My Thoughts on What is Going On About San Bernardino?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

I'm sitting here at my computer thinking about the events I saw yesterday and about the reporting of the horrible shooting in San Bernardino.

It was like being back in the 60s or 70s! Reporters and cops groping to find answers in the dark!

Remember Paris a couple of weeks ago? Within minutes, we were flooded with videos of what went on inside the theater and at the street side cafe. Muslim terrorism blared. Jihadis screaming Allah Akbar or whatever they do. For endless hours.

Well, I had the TV on yesterday when the first reports came in. A horrible shooting by three people wearing hoods and dressed in combat gear shooting long rifles at a crowd. Within minutes, choppers were on scene showing us the massive presence of police.

And the coverage went on and on for hours. Nothing but guesses. No videos or voices calling the outside world from within the building. Nobody there had a cell phone? Or iPad or anything similar?

It was not until six hours later that I heard the word for the first time – TERRORISM! Six hours? What the hell is going on here with the media? And law enforcement? What makes them so fearful about saying it.

This was not a spur of the moment event. Those people were prepared to enter that place to kill people. Not one or two but as many as they could.

Workplace violence?

Yeah. Right.

Either law enforcement was stonewalling the media or they had direct orders not to say anything about the horror that wasn't politically correct. And the FBI showed up and took charge in one heck of a hurry. Did they know something they didn't want let out to the public?

And of course, he see the White House, The Hildabeast, and other Leftists screaming, “Gun Control.”

Well now, it's time for me to start my morning round of reading the news feeds at Drudge, BadBlue, and Feedly. Interesting to see what one will find.
Right now – 4:30 am PST, we learn they are American-born MUSLIMS, a husband and wife team. And law enforcement STILL refuses to call it terrorism.

Sigh. So here's a small assortment of what's on the Internet about it:

ISIS Adherents Praise San Bernardino Massacre, "America Burning" @ ISIS Adherents Praise San Bernardino Massacre With #America_Burning - Still Workplace Violence.

Have to go to Daily Mail to see first gruesome picture of one dead “terrorist” @ Two suspects killed after California mass shooting

Neighbor “Suspicious” but Did Not Report @ Political Correctness KILLS: Neighbor Suspicious, Didn’t Report For Fear Of Being Called RACIST!


His dispute? There was bacon in the turkey stuffing at the group's last Thanksgiving party! Syed Raheel Farook: Another Wiccan Mormon Catholic Does San Bernardino Jihad – What You Don’t Know About Devout Muslim Perpetrator, Trip to Saudi @ Syed Farook: Another Wiccan Mormon Catholic Does San Bernardino Jihad – What You Don’t Know About Devout Muslim Perpetrator, Trip to Saudi\


Disgusting liberal reporters mock people praying for San Bernardino after horrific massacre @ Disgusting liberal reporters mock people praying for San Bernardino after horrific massacre

Here’s What We Know About The Suspects In The San Bernardino Shooting @ Here's What We Know About The Suspects In The San Bernardino Shooting

The Political Response To The California Shooting Was Quicker Than Planned Parenthood @ The Political Response To The California Shooting Was Quicker Than Planned Parenthood

with more pix @ Here Are Powerful Photos From The San Bernardino Shooting

A CAIR-Slanted view of the two terrorists from CNN @ Who were Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik? -

Obama Immediately Responds to San Bernardino Shooting with call to action – strengthen gun control! @ Watch: Obama Just Responded To California Shooting With Immediate Call To Action Why does he want us to disarm when we are being threatened by radical Islamists?

And, of course, Leftists leap into action with the “not all Muslims” mantra. Read more @ Ace of Spades HQ

Before the Police Had Even Caught the San Bernardino Suspects, Democrats ‘Knew’ Who to Blame w/video @ Before the Police Had Even Caught the San Bernardino Suspects, Democrats 'Knew' Who to Blame

And Moe Lane shares me beliefs about this with, The San Bernardino attack is sounding… weird. @ Moe Lane » The San Bernardino attack is sounding… weird.

CAIR Leader on San Bernardino Massacre: “It May Be Work Related or Mental Illness” @ CAIR Leader on San Bernardino Massacre: "It May Be Work Related or Mental Illness" (VIDEO) - The Gateway Pundit w/video


only is concerned that San Bernardino shooting suspects recently returned from Saudi: reports @ San Bernardino shooting suspects recently returned from Saudi: reports

Cruz says California shooting may be act of Islamic terror @ Cruz says he's concerned shooting may be Islamic terrorism The man who wants to be POTUS seems to be more clued in than the one who is.

And, from Daily Kos comes this ignorance: Republicans offer thoughts and prayers instead of voting to keep guns away from suspected terrorists @ Republicans offer thoughts and prayers instead of voting to keep guns away from suspected terrorists

ISI is already celebrating the San Bernardino assault w/more @ Doug Ross @ Journal: I SUSPECT MILITANT QUAKERS: ISIS Already Celebrating San Bernardino Terror Attack


Few answers but plenty of politics in San Bernardino shooting @ Few answers but plenty of politics in San Bernardino shooting


San Bernardino Shooters Left Their Baby with Grandmother Before Rampage @ San Bernardino Shooters Left Their Baby with Grandmother Before Rampage
My Summation of all of this:

Well, the news cycle didn't surprise me. The usual Leftist attempt to make out of this something unreal. It was nothing but Workplace Violence because there is no threat to the USA of an attack by a Muslim radical.

Time after time, media afraid to report things to avoid accusations of not being politically correct.

Authorities being over cautious in what they decide to tell us. And they are still waffling over this as if afraid of somehow embarrassing the White House or our new Attorney General.

There was 4 hours between the shooting and the end of this by killing the attackers. What were they doing in that time?

And finally, it is clear to me that the beef was that the stuffing in the turkey at the Thanksgiving party contained bacon. And that is something in a warped mind that leads to a plan to slaughter others. It all leads back to one thing.

Sweet and simple. Muslims seeking revenge for a considered slight at a time when the targets were celebrating an infidel's celebration.

What more is coming from those warmed Muslim minds between now and Christmas?
Now that the authorities have entered the home of the two muslims, a bomb making factory has been discovered in the garage. The trigger mechanisms were an Al Quaeda hallmark, the trigger from a radio controlled car. A number of such cars were discovered.

Where are the bombs?
More Thoughts on San Bernardino

Amazing how much they now know about the San Bernardino terrorists – NOW. And before the event.

Okay, so we've become so politically correct that trying to protect ourselves is considered profiling and that is somehow horrible? If I see someone walking toward me with a gun pointing at me, am I profiling because he may be dark-skinned, with a heavy beard, and one of those skull cap things?

Well, here comes this morning's roundup of total stupidity about the shooting – and warnings that it could – and probably will – happen again.

Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting Read more at: Report: San Bernardino Shooter Passed DHS Counterterrorism Vetting, by Joel Gehrke, National Review

San Bernardino Attackers Left Remote Controlled Bomb at Party @ San Bernardino Attackers Left Remote Controlled Bomb at Party w/video

I still don't see a single interview with anyone who was actually at that party!

And these were not the types prepared to give their lives in the name of Allah. It is now clear they were planning something else. But what?

Rampage killers led secret life, hiding plans and weapons @ Rampage killers led secret life, hiding plans and weapons

San Bernardino Muslim Killer Told Man He Murdered, Islam is a Peaceful Religion @ San Bernardino Muslim Killer Told Man He Murdered, Islam is a Peaceful Religion


ENOUGH !! – Just Who The Hell is “Tashfeen Malik”? @ ENOUGH !! - Just Who The Hell is "Tashfeen Malik"?

And here comes another HUGE stupidity that makes me gnash my teeth! The blonde babe on Fox and Friends just said something to the effect - “the couple ACCUSED of killing fourteen people ...”

ACCUSED! You've got to be kidding me. The bastards KILLED and INJURED people!!!! Where the hell does this “accused” come from? And, when will these idiots stop using it?


The “Mass Shootings Map” Propaganda Should Convince You to Carry At All Times @ The “Mass Shootings Map” Propaganda Should Convince You to Carry At All Times


(Maybe we should move to North Dakota)

VIDEO: UC biology prof. tells class NRA to blame for San Bernardino shooting @ VIDEO: UC biology prof. tells class NRA to blame for San Bernardino shooting

The Looney Left is running rampant on our college campuses.

Here Are The Victims That Have Been Identified In The San Bernardino Shooting from Here Are The Victims That Have Been Identified In The San Bernardino Shooting













These Infidels sure look like evil people to me who somehow deserve to die in Allah's name. Thanks to BuzzFeed for showing us faces – no longer just names.

And here our illustrious Attorney General weighs in with:

Loretta Lynch: “Actions Predicated On Violent Talk” Toward Muslims Will Be Prosecuted @ Loretta Lynch: "Actions Predicated On Violent Talk" Toward Muslims Will Be Prosecuted


First Shock, Then Fear As San Bernardino Shooters Opened Fire @ First Shock, Then Fear As San Bernardino Shooters Opened Fire

And here comes our Social Guru = Bernie Sanders Offers Pro-Gun Control Tweetstorm After San Bernardino @ Bernie Sanders Offers Pro-Gun Control Tweetstorm After San Bernardino

No surprise here.

Before Shooting, Calif. Killer Talked On Phone With Terrifying Person… And Obama’s FBI Knew It @ Before Shooting, Calif. Killer Talked On Phone With Terrifying Person... And Obama's FBI Knew It

More disgusting PC!

And this from The Guardian = San Bernardino shooting: US divided over whether attack was terrorism @ San Bernardino shooting: US divided over whether attack was terrorism

IMHO, for spouting stuff like this, the UK is in extreme danger of falling into the abyss of Political Correctness. WHO was it who disagreed about this being a terrorist attack? And of course, there had to be the mantra of - “if it had been two Christians.” IT WASN'T TWO CHRISTIANS. IT WAS TO MUSLIMS!!!

San Bernardino Shooting: Political Correctness Kills

It’s not that liberals don’t engage in profiling; it’s just that they do it all wrong. MSNBC wasted no time profiling the terrorists as possible pro-lifers, pointing out that a Planned Butcherhood facility was “just a few blocks away.” And recently, liberal senator Sherrod Brown asserted that white males were a bigger threat to America than Muslim jihadists (this may be true about white males such as Sherrod Brown).

Read more: Articles: San Bernardino Shooting: Political Correctness Kills

What was the plan of the San Bernardino terrorists? @ What was the plan of the San Bernardino terrorists? | RedState

And here comes links Muslim and Muslim-lovers hate!

San Bernardino jihad killer was given green card after background checks from FBI and DHS - See more at: San Bernardino jihad killer was given green card after background checks from FBI and DHS | Pamela Geller

Who PAID for all this? @ Who PAID for all this? | Pamela Geller

Police: San Bernardino Muslim gunman Syed Rizwan Farook was in contact with known Islamic extremists - See more at: Police: San Bernardino Muslim gunman Syed Rizwan Farook was in contact with known Islamic extremists | Pamela Geller

San Bernardino Victim: She Fled Radical Islam in Iran – Was Murdered By Islamists in California @ San Bernardino Victim: She Fled Radical Islam in Iran - Was Murdered By Islamists in California - The Gateway Pundit


Okay, his is enough for today. I am certain there are dozens more blogs, tweets, and articles about this. The speechifying is fine. But, WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT THIS?

We must speak up. We must make our voices so loud that our representatives will act to protect us from further events like this. To hell with political correctness! And the ignorance of complaining about profiling.

If it speaks like a terrorist it's a certainty it will act like a terrorist
Was this a terrorist act? Most certainly. Was it aided and abetted from abroad. Most certainly. Should we go after the people abroad that were involved? Absolutely. And what about the people here? Others had to know, but did not say anything. They must be held responsible. All you 'Conservatives' with me to this point?

What about the NRA. They have enabled anyone that wants war weaponary to get it. They too, enabled this and other acts of terrorism. I want all that contributed to this senseless horror to be held responsible. Time for the Muslim community to step up and start policing itself. Time for Americans to realize there are already far to many guns in public hands. Hands that have all to often been connected to a dysfunctional brain.
Sigh - just another leftist anti-gun rant and blaming the NRA.

The participants in this were Muslims dedicated to killing any and everyone who did not agree with the hatred fostered by their Satanic cult.

What you should be concerned with is where did they get the money to buy all that stuff? Where did they get the explosives?

Time for Americans to realize there are already far to many guns in public hands. Hands that have all to often been connected to a dysfunctional brain.

There are not enough guns in American hands!!!!! It is time for all sane, freedom-loving Americans to arm themselves to be ready to fight back against those who would destroy this nation!
There is a mosque he attended not far from his house. I am certain there is a Muslim community that provides support to those seeking strict adherence to the tenets of Islam.

He got a lot of money from somewhere for all the arms and bomb supplies. Will they find out where and go after it?
Was this a terrorist act? Most certainly. Was it aided and abetted from abroad. Most certainly. Should we go after the people abroad that were involved? Absolutely. And what about the people here? Others had to know, but did not say anything. They must be held responsible. All you 'Conservatives' with me to this point?

What about the NRA. They have enabled anyone that wants war weaponary to get it. They too, enabled this and other acts of terrorism. I want all that contributed to this senseless horror to be held responsible. Time for the Muslim community to step up and start policing itself. Time for Americans to realize there are already far to many guns in public hands. Hands that have all to often been connected to a dysfunctional brain.
link thingy please on the NRA bit. Please?

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