My personal little nightmare scenario is playing out in real time.

You do realize that the criticism of those who already hated him; has as much value today, as it did in November, don't you?

Only if those defending him remain as willfully blind as they were in November.
and that side thinks you're being willfully blind.

The truth is out there.
yep. just because you feel you are living in the truth doesn't mean you are any more than it would mean i do.

which makes the entire arguing over this type of a "victory" bullshit and the core of our issues.
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration

then you have the leaders such as ellison

saying the North Korean Dictator is better then Trump
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.
You do realize that the criticism of those who already hated him; has as much value today, as it did in November, don't you?

Only if those defending him remain as willfully blind as they were in November.
and that side thinks you're being willfully blind.

The truth is out there.
yep. just because you feel you are living in the truth doesn't mean you are any more than it would mean i do.

which makes the entire arguing over this type of a "victory" bullshit and the core of our issues.

The truth wins out in the end. Ultimately it's impossible to ignore. I could be wrong about Trump. I could be wrong about lots of things. We'll see.
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

yes they have solid control of the party

i have voted for democrats in the past

hell i was even a democrat at one time

i would never NEVER consider a dem vote as it sits
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!

You do realize that the criticism of those who already hated him; has as much value today, as it did in November, don't you?

Only if those defending him remain as willfully blind as they were in November.
and that side thinks you're being willfully blind.

The truth is out there.
yep. just because you feel you are living in the truth doesn't mean you are any more than it would mean i do.

which makes the entire arguing over this type of a "victory" bullshit and the core of our issues.

The truth wins out in the end. Ultimately it's impossible to ignore. I could be wrong about Trump. I could be wrong about lots of things. We'll see.
the truth is most of this has nothing to do with trump but one culture telling another culture to fuck off. trump is just the tool of choice to do it.
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!

Yet your Messiah seemed to like cop killers.
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!

Yet your Messiah seemed to like cop killers.

Of course he did. You are a clear minded individual.
Second, instead of simply being the party in opposition, the Dimocrats have acted no better than the alt-left with their "resist, resist, resist" campaign.
It was the only card they could play.

The most important polls right now are the internals run by GOP congresspeople facing tough races in 2018 and maybe 2020. If they look bad, those folks are gonna keep their backs turned on Trump.

And that's why the only way today to get an agenda passed is to have term limits.
Once lawmakers know their job is only temporary, they are likely to perform their duties without always thinking about the next election.
IMO the opposite is true.
A politician who gets to Washington but knows they have a term limit is just as likely to say: "Fuck it! I know I'll get fuck all done while I'm here so I might as well just go along for the ride. Then I'll go back to my law practise and be a lobbyist in my spare time".
While a pol. who knows they have to actually work at getting things done or they'll lose their job is more likely to work at accomplishing something.
How many times did BONOBO sit on his ass and vote 'Present' and not manning up and being accountable?
Ol' Mac can get wingers from both ends going in the same thread.

You're not bad. But I'm better. ;)
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!


im not the only one the sees it

their actions are louder then their words
for example

that loser tim kaine spouts off in defense the actions of antifa for example

you see it is shit heads like you that force people like me to NEVER vote for a Democrat
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!

Yet your Messiah seemed to like cop killers.

Of course he did. You are a clear minded individual.
I didn't expect you to comprehend.

But if Trump did something similar, like not condemning white supremacy tough enough, you would get it.
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!

Yet your Messiah seemed to like cop killers.

they demonstrate it over and over again
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!


im not the only one the sees it

their actions are louder then their words
for example

that loser tim kaine spouts off in defense the actions of antifa for example

you see it is shit heads like you that force people like me to NEVER vote for a Democrat

Please know this.

I joined the Democratic party in March of this year. I'm now working in a leadership role on a local level. We are not concerned with forcing anyone to vote for anyone.

As the father of a cop, I can assure you that cop killers are not supported by this party.

Have a great day.
Desperately searching for a silver lining for Trump's win in November, I was hoping that the Democratic party's deep nationwide debacle would force it to look inward and realize that its cynical commitment to Identity Politics played a significant role in its demise. Maybe the party would realize that it could do just fine electorally by stopping its obsession on splitting us into little grievance groups as part of their decades-long "divide and conquer" approach.

In short, I was hoping that Trump's shocking win would lead to a Reformation of the Democratic Party.

But I knew - and said here many times - that there was one (1) thing that could stop that from happening, and that would be if Trump screwed up so quickly and so completely and so badly that the Democrats would not have to go through a Reformation, that the Regressives who control the party would be able to just jump right back in the saddle in 2018/2020 and continue on with their crusade.

Well, so far, my little nightmare scenario - Trump screwing up bigly in office and the Regressives licking their chops - is playing out just as I feared.

Maybe I'll take up gardening, huh?


the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!


im not the only one the sees it

their actions are louder then their words
for example

that loser tim kaine spouts off in defense the actions of antifa for example

you see it is shit heads like you that force people like me to NEVER vote for a Democrat

Please know this.

I joined the Democratic party in March of this year. I'm now working in a leadership role on a local level. We are not concerned with forcing anyone to vote for anyone.

As the father of a cop, I can assure you that cop killers are not supported by this party.

Have a great day.
Yet you believe Trump supports Nazis and white supremacists.

Are you blind?
the new face of the democrat party is NOT a WINNING ticket never will be

look at some of their "values"

Support Cop Killers

Support Anti Speech

Support Anti Legal assembly

Solidly reject any Pro-life candidate

Support Illegal immigration
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!


im not the only one the sees it

their actions are louder then their words
for example

that loser tim kaine spouts off in defense the actions of antifa for example

you see it is shit heads like you that force people like me to NEVER vote for a Democrat

Please know this.

I joined the Democratic party in March of this year. I'm now working in a leadership role on a local level. We are not concerned with forcing anyone to vote for anyone.

As the father of a cop, I can assure you that cop killers are not supported by this party.

Have a great day.
Yet you believe Trump supports Nazis and white supremacists.

Are you blind?

I believe he accepts their support.
Those are the qualities of the Regressives, the people running the party right now, yes.

Oh! Cop killers! The new Dem platform will surely have a statement in support of cop killing!


im not the only one the sees it

their actions are louder then their words
for example

that loser tim kaine spouts off in defense the actions of antifa for example

you see it is shit heads like you that force people like me to NEVER vote for a Democrat

Please know this.

I joined the Democratic party in March of this year. I'm now working in a leadership role on a local level. We are not concerned with forcing anyone to vote for anyone.

As the father of a cop, I can assure you that cop killers are not supported by this party.

Have a great day.
Yet you believe Trump supports Nazis and white supremacists.

Are you blind?

I believe he accepts their support.
Which proves you are a fool.

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