My son may have ADHD

It's kind of funny that this thread appears to have attracted many of the adult adhd sufferers, lol.
* * * *

lol you challenged nothing you make dumb meaningless statements like this
all strawman..or you post some silly picture..your a complete joke

I really must of missed that part care to link to it ?

proven wrong about what exactly ?

Hurry up and post an important YouTube to "prove" how right you imagine you are, you pathetic joke assclown hack motherfucker.

With all due respect,

your pal,

what a sore loser...

Wow. You are clueless on the quote function, aren't you, you id-eot? Yes. You are.

And I suppose you DID "miss" the part where I challenged your absurd contentions. Either that or you just have zero integrity when it comes to admitting it.

And I can't be a sore loser, you fucking id-eot, since between the two of us, you are the only one chowing done on losing.

* * * *

lol you challenged nothing you make dumb meaningless statements like this
all strawman..or you post some silly picture..your a complete joke

I really must of missed that part care to link to it ?

proven wrong about what exactly ?

Hurry up and post an important YouTube to "prove" how right you imagine you are, you pathetic joke assclown hack motherfucker.

With all due respect,

your pal,

what a sore loser...

Wow. You are clueless on the quote function, aren't you, you id-eot? Yes. You are.

And I suppose you DID "miss" the part where I challenged your absurd contentions. Either that or you just have zero integrity when it comes to admitting it.

And I can't be a sore loser, you fucking id-eot, since between the two of us, you are the only one chowing done on losing.

well please do link to what exactly you refuted...or do you like to pretend you are the riddler or something ?
* * * *

I really must of missed that part care to link to it ?

proven wrong about what exactly ?

what a sore loser...

Wow. You are clueless on the quote function, aren't you, you id-eot? Yes. You are.

And I suppose you DID "miss" the part where I challenged your absurd contentions. Either that or you just have zero integrity when it comes to admitting it.

And I can't be a sore loser, you fucking id-eot, since between the two of us, you are the only one chowing done on losing.

well please do link to what exactly you refuted...or do you like to pretend you are the riddler or something ?

No, you id-eot.

Go back and read.

It can't be THAT hard for you.
FACT...There is no valid diagnostic test for ADHD

FACT..ADHD is diagnosed by a subjective observation and judgement of behaviorism which are

have a hard time paying attention
daydream a lot
not seem to listen
be easily distracted from schoolwork or play
forget things
be in constant motion or unable to stay seated
squirm or fidget
talk too much
not be able to play quietly
act and speak without thinking
have trouble taking turns
interrupt others

FACT..Drug companies have a long history of knowingly falsifying studies and withholding studies of drug dangers and ineffectiveness of psych drugs while promoting their use in children and have paid out billions in damages
It's kind of funny that this thread appears to have attracted many of the adult adhd sufferers, lol.

[Liability] certainly doesn't play very nice with the other kids thats for sure...

I don't play with insufferable bleating asshat morons like you, id-eots.

I just show you up as being the pompous, ignorant, arrogant twat you are.

. . . and then, it's time to move along.

Now try to do something utterly unique in your posting history. Try to be right about -- almost anything.
My ex girlfriends son had ADHD, he was disruptive in class, hyper active, would get anxious in certain situations and just could not pay attention. So if ADHD doesn't exist, her son was perfectly normal? boys are supposed to act like this?

You did. All boys did. We are figidy creatures where girls are not. You can not judge both boys and girls the same way we are not the same. It is more then just our genitals that are different.

I was disruptive in class as a young boy? I used to get awards for being well behaved.:confused:

the exception?
FACT...There is no valid diagnostic test for ADHD

FACT..ADHD is diagnosed by a subjective observation and judgement of behaviorism which are

have a hard time paying attention
daydream a lot
not seem to listen
be easily distracted from schoolwork or play
forget things
be in constant motion or unable to stay seated
squirm or fidget
talk too much
not be able to play quietly
act and speak without thinking
have trouble taking turns
interrupt others

FACT..Drug companies have a long history of knowingly falsifying studies and withholding studies of drug dangers and ineffectiveness of psych drugs while promoting their use in children and have paid out billions in damages

Still false. And the next time you cut and paste ^ your id-eot post, it will continue to be wrong then, too.
it's kind of funny that this thread appears to have attracted many of the adult adhd sufferers, lol.

[liability] certainly doesn't play very nice with the other kids thats for sure...

i don't play with insufferable bleating asshat morons like you, id-eots.

I just show you up as being the pompous, ignorant, arrogant twat you are.

. . . And then, it's time to move along.

Now try to do something utterly unique in your posting history. Try to be right about -- almost anything. along now...
fact...there is no valid diagnostic test for adhd

fact..adhd is diagnosed by a subjective observation and judgement of behaviorism which are

have a hard time paying attention
daydream a lot
not seem to listen
be easily distracted from schoolwork or play
forget things
be in constant motion or unable to stay seated
squirm or fidget
talk too much
not be able to play quietly
act and speak without thinking
have trouble taking turns
interrupt others

fact..drug companies have a long history of knowingly falsifying studies and withholding studies of drug dangers and ineffectiveness of psych drugs while promoting their use in children and have paid out billions in damages

still false. And the next time you cut and paste ^ your id-eot post, it will continue to be wrong then, too.

lol...what a silly man he thinks if he simply says false he has.. refuted your claims
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You two having your pissing match is amusing. Still I would love to know why anyone would first put a child on amphetamines instead of actually taking the time to teach the boy self control...
Single parents and lazy teachers, who think all boys from preschool on up should act like 13 year old girls. That's the long and short of it.
Single parents and lazy teachers, who think all boys from preschool on up should act like 13 year old girls. That's the long and short of it.

My mom was one of those.....Thus why i was on Ritalin for so long....I stopped taking it my self. I learned to control myself .....I think given time 98% of the kids on that shit could be taught to control themselves..... Being doped up like that is no way for a kid to live....I know this personally. I also have personally seen the pain on parents when these drugs kill a child and dammit they do kill them. These drugs are damn dangerous. They are damn dangerous in prescribed dosages.

The problem is they work....They do what they say they will ... They will make a boy stay still....Of course he feels completely like a zombie and cant control anything.....They dont even have any genuine spontaneity...You have no desire to do much of anything....You dont even want to eat..... Play ball????? Naw dont want to exert your self..... Run around? No not feeling it.... Think independently????? Naw rather just do as I am told....

Thats what they dont tell you.You are very malleable when doped up like this.
fact...there is no valid diagnostic test for adhd

fact..adhd is diagnosed by a subjective observation and judgement of behaviorism which are

have a hard time paying attention
daydream a lot
not seem to listen
be easily distracted from schoolwork or play
forget things
be in constant motion or unable to stay seated
squirm or fidget
talk too much
not be able to play quietly
act and speak without thinking
have trouble taking turns
interrupt others

fact..drug companies have a long history of knowingly falsifying studies and withholding studies of drug dangers and ineffectiveness of psych drugs while promoting their use in children and have paid out billions in damages

still false. And the next time you cut and paste ^ your id-eot post, it will continue to be wrong then, too.

lol...what a silly man he thinks if he simply says false he has.. refuted your claims

^ what a stupid twat. He thinks if he labels his ignorant vapid opinion as "fact" that it somehow becomes a fact.
[liability] certainly doesn't play very nice with the other kids thats for sure...

i don't play with insufferable bleating asshat morons like you, id-eots.

I just show you up as being the pompous, ignorant, arrogant twat you are.

. . . And then, it's time to move along.

Now try to do something utterly unique in your posting history. Try to be right about -- almost anything. along now...

No no. I will stick around to continue to expose your stupidity and numerous errors, especially when you attempt to label your non factual claims as being "factual." I enjoy exposing the fraud you are as the stupid id-eot you show yourself to be.

You, however, may feel free to scamper off.
still false. And the next time you cut and paste ^ your id-eot post, it will continue to be wrong then, too.

lol...what a silly man he thinks if he simply says false he has.. refuted your claims

^ what a stupid twat. He thinks if he labels his ignorant vapid opinion as "fact" that it somehow becomes a fact.

its pretty clear for anyone reading this thread that this post represents your level of debate which is nothing more than personal insults without a single factual reference or link

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