NASA: We'll find alien life in 10 to 20 years

Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.
Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I expect that within my lifetime, we will find a solar system with a planet with an atmosphere with free oxygen in it. That will be proof of life on that planet. That alone will change the paradigm of many peoples thinking concerning our place in the universe. I would not be surprised if in my lifetime we find evidence of a technological specie in another solar system. That will really create some problems for certain religious sets of mind.

Why do you believe that?

Wouldn't not an atmosphere with CO2 be more of an indication of life then O2?
Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

I don't believe that to be true. Look at what we do with advanced weapon systems.
Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


I keep hearing this. The "The Men in Black" story in my opinion. What better way to make circumstantial evidence sound more believable if someone, unnamed and unknown comes pays you a visit and tell you to shut up. Of course you don't and nothing happens so I suspect this is just part of the story line.

I am not arguing with you but why would they not want us to know? Fear? They, they being those who are really in control apparently, like to use fear as a means of control. What do you think is their motive?

Believe me I am not arguing but I have come down to where I want REAL pictures not blurry BS pictures. I want a track in the ground. I want something tangible.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

I don't believe that to be true. Look at what we do with advanced weapon systems.
That were not perfect means we havent moved away from violence AT ALL?

Not true.

If we used advanced weapons as often as we used hatchets and shit like barbarians.....the world would literally be over.

Thats a pretty compelling piece of evidence in my favor.
Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason not to expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away. This is the very theme of Greg Bear's book "The Forge of God".

Just heard on the radio, a spokesperson for NASA say that the life we will find will be simple life, as opposed to sentient life.

Damn, sometimes I get bored being right all the time.

You just know they clarified it because some fool somewhere was liquidating his life savings and freaking out about flying saucers. :)
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I expect that within my lifetime, we will find a solar system with a planet with an atmosphere with free oxygen in it. That will be proof of life on that planet. That alone will change the paradigm of many peoples thinking concerning our place in the universe. I would not be surprised if in my lifetime we find evidence of a technological specie in another solar system. That will really create some problems for certain religious sets of mind.

Why do you believe that?

Wouldn't not an atmosphere with CO2 be more of an indication of life then O2?

If that were the case, Mars and Venus would be teaming with life.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason to not expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away.
Theres a difference between intelligent life and non.

And the more intelligent we become, the further humans, as opposed to governments, are moving away from violence. Thats a fact.

And the days of empires conquering empires as a matter of outspoken goal are over. They may be doing it on the sly, but they cant in an outspoken way because humans dont support it any longer. Thats not even debatable.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason not to expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away. This is the very theme of Greg Bear's book "The Forge of God".

Greg Bear's my favourite sci-fi author for "Eon."
Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


I keep hearing this. The "The Men in Black" story in my opinion. What better way to make circumstantial evidence sound more believable if someone, unnamed and unknown comes pays you a visit and tell you to shut up. Of course you don't and nothing happens so I suspect this is just part of the story line.

I am not arguing with you but why would they not want us to know? Fear? They, they being those who are really in control apparently, like to use fear as a means of control. What do you think is their motive?

Believe me I am not arguing but I have come down to where I want REAL pictures not blurry BS pictures. I want a track in the ground. I want something tangible.
The people who have the most to lose are religious leaders. This isn't an anti-religion rant, it's just a point. Finding life - especially some kind of sentient life - on another planet would at least shake the faith of many people. They would need to re-calibrate their entire, deeply-held worldview, and that may or may not work out well.

The mostly likely scientific scenario, I'd think, is that we're ultimately going to find of microbic life flourishing in several places within our own solar system. Religion will have to explain that and the very high probability of life elsewhere. I'd think faith can be a shaky thing, and that adds a pretty hefty measure of risk to the faith equation.

Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason to not expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away.
Theres a difference between intelligent life and non.

And the more intelligent we become, the further humans, as opposed to governments, are moving away from violence. Thats a fact.

And the days of empires conquering empires as a matter of outspoken goal are over. They may be doing it on the sly, but they cant in an outspoken way because humans dont support it any longer. Thats not even debatable.

In the 21st century, there is no evidence at all that that is true. With 30,000 gun deaths each year in the U.S. alone, how do you suppose that we, for instance, are becoming LESS violent?

The fact is that life on Earth, all life, is very violent by nature. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there is no reason to suppose that that isn't the case everywhere in the universe.
Should reverse the budgets for NASA and the DoD. Quit being a dick to the middle east and you don't need to spend as much on defnese since not as many are wishing you ill.
We still have far too many people on this planet who would rather blow each other up than reach for the stars.


Some of them sadly are posting in this thread. They really believe humanity should go back to goat herding and do what the Taliban does. I find it disgusting. One of the reasons I didn't like interstellar is it reminded me just how fucked my species really is as most of the world just chose to stay in die on this little planet rather then do a damn thing to save our own ass. Sadly, If the shit hit the fan it wouldn't be like start trek but this movie. That makes me angry as we could do so much better.
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


I keep hearing this. The "The Men in Black" story in my opinion. What better way to make circumstantial evidence sound more believable if someone, unnamed and unknown comes pays you a visit and tell you to shut up. Of course you don't and nothing happens so I suspect this is just part of the story line.

I am not arguing with you but why would they not want us to know? Fear? They, they being those who are really in control apparently, like to use fear as a means of control. What do you think is their motive?

Believe me I am not arguing but I have come down to where I want REAL pictures not blurry BS pictures. I want a track in the ground. I want something tangible.
The people who have the most to lose are religious leaders. This isn't an anti-religion rant, it's just a point. Finding life - especially some kind of sentient life - on another planet would at least shake the faith of some people. They would need to re-calibrate their entire, deeply-held worldview, and that may or may not work out well.

The mostly likely scientific scenario, I'd think, is that we're ultimately going to find of microbic life flourishing in several places within our own solar system. Religion will have to explain that and the very high probability of life elsewhere. I'd think faith can be a shaky thing, and that adds a pretty hefty measure of risk to the faith equation.


Wouldn't only effect some of the dumber Christians and young earth types.

"The discovery of aliens wouldn't effect Judaism any more than the discovery of a new species of rabbit." :)
There are many people who don't want us to find alien life, and they have a lot of influence.


As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason to not expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away.
Theres a difference between intelligent life and non.

And the more intelligent we become, the further humans, as opposed to governments, are moving away from violence. Thats a fact.

And the days of empires conquering empires as a matter of outspoken goal are over. They may be doing it on the sly, but they cant in an outspoken way because humans dont support it any longer. Thats not even debatable.

In the 21st century, there is no evidence at all that that is true. With 30,000 gun deaths each year in the U.S. alone, how do you suppose that we, for instance, are becoming LESS violent?

The fact is that life on Earth, all life, is very violent by nature. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there is no reason to suppose that that isn't the case everywhere in the universe.
How do i suppose?

Because its proven statistically.
As for finding intelligent life like our own or more advanced, I highly recommend that everyone read "The Force Of God" by Greg Bear. Not only is it highly entertaining, but it gives one thought to consider the possible consequences of interaction with such advance alien species. He also has a sequel (Anvil Of Stars) that touches on many ethical issues.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason to not expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away.
Theres a difference between intelligent life and non.

And the more intelligent we become, the further humans, as opposed to governments, are moving away from violence. Thats a fact.

And the days of empires conquering empires as a matter of outspoken goal are over. They may be doing it on the sly, but they cant in an outspoken way because humans dont support it any longer. Thats not even debatable.

In the 21st century, there is no evidence at all that that is true. With 30,000 gun deaths each year in the U.S. alone, how do you suppose that we, for instance, are becoming LESS violent?

The fact is that life on Earth, all life, is very violent by nature. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there is no reason to suppose that that isn't the case everywhere in the universe.
How do i suppose?

Because its proven statistically.

Erm, what is proven statistically? Look, here's what you need to do to understand my thesis. Look at the fossil record from as far back as you like all the way up to modern biological times, and what do you see? You see relentless evolution of predation simultaneously with relentless evolution of prey. There is no time in Earth's ecological history where this is not true. And humans are no different. We are, in fact, at the very top of the food chain. And I can almost guarantee that there are intelligent predators out there in the universe far and above more advanced than we are. In fact, I'd be utterly shocked if there wasn't. Why? On Earth, the most intelligent life forms, including human beings, are predators. Bar none.
I don't think I subscribe to the theories that if they're more advanced than us, they'd be hostile.

I feel that the more intelligent we become, the less hostile.

Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason to not expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away.
Theres a difference between intelligent life and non.

And the more intelligent we become, the further humans, as opposed to governments, are moving away from violence. Thats a fact.

And the days of empires conquering empires as a matter of outspoken goal are over. They may be doing it on the sly, but they cant in an outspoken way because humans dont support it any longer. Thats not even debatable.

In the 21st century, there is no evidence at all that that is true. With 30,000 gun deaths each year in the U.S. alone, how do you suppose that we, for instance, are becoming LESS violent?

The fact is that life on Earth, all life, is very violent by nature. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there is no reason to suppose that that isn't the case everywhere in the universe.
How do i suppose?

Because its proven statistically.

Erm, what is proven statistically? Look, here's what you need to do to understand my thesis. Look at the fossil record from as far back as you like all the way up to modern biological times, and what do you see? You see relentless evolution of predation simultaneously with relentless evolution of prey. There is no time in Earth's ecological history where this is not true. And humans are no different. We are, in fact, at the very top of the food chain. And I can almost guarantee that there are intelligent predators out there in the universe far and above more advanced than we are. In fact, I'd be utterly shocked if there wasn't. Why? On Earth, the most intelligent life forms, including human beings, are predators. Bar none.
We dont kill intelligent beings. The only other ones basically on earth are whales, dolphins and monkeys. And we dont kill them (legally).

And statistically, "humans killing humans" has been on a downward trend. That is all the proof needed to support my theory.

We become more intelligent, we kill less intelligent beings. It becomes considered more and more abhorrent. Thats why bibles had to amend themselves from stoning women and burning witches.

Thats why there are laws against murder.

Thats why we dont execute via cruel and unusual punishment

We progress toward a more nonviolent being consistently. Facts. Data. All support this.
Well, this is how I see it. We are the most intelligent life form on planet Earth, and we are nothing, if not hostile to other species, and especially to ourselves. In fact, the entire history of life on Earth is one of an arms race, with predators evolving better ways to capture prey while prey evolve better ways to evade them. If the laws of physics and natural selection is universal, there is no reason to not expect there to be all sorts of "lions, tigers, and bears" out there from which we should shy away.
Theres a difference between intelligent life and non.

And the more intelligent we become, the further humans, as opposed to governments, are moving away from violence. Thats a fact.

And the days of empires conquering empires as a matter of outspoken goal are over. They may be doing it on the sly, but they cant in an outspoken way because humans dont support it any longer. Thats not even debatable.

In the 21st century, there is no evidence at all that that is true. With 30,000 gun deaths each year in the U.S. alone, how do you suppose that we, for instance, are becoming LESS violent?

The fact is that life on Earth, all life, is very violent by nature. It's a dog eat dog world out there, and there is no reason to suppose that that isn't the case everywhere in the universe.
How do i suppose?

Because its proven statistically.

Erm, what is proven statistically? Look, here's what you need to do to understand my thesis. Look at the fossil record from as far back as you like all the way up to modern biological times, and what do you see? You see relentless evolution of predation simultaneously with relentless evolution of prey. There is no time in Earth's ecological history where this is not true. And humans are no different. We are, in fact, at the very top of the food chain. And I can almost guarantee that there are intelligent predators out there in the universe far and above more advanced than we are. In fact, I'd be utterly shocked if there wasn't. Why? On Earth, the most intelligent life forms, including human beings, are predators. Bar none.
We dont kill intelligent beings. The only other ones basically on earth are whales, dolphins and monkeys. And we dont kill them (legally).

Dude, we have been killing them for millennia.

And statistically, "humans killing humans" has been on a downward trend. That is all the proof needed to support my theory.

Wars ebb and flow. War in Afghanistan alone has killed nearly 2,000,000 people since its start in 1978. The Syrian civil war has killed over 200,000 in four years of fighting. The civil war in Iraq has killed about 47,000 people since 2011 (and that doesn't include those killed during the U.S. invasion and aftermath). There are currently 47 armed conflicts ongoing in the world. These fact simply do not support your thesis. And with world resources becoming increasingly scarce, there is no reason to assume that it is going to get any better in the future.[/QUOTE]

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