it, is pathetic.

That's a convenient dodge. There's this thing called "compromise." You'd have to look at the process over the lifetime of the bill (no different than most bills, really) to see what it began as and how it ended up and why.

What's to dodge? How and why ACA ended up a piece of shit is irrelevant. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was all the Republicans' fault. Maybe they got together with the insurance lobby and tricked the Democrats into writing a bad bill. But they weren't responsible for voting it into law. The Democrats could have stood up to the Republicans and health care lobby, but they didn't. The President could have vetoed the bill, but he didn't. The Democrats own ACA now, warts and all.

Again, the initial bill was not "bad."

And there's something called "compromise" that goes into the formulation of every law. The problem in recent years has been Tea Party politicians convincing themselves (and their constituents) that compromise means "We do things my way or I shut the government down."
They didn't vote for it. They didn't sign it into law.

Yup - Not a single repub voted for this mess when it passed in 2010. They knew it was going to implode.
They, most of them at least, voted against it for purely partisan reasons. ACA was essentially the same legislation Republicans would have produced if they'd been in charge. So I give them little to no credit for their opposition.


But the Democrats had control of Congress and the White House. They got the law they wanted. For apologists to claim otherwise, for them to blame the flaws of ACA on those who didn't vote for it, is pathetic.

That's a convenient dodge. There's this thing called "compromise." You'd have to look at the process over the lifetime of the bill (no different than most bills, really) to see what it began as and how it ended up and why.

What's to dodge? How and why ACA ended up a piece of shit is irrelevant. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was all the Republicans' fault. Maybe they got together with the insurance lobby and tricked the Democrats into writing a bad bill. But they weren't responsible for voting it into law. The Democrats could have stood up to the Republicans and health care lobby, but they didn't. The President could have vetoed the bill, but he didn't. The Democrats own ACA now, warts and all.

Again, the initial bill was not "bad."

And there's something called "compromise" that goes into the formulation of every law. The problem in recent years has been Tea Party politicians convincing themselves (and their constituents) that compromise means "We do things my way or I shut the government down."

Gee whiz. That sounds like Dingy Harry and Queen Nancy,
Yup - Not a single repub voted for this mess when it passed in 2010. They knew it was going to implode.
They, most of them at least, voted against it for purely partisan reasons. ACA was essentially the same legislation Republicans would have produced if they'd been in charge. So I give them little to no credit for their opposition.


But the Democrats had control of Congress and the White House. They got the law they wanted. For apologists to claim otherwise, for them to blame the flaws of ACA on those who didn't vote for it, is pathetic.

That's a convenient dodge. There's this thing called "compromise." You'd have to look at the process over the lifetime of the bill (no different than most bills, really) to see what it began as and how it ended up and why.

What's to dodge? How and why ACA ended up a piece of shit is irrelevant. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was all the Republicans' fault. Maybe they got together with the insurance lobby and tricked the Democrats into writing a bad bill. But they weren't responsible for voting it into law. The Democrats could have stood up to the Republicans and health care lobby, but they didn't. The President could have vetoed the bill, but he didn't. The Democrats own ACA now, warts and all.

Again, the initial bill was not "bad."

And there's something called "compromise" that goes into the formulation of every law. The problem in recent years has been Tea Party politicians convincing themselves (and their constituents) that compromise means "We do things my way or I shut the government down."

Gee whiz. That sounds like Dingy Harry and Queen Nancy,

I'm not familiar with all of the dramatis personae in the Tea Party, only the ones that make the most noise.
They, most of them at least, voted against it for purely partisan reasons. ACA was essentially the same legislation Republicans would have produced if they'd been in charge. So I give them little to no credit for their opposition.


But the Democrats had control of Congress and the White House. They got the law they wanted. For apologists to claim otherwise, for them to blame the flaws of ACA on those who didn't vote for it, is pathetic.

That's a convenient dodge. There's this thing called "compromise." You'd have to look at the process over the lifetime of the bill (no different than most bills, really) to see what it began as and how it ended up and why.

What's to dodge? How and why ACA ended up a piece of shit is irrelevant. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was all the Republicans' fault. Maybe they got together with the insurance lobby and tricked the Democrats into writing a bad bill. But they weren't responsible for voting it into law. The Democrats could have stood up to the Republicans and health care lobby, but they didn't. The President could have vetoed the bill, but he didn't. The Democrats own ACA now, warts and all.

Again, the initial bill was not "bad."

And there's something called "compromise" that goes into the formulation of every law. The problem in recent years has been Tea Party politicians convincing themselves (and their constituents) that compromise means "We do things my way or I shut the government down."

Gee whiz. That sounds like Dingy Harry and Queen Nancy,

I'm not familiar with all of the dramatis personae in the Tea Party, only the ones that make the most noise.

What you Libtards love to ignore is that THERE IS NO TEA PARTY!!!!!

There are small groups of Americans all across this country who are fed up with the attacks upon the foundations of this nation and their freedoms.

There are small groups of Americans all across this country who are fed up with the attacks upon the foundations of this nation and their freedoms.

As distinct from the GOP, no, there is no Tea Party. Just a subset of Republicans who ran on the premise "Put me in government and I'll shut down government," and tools like you who voted for them because they didn't see the disconnect.

Get back to me when you've figured out that there's no "Democrat party."
They didn't vote for it. They didn't sign it into law.

Yup - Not a single repub voted for this mess when it passed in 2010. They knew it was going to implode.
They, most of them at least, voted against it for purely partisan reasons. ACA was essentially the same legislation Republicans would have produced if they'd been in charge. So I give them little to no credit for their opposition.


But the Democrats had control of Congress and the White House. They got the law they wanted. For apologists to claim otherwise, for them to blame the flaws of ACA on those who didn't vote for it, is pathetic.

That's a convenient dodge. There's this thing called "compromise." You'd have to look at the process over the lifetime of the bill (no different than most bills, really) to see what it began as and how it ended up and why.

What's to dodge? How and why ACA ended up a piece of shit is irrelevant. Maybe you're right. Maybe it was all the Republicans' fault. Maybe they got together with the insurance lobby and tricked the Democrats into writing a bad bill. But they weren't responsible for voting it into law. The Democrats could have stood up to the Republicans and health care lobby, but they didn't. The President could have vetoed the bill, but he didn't. The Democrats own ACA now, warts and all.

Again, the initial bill was not "bad."
Again, that's irrelevant. The final bill was bad. Democrats voted for, and Obama signed into law. No 'dodge' can deny that.

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