My Childhood Brainwashing

Infants have committted no sin, but have Original Sin from the Fall.

For the same reason that everyone else believed in torture and witches.

But it was Christianity that led the effort to ban torture and stop burning witches as some still do to this day.

Oh, and dont tell a Wiccan he's no witch, lol.

Because the whole world did, and it was the church, again, that led the effort to destroy slavery and largely has.

Your like the local gossip who still damns the reformed local drunk because a long time ago he used to get smashed, even though he hasnt touched alcohol in decades.

That is a total bullshit lie.

God, how do yo live with yourself?

Presumably he can live with himself because he believes there's nothing better, so there's no point in reaching for any degree of higher existence. Those who scorn God and believers generally don't set the bar too high for themselves. They think they're as perfect as they're going to get, and there's no reason for them to work on themselves or increase their understanding, compassion, or review their faults.

The one thing about never, ever stop looking at yourself and seeking betterment. Because we're supposed to always grow. If you aren't growing, you aren't truly committed, and if you aren't truly committed, then whether or not you're truly saved is the question...

In general I agree with what you have said, but such growth is not required, really as I understand it. God wants us to walk in the light as He is in the light, but we dont always have to like it.

God takes us so often as we are, and as David ate the sacred bread of the holy of Holies when he and his men were starving, sometimes the matters of the spiritual constraints have to take a temporary second to practical matters of the material sort.

For example, waterboarding in a perfect world is ghastly, but in this world it can save countless lives of innocent people. That is worth inflicting non-maiming severe discomfort on some evil men, and I dont think God holds it against us, though it is not the best way spiritually to attain information and resolve conflict.

Its saving grace is that it works and sometimes that is all that is required.
No, I never said we had to like it. I said we strive to grow in Christ. There's a difference. Of course we don't always like it, and I know that God takes us as we are...but if we are God's children, we will continue to try to become nearer to Him. And I understand about matters of spiritual constraints, faith not works and Christ himself, and the apostles, spoke at some length about using common sense when it comes to observing the law.
I stopped studying math seriously after only a few years longer than that. I suck at math. I do NOT strut around pretending I understand advanced mathematics and dismiss the entire field out of hand. I do NOT try to tell mathematicians they are being silly just because I stopped learning about it (or even trying to) at a relatively early age. Imagine how much more ridiculous such an attitude would be if I never studied math after the age of 8 or 10. Would my silly subjective view mean that mathematics doesn't really exist or affect our world?

A rather pithy strawman there.

yes, especially considering that most nonbelievers are actually more learned about various religions than believers.

That's obviously bullshit.
Sorry bout that,

1. The OP has a fundamental problem with scriptures.
2. Why can't God die?
3. Seeing Jesus is of God, he is God, there can be no other truth.
4. We simple humans are of humans, not of Gods seed.
5. Some hear some there, some under some over, its another truth of humanity.
6. Not many fully understand why God had to die, I ofcourse understand it, and can explain it clearly.
7. But should I explain it clearly, I think not, for not all here should know what it is the Bible teaches, its not for everyone to know.
8. Thats why God spoke in parables, there is a reason that not everything is revealed, some things being hidden protects you from yourselves.
9. The spirit in man, is very perverse, and to know *ALL* things, of scriptures can be as much of a stumbling stone as being caught in doing something evil red handed.
10. *All* things have been revealed, but not *all* things are understood.
11. But ask and it shall be opened.

Allow me to snap us back into reality.

What happened in the church is history.

What's happening today and is responsible for much of the damage that will effect our lives today and the next few years comes from our education system, not from a bunch of people wearing crosses.

Really? I disagree, I whole-heatedly believe that it is fundamentalist religion that is destroying our education right now.

Home schooled children h ave been performing better than public schooled children for decades now, and most are home schooling exactly because of their religious beliefs.

Your bigotry against fundamentalist religion does not serve you well.
What is destroying public education is the fact that they aren't teaching subjects anymore. They teach revisionist history and progressivism, and that's about it. Instead of teaching English, Math and Science, they teach children to worry about whether or not there will be a world left when they are adults, and preach political views in the classroom.

Fundamentalist religion in the classroom doesn't exist. When religion was completely booted out from the classroom is when education started to go to shit.
Allow me to snap us back into reality.

What happened in the church is history.

What's happening today and is responsible for much of the damage that will effect our lives today and the next few years comes from our education system, not from a bunch of people wearing crosses.

Really? I disagree, I whole-heatedly believe that it is fundamentalist religion that is destroying our education right now.

Home schooled children h ave been performing better than public schooled children for decades now, and most are home schooling exactly because of their religious beliefs.

Your bigotry against fundamentalist religion does not serve you well.

I am not bigoted against fundamentalist religion, but I appreciate your concern. Children are home schooled for various reasons, only about 1/2 the time is it because of their religious beliefs. Home schooled children do better than average public school or private school educated children in some subjects and do a lot worse in others. When home schooling first became popular, a home school child won the national spelling B for 7 years in a row, but only once in the last 12 years has a home schooled child won again. The public school that my children attend has much higher scores all around including SAT and ACT scores than home schooled children, so I feel it is a better education for them than home schooling. I also believe that it is the personalized attention that home schooled children get that gives them a good education and actually has nothing to do with religion at all.
What is destroying public education is the fact that they aren't teaching subjects anymore. They teach revisionist history and progressivism, and that's about it. Instead of teaching English, Math and Science, they teach children to worry about whether or not there will be a world left when they are adults, and preach political views in the classroom.

Fundamentalist religion in the classroom doesn't exist. When religion was completely booted out from the classroom is when education started to go to shit.

When I was in the third and fourth grades in west Tennessee in 1943 and 1944 the teachers began our days with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. That's when school was in the shitter. I'd like to see somebody try to push that bullshit now.
Sorry bout that,

What is destroying public education is the fact that they aren't teaching subjects anymore. They teach revisionist history and progressivism, and that's about it. Instead of teaching English, Math and Science, they teach children to worry about whether or not there will be a world left when they are adults, and preach political views in the classroom.

Fundamentalist religion in the classroom doesn't exist. When religion was completely booted out from the classroom is when education started to go to shit.

When I was in the third and fourth grades in west Tennessee in 1943 and 1944 the teachers began our days with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. That's when school was in the shitter. I'd like to see somebody try to push that bullshit now.

1. The greatest generation came out of the era you were raised up in, sorry all you got was the *spitting out teeth* outcome.
2. You seem to be an example for just what to avoid being.
3. A bitter encrusted old geezer, who had every opportunity to find out about the good in the world, but just cling-ed on to their riches instead,..... greedy and suspicious towards the surplus population.
4. You not only hate the good things in the world, you want to stand in judgment of it, i pity you......:(

Sorry bout that,

What is destroying public education is the fact that they aren't teaching subjects anymore. They teach revisionist history and progressivism, and that's about it. Instead of teaching English, Math and Science, they teach children to worry about whether or not there will be a world left when they are adults, and preach political views in the classroom.

Fundamentalist religion in the classroom doesn't exist. When religion was completely booted out from the classroom is when education started to go to shit.

When I was in the third and fourth grades in west Tennessee in 1943 and 1944 the teachers began our days with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. That's when school was in the shitter. I'd like to see somebody try to push that bullshit now.

1. The greatest generation came out of the era you were raised up in, sorry all you got was the *spitting out teeth* outcome.
2. You seem to be an example for just what to avoid being.
3. A bitter encrusted old geezer, who had every opportunity to find out about the good in the world, but just cling-ed on to their riches instead,..... greedy and suspicious towards the surplus population.
4. You not only hate the good things in the world, you want to stand in judgment of it, i pity you......:(


I pity people who thump their bibles but don't have a clue what's in them. I pity people who vote for a party who very obviously support low tax rates for the wealthiest people in this country while those who used to be the middle class sign up for unemployment and food stamps and travel half way around the globe to fight and die in some shithole.

Newt Gingrich is a perfect example of a selfish prick married to a woman about the age of his children after having basically deserted one of his wives while she was fighting cancer. 'Course being married three times is OK if he says god forgave him for his indisgressions.

Newt took over a million dollars of taxpayer's money through FreddieMac and has the balls to claim they didn't follow his advise. He Continues to deny being a lobbyist even though the only thing missing is his not being licensed. People have become so enthralled by Fox News and their bold faced lies in favor of Republicans that they never tune to another channel to even expose themselves to a possible whole truth. After all....that's the way Rupert Murdoch wants it.
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What is destroying public education is the fact that they aren't teaching subjects anymore. They teach revisionist history and progressivism, and that's about it. Instead of teaching English, Math and Science, they teach children to worry about whether or not there will be a world left when they are adults, and preach political views in the classroom.

Fundamentalist religion in the classroom doesn't exist. When religion was completely booted out from the classroom is when education started to go to shit.

I can see that you haven't been in the education system in a very long time, if ever. :)

LOL........another one liner:

I pity people who thump their bibles but don't have a clue what's in them. I pity people who vote for a party who very obviously support low tax rates for the wealthiest people in this country while those who used to be the middle class sign up for unemployment and food stamps and travel half way around the globe to fight and die in some shithole.

Newt Gingrich is a perfect example of a selfish prick married to a woman about the age of his children after having basically deserted one of his wives while she was fighting cancer. 'Course being married three times is OK if he says god forgave him for his indisgressions.

Newt took over a million dollars of taxpayer's money through FreddieMac and has the balls to claim they didn't follow his advise. He Continues to deny being a lobbyist even though the only thing missing is his not being licensed. People have become so enthralled by Fox News and their bold faced lies in favor of Republicans that they never tune to another channel to even expose themselves to a possible whole truth. After all....that's the way Rupert Murdoch wants it.
Who cares what you think? You've shown yourself to be a lost and sadly deficient human being.


In order to be lost one has to believe that 2000 year old fairy tale. Voodoo only works on those who believe it. If the god of the universe dropped by during the stone age and left the only keys to the kingdom with a bunch of ignorant goat herders who believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat......he's got one helluva sense of humor.
Who cares what you think? You've shown yourself to be a lost and sadly deficient human being.


In order to be lost one has to believe that 2000 year old fairy tale. Voodoo only works on those who believe it. If the god of the universe dropped by during the stone age and left the only keys to the kingdom with a bunch of ignorant goat herders who believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat......he's got one helluva sense of humor.

Voodoo is not christianity. Try to keep your terms straight.

The rest of your post, as usual, is garbled and insane nonsense.
Who cares what you think? You've shown yourself to be a lost and sadly deficient human being.


In order to be lost one has to believe that 2000 year old fairy tale. Voodoo only works on those who believe it. If the god of the universe dropped by during the stone age and left the only keys to the kingdom with a bunch of ignorant goat herders who believed in witchcraft and thought the earth was flat......he's got one helluva sense of humor.

Voodoo is not christianity. Try to keep your terms straight.

The rest of your post, as usual, is garbled and insane nonsense.

Voodoo is exactly like the thousands of ancient gods....same as Christianity. That story about virgin birth, son of god, savior of the world, crusifiction, resurrection etc. was first told in ancient Egypt about the sun god Horus. Twenty versions later the Jews got theirs into the mix. They were "Late Bloomers."
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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

When I was in the third and fourth grades in west Tennessee in 1943 and 1944 the teachers began our days with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Mondays they assigned each student a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. That's when school was in the shitter. I'd like to see somebody try to push that bullshit now.

1. The greatest generation came out of the era you were raised up in, sorry all you got was the *spitting out teeth* outcome.
2. You seem to be an example for just what to avoid being.
3. A bitter encrusted old geezer, who had every opportunity to find out about the good in the world, but just cling-ed on to their riches instead,..... greedy and suspicious towards the surplus population.
4. You not only hate the good things in the world, you want to stand in judgment of it, i pity you......:(


I pity people who thump their bibles but don't have a clue what's in them. I pity people who vote for a party who very obviously support low tax rates for the wealthiest people in this country while those who used to be the middle class sign up for unemployment and food stamps and travel half way around the globe to fight and die in some shithole.

Newt Gingrich is a perfect example of a selfish prick married to a woman about the age of his children after having basically deserted one of his wives while she was fighting cancer. 'Course being married three times is OK if he says god forgave him for his indiscretions.

Newt took over a million dollars of taxpayer's money through FreddieMac and has the balls to claim they didn't follow his advise. He Continues to deny being a lobbyist even though the only thing missing is his not being licensed. People have become so enthralled by Fox News and their bold faced lies in favor of Republicans that they never tune to another channel to even expose themselves to a possible whole truth. After all....that's the way Rupert Murdoch wants it.

1. I know whats in *The Bible*, does my thumping bother you, try me? BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. You have got to be a loony liberal, who support the likes of Clinton, you know, "Clinton I didn't have sex with that women, Monica Lewinsky" Clinton.
3. It turns out he did, so not only is he a letch, but a liar on top of it, and you think he is the greatest President since Kennedy.
4. Thats what the liberal media has been telling you for the last twenty years, I am glad I don't have to watch that crap over and over, Clinton was an abject failure as a President, he was impeached, and still he had the nerve to go on, what a *ASSHAT*, he should of resigned office, but thats the kind of shit he was, and I speak the truth, and anyone who is intellectually honest has to agree.
5. The rich pay the fair, the rich are the people hiring, poor people don't hire, get your facts straight, don't act like a moron,......ummkay!
6. Gingrich made mistakes, I made a few, he went to God with his mistakes, and has found forgiveness from God, its between him and God, he hasn't lied about what he has done, and what he did wasn't all that great either, but how people or him, deal with death and a dying spouse isn't unusual, he won't be the first to walk away from a dying spouse, or the last, it just kills some peoples souls when they see their spouse dying, its hard to explain, but why would you be willing to understand, you are bent on tearing Newt Gingrich down, because you are a loony liberal.
7. Newt didn't break any laws taking lobby money, I myself hate that these laws are a part of USA government, but until they get changed, the lobbyists will have their hands out, its crap, but those lawyers up there like these laws, I think that they stink like shit, but thats just my opinion.
8. You need to wake the hell up geezer, you may have time to open your eyes, I can't say for sure, and you can't take it with you, learn the value of giving, give up some cash before you croak, after you close those eyes the final time, then its too late, that cash won't be reachable from the grave, no ATM machines in coffins, stop clinging to cash, give it away, before you bite the dust.
9. Learn that in giving, you are the one who receives the blessing, not just them.
10. I do know what *The Bible* says, and if you will listen to what I'm saying, you shall learn, and it will be proven you can teach an old dog new tricks.
11. Stop being the Scrooge, lighten up for once!

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Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

1. The greatest generation came out of the era you were raised up in, sorry all you got was the *spitting out teeth* outcome.
2. You seem to be an example for just what to avoid being.
3. A bitter encrusted old geezer, who had every opportunity to find out about the good in the world, but just cling-ed on to their riches instead,..... greedy and suspicious towards the surplus population.
4. You not only hate the good things in the world, you want to stand in judgment of it, i pity you......:(


I pity people who thump their bibles but don't have a clue what's in them. I pity people who vote for a party who very obviously support low tax rates for the wealthiest people in this country while those who used to be the middle class sign up for unemployment and food stamps and travel half way around the globe to fight and die in some shithole.

Newt Gingrich is a perfect example of a selfish prick married to a woman about the age of his children after having basically deserted one of his wives while she was fighting cancer. 'Course being married three times is OK if he says god forgave him for his indiscretions.

Newt took over a million dollars of taxpayer's money through FreddieMac and has the balls to claim they didn't follow his advise. He Continues to deny being a lobbyist even though the only thing missing is his not being licensed. People have become so enthralled by Fox News and their bold faced lies in favor of Republicans that they never tune to another channel to even expose themselves to a possible whole truth. After all....that's the way Rupert Murdoch wants it.

1. I know whats in *The Bible*, does my thumping bother you, try me? BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. You have got to be a loony liberal, who support the likes of Clinton, you know, "Clinton I didn't have sex with that women, Monica Lewinsky" Clinton.
3. It turns out he did, so not only is he a letch, but a liar on top of it, and you think he is the greatest President since Kennedy.
4. Thats what the liberal media has been telling you for the last twenty years, I am glad I don't have to watch that crap over and over, Clinton was an abject failure as a President, he was impeached, and still he had the nerve to go on, what a *ASSHAT*, he should of resigned office, but thats the kind of shit he was, and I speak the truth, and anyone who is intellectually honest has to agree.
5. The rich pay the fair, the rich are the people hiring, poor people don't hire, get your facts straight, don't act like a moron,......ummkay!
6. Gingrich made mistakes, I made a few, he went to God with his mistakes, and has found forgiveness from God, its between him and God, he hasn't lied about what he has done, and what he did wasn't all that great either, but how people or him, deal with death and a dying spouse isn't unusual, he won't be the first to walk away from a dying spouse, or the last, it just kills some peoples souls when they see their spouse dying, its hard to explain, but why would you be willing to understand, you are bent on tearing Newt Gingrich down, because you are a loony liberal.
7. Newt didn't break any laws taking lobby money, I myself hate that these laws are a part of USA government, but until they get changed, the lobbyists will have their hands out, its crap, but those lawyers up there like these laws, I think that they stink like shit, but thats just my opinion.
8. You need to wake the hell up geezer, you may have time to open your eyes, I can't say for sure, and you can't take it with you, learn the value of giving, give up some cash before you croak, after you close those eyes the final time, then its too late, that cash won't be reachable from the grave, no ATM machines in coffins, stop clinging to cash, give it away, before you bite the dust.
9. Learn that in giving, you are the one who receives the blessing, not just them.
10. I do know what *The Bible* says, and if you will listen to what I'm saying, you shall learn, and it will be proven you can teach an old dog new tricks.
11. Stop being the Scrooge, lighten up for once!


Turn the other cheek
Walk the extra mile
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Love thy neighbor
Love thine enemies
Pray for those who curse and despise you
Sell what you have and give it to the poor
Take no thought for tomorrow
If sued in court for coat...voluntarily give cloak
Faith without works is dead
Be Ye Therefore Perfect...Even As The Father In Heaven Is Perfect

I've never met a Christian....'Course I'm just 77 years old
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