My wifes story should be a caution for all in favor of "single payer healthcare"

What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.

Guessing you've heard the saying "champagne taste on a beer budget". You can't afford the beer so you resort to mooching. How about standing on a street corner with your cardboard sign...something like "will work for healthcare". At least gives people the impression you don't mind working....even if it's not true.
What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.
And what's your point? Basically it sounds like you want other people to pay for your shit
What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.

So I shouldnt expect better care since I'm paying for it rather than getting it paid for by someone else?
Did you not read my post. We have single payer healthcare and I got 2 different results. In fact my second surgery was from one of the best surgeons in the country. As much as I hated waiting a long tome for my first surgery I would not trade it to prevent others from getting any healthcare because that's just the kind of person I am. Also to see the situation in such black and white terms is absurd. Many hardworking middle class people were denied healthcare through their insurance companies for a multitude of reasons.

So you'd be willing to miss months of work and the pay that goes with it? Not to mention the pain and suffering.
I'm fine with you getting substandard care but personally I prefer high quality care for myself.
I prefer high quality care myself also but I wouldn't want it knowing my neighbors would get no care.
let me clarify that year of er visits due to homelessness is running about a million a person.....hawii has about 7 to 8 k of homeless.....lets say only 10 % do this...that is 700 million a year...that is breaking their medical system now can they house a person for less...yes they can and give them follow up care
What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.
And what's your point? Basically it sounds like you want other people to pay for your shit
You are missing the whole point here. It was me wanting healthcare for all. Why is that so hard for you to figure out. I made no mention about myself wanting free healthcare or as you so eloquently put it wanting other people to pay for my shit.
What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.
And what's your point? Basically it sounds like you want other people to pay for your shit
You are missing the whole point here. It was me wanting healthcare for all. Why is that so hard for you to figure out. I made no mention about myself wanting free healthcare or as you so eloquently put it wanting other people to pay for my shit.
I have no right to healthcare, but I do have a right to earn my healthcare - and not to pay for other peoples shit... ever.
let me clarify that year of er visits due to homelessness is running about a million a person.....hawii has about 7 to 8 k of homeless.....lets say only 10 % do this...that is 700 million a year...that is breaking their medical system now can they house a person for less...yes they can and give them follow up care
In Hawaii it has the same issues as with anywhere else. Sanitation is a big problem for the homeless. There the moisture and temperature allows for the spread of bacteria, fungi and viruses easier. They could hire a few people to check on the homeless, provide things like trash removal and porta potties and preventive care. It would be a lot cheaper long term.
I find it odd a lot of people are complaining about how much they have to pay. When we were in the States back in 2006-2007 a lot of people we talked to were paying a lot more through their insurance for their healthcare than we were. Some made more money than us and some made a lot less money than us. All of them were paying significantly higher than we were. They were all shocked when they found out how much we were paying. So I believe these high costs for healthcare have always been there. When comparisons are made about the price of medicine, hospital stays and various other medical preparations you Americans pay a whole lot more. You should be working on trying to fix that.
What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.

So I shouldnt expect better care since I'm paying for it rather than getting it paid for by someone else?
Did you not read my post. We have single payer healthcare and I got 2 different results. In fact my second surgery was from one of the best surgeons in the country. As much as I hated waiting a long tome for my first surgery I would not trade it to prevent others from getting any healthcare because that's just the kind of person I am. Also to see the situation in such black and white terms is absurd. Many hardworking middle class people were denied healthcare through their insurance companies for a multitude of reasons.

So you'd be willing to miss months of work and the pay that goes with it? Not to mention the pain and suffering.
I'm fine with you getting substandard care but personally I prefer high quality care for myself.
I prefer high quality care myself also but I wouldn't want it knowing my neighbors would get no care.

Who said anything about no care?
So, after a few months, my wife was finally able to see someone regarding her knee. She needs a knee replacement, is already on government workers comp as it happened at work, she is using a cane, has limited mobility etc. She has been in pain for months, had to stay at work on modified duty for a few months, and STILL has not even met a surgeon for the original consultation. The person she was able to see was not from the surgeons office, they called her and set up an appointment at a "joint assessment" office. What in the hell for?

Delays, painful waiting, and layers of bureaucrats and clowns. All of this, and she STILL not even had an appointment with the surgeon for consultation. The surgeon they had originally referred to by her doctor, has a 6-9 month list to see him, and another year after for surgery! Tell me that this is the messed up, big government joke of a healthcare system Americans want.

Now, the insurance costs you pay in America go towards actual healthcare You might pay for it, but at least you don't have to suffer in pain and wait for the entitled system to work it's way through. This injury happened in March ffs. In the end, my wife will probably be forced to accept sub low performing, sub par Canadian surgeon that others try to avoid. Some even have reviews in which they botched surgeries and they went a period of only a few months to have it done again to fix the first one. "Here ya go, a nice surgeon for you and you on;y have to wait six months instead of a year to see this incompetent idiot".

Single Payer system is just big government and abuse. Something the Canadian system knows very well based on the RCMP and their incompetent friends. it expands to provincial and municipal apparatuses of all kinds.

Free market alternative - admission rejected due to bad credit history.

Seriously though, the story is total fluff as far as serious healthcare system debate goes - nothing about specific admission protocols is central to single payer concept.

Want to have single payer that indiscriminately admits anyone with spinal injury? No problem, you can have a single payer that does that for a few bucks more.
What have we learned from the attitudes of the people here. They only care about themselves. They only want the best healthcare for themselves and if the poor and unfortunate get hurt or get sick they really don't care. It has nothing to do with saving or losing money to these egotistical people, it's about taking care of themselves and stomping on anyone who gets in their way.

So I shouldnt expect better care since I'm paying for it rather than getting it paid for by someone else?
Did you not read my post. We have single payer healthcare and I got 2 different results. In fact my second surgery was from one of the best surgeons in the country. As much as I hated waiting a long tome for my first surgery I would not trade it to prevent others from getting any healthcare because that's just the kind of person I am. Also to see the situation in such black and white terms is absurd. Many hardworking middle class people were denied healthcare through their insurance companies for a multitude of reasons.

So you'd be willing to miss months of work and the pay that goes with it? Not to mention the pain and suffering.
I'm fine with you getting substandard care but personally I prefer high quality care for myself.
I prefer high quality care myself also but I wouldn't want it knowing my neighbors would get no care.

Who said anything about no care?
Are you not arguing about going back to the old way, through private insurance for your healthcare. Under that system many Americans got no healthcare.
Companies want worker's compensation. It relieves them of the threat of a law suit for injury at work. It really has little to do with healthcare. More to do with companies trying to get out of taking care of their workers.

Actually it's law where I live. If you have employees, you have to have workman's comp.
Yep, pretty much legislated away the right to sue a company.

Here an employer has to buy state workman's comp. You have the option to use a private insurer, but my boss tried it, and they audited him right after he made the switch. Same thing happened to my cousin who has his own remodeling business.
Ask the employer if they would rather do away with worker's comp and throw injuries onto the court system or keep worker's comp.

To be honest I don't know why you just can't use your own medical insurance if you hurt yourself on the job. Your own health insurance won't even look at it if the injury happened on the job. Workman's compensation is so expensive my employer is afraid to use it. He told us if we get hurt, talk to him first before making a claim. He would rather pay cash out of pocket than go through workman's comp unless it's a major expense.
If he thinks workman's comp is expensive he needs to let the ambulance chancing attorneys sue every time someone gets hurt.
Actually it's law where I live. If you have employees, you have to have workman's comp.
Yep, pretty much legislated away the right to sue a company.

Here an employer has to buy state workman's comp. You have the option to use a private insurer, but my boss tried it, and they audited him right after he made the switch. Same thing happened to my cousin who has his own remodeling business.
Ask the employer if they would rather do away with worker's comp and throw injuries onto the court system or keep worker's comp.

To be honest I don't know why you just can't use your own medical insurance if you hurt yourself on the job. Your own health insurance won't even look at it if the injury happened on the job. Workman's compensation is so expensive my employer is afraid to use it. He told us if we get hurt, talk to him first before making a claim. He would rather pay cash out of pocket than go through workman's comp unless it's a major expense.
If he thinks workman's comp is expensive he needs to let the ambulance chancing attorneys sue every time someone gets hurt.

We have very few injuries at work. We are a small company with less than a dozen employees. But even with that, he still pays about 55K a year to have workman's comp. I can't imagine what larger companies with hundreds of employees must be paying.
So I shouldnt expect better care since I'm paying for it rather than getting it paid for by someone else?
Did you not read my post. We have single payer healthcare and I got 2 different results. In fact my second surgery was from one of the best surgeons in the country. As much as I hated waiting a long tome for my first surgery I would not trade it to prevent others from getting any healthcare because that's just the kind of person I am. Also to see the situation in such black and white terms is absurd. Many hardworking middle class people were denied healthcare through their insurance companies for a multitude of reasons.

So you'd be willing to miss months of work and the pay that goes with it? Not to mention the pain and suffering.
I'm fine with you getting substandard care but personally I prefer high quality care for myself.
I prefer high quality care myself also but I wouldn't want it knowing my neighbors would get no care.

Who said anything about no care?
Are you not arguing about going back to the old way, through private insurance for your healthcare. Under that system many Americans got no healthcare.

Many Americans choose not to purchase healthcare.
And those who dont have healthcare and need treatment get Medicaid.

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