My Childhood Brainwashing

It started from my parents and grandparents when I was two...My grandmother telling me "OL' Scratch Will Get You." first recollections.

In grammar school I was required to memorize bible verses and pray. Wednesday night prayer meetings in Baptist or primitive Baptist churches. Prayers before every public event.

Add to that nearly forty years in the church until I finally gave up about 15 years ago and knew I wouldn't believe all that BS if I live to 100. 'Course that ain't that far away.

Your bitterness is not healthy.
No, it's not. It's indicative of something, but it's hard to figure it out when all we have to work with are his insane rants.

But he reminds me of nobody so much as...Sky.
Sorry bout that,

Sorry bout that,

I pity people who thump their bibles but don't have a clue what's in them. I pity people who vote for a party who very obviously support low tax rates for the wealthiest people in this country while those who used to be the middle class sign up for unemployment and food stamps and travel half way around the globe to fight and die in some shithole.

Newt Gingrich is a perfect example of a selfish prick married to a woman about the age of his children after having basically deserted one of his wives while she was fighting cancer. 'Course being married three times is OK if he says god forgave him for his indiscretions.

Newt took over a million dollars of taxpayer's money through FreddieMac and has the balls to claim they didn't follow his advise. He Continues to deny being a lobbyist even though the only thing missing is his not being licensed. People have become so enthralled by Fox News and their bold faced lies in favor of Republicans that they never tune to another channel to even expose themselves to a possible whole truth. After all....that's the way Rupert Murdoch wants it.

1. I know whats in *The Bible*, does my thumping bother you, try me? BRING IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. You have got to be a loony liberal, who support the likes of Clinton, you know, "Clinton I didn't have sex with that women, Monica Lewinsky" Clinton.
3. It turns out he did, so not only is he a letch, but a liar on top of it, and you think he is the greatest President since Kennedy.
4. Thats what the liberal media has been telling you for the last twenty years, I am glad I don't have to watch that crap over and over, Clinton was an abject failure as a President, he was impeached, and still he had the nerve to go on, what a *ASSHAT*, he should of resigned office, but thats the kind of shit he was, and I speak the truth, and anyone who is intellectually honest has to agree.
5. The rich pay the fair, the rich are the people hiring, poor people don't hire, get your facts straight, don't act like a moron,......ummkay!
6. Gingrich made mistakes, I made a few, he went to God with his mistakes, and has found forgiveness from God, its between him and God, he hasn't lied about what he has done, and what he did wasn't all that great either, but how people or him, deal with death and a dying spouse isn't unusual, he won't be the first to walk away from a dying spouse, or the last, it just kills some peoples souls when they see their spouse dying, its hard to explain, but why would you be willing to understand, you are bent on tearing Newt Gingrich down, because you are a loony liberal.
7. Newt didn't break any laws taking lobby money, I myself hate that these laws are a part of USA government, but until they get changed, the lobbyists will have their hands out, its crap, but those lawyers up there like these laws, I think that they stink like shit, but thats just my opinion.
8. You need to wake the hell up geezer, you may have time to open your eyes, I can't say for sure, and you can't take it with you, learn the value of giving, give up some cash before you croak, after you close those eyes the final time, then its too late, that cash won't be reachable from the grave, no ATM machines in coffins, stop clinging to cash, give it away, before you bite the dust.
9. Learn that in giving, you are the one who receives the blessing, not just them.
10. I do know what *The Bible* says, and if you will listen to what I'm saying, you shall learn, and it will be proven you can teach an old dog new tricks.
11. Stop being the Scrooge, lighten up for once!


Turn the other cheek
Walk the extra mile
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Love thy neighbor
Love thine enemies
Pray for those who curse and despise you
Sell what you have and give it to the poor
Take no thought for tomorrow
If sued in court for coat...voluntarily give cloak
Faith without works is dead
Be Ye Therefore Perfect...Even As The Father In Heaven Is Perfect

I've never met a Christian....'Course I'm just 77 years old

1. You have never met one because your blind to one.
2. I have done and lived all those precepts.
3. I have also been blessed by them, and have been given biblical blessing, my cup runeth over.
4. Anything else you wanna get off your chest?
5. Unless you open those closed eyes, you shall find out the hard way.

No, it's not. It's indicative of something, but it's hard to figure it out when all we have to work with are his insane rants.

But he reminds me of nobody so much as...Sky.

One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.
No, it's not. It's indicative of something, but it's hard to figure it out when all we have to work with are his insane rants.

But he reminds me of nobody so much as...Sky.

One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

You see there's your problem God and giving something to people that believed in witchcraft. He would never do that. One day you will be like the rest of everybody else we will be judged for our deeds and yes even what we thought.
No, it's not. It's indicative of something, but it's hard to figure it out when all we have to work with are his insane rants.

But he reminds me of nobody so much as...Sky.

One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

You see there's your problem God and giving something to people that believed in witchcraft. He would never do that. One day you will be like the rest of everybody else we will be judged for our deeds and yes even what we thought.

Then why did Christians continue to torture and kill "Witches" for 1700 years

You can take your threat of judgement and stick it up your ass. That voodoo shit only works for those who believe it. The mind is where it's at and that's the only place.
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One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

You see there's your problem God and giving something to people that believed in witchcraft. He would never do that. One day you will be like the rest of everybody else we will be judged for our deeds and yes even what we thought.

Then why did Christians continue to torture and kill "Witches" for 1700 years

You can take your threat of judgement and stick it up your ass. That voodoo shit only works for those who believe it. The mind is where it's at and that's the only place.

You are confusing witchcraft and God.
You see there's your problem God and giving something to people that believed in witchcraft. He would never do that. One day you will be like the rest of everybody else we will be judged for our deeds and yes even what we thought.

Then why did Christians continue to torture and kill "Witches" for 1700 years

You can take your threat of judgement and stick it up your ass. That voodoo shit only works for those who believe it. The mind is where it's at and that's the only place.

You are confusing witchcraft and God.

The bible is where the confusion's where it's always been. If the NY Times had sent ten of it's star reporters to cover the events around Jesus time and they had come back with the account which is in the new testament they would have all been fired and the story never printed.
Then why did Christians continue to torture and kill "Witches" for 1700 years

You can take your threat of judgement and stick it up your ass. That voodoo shit only works for those who believe it. The mind is where it's at and that's the only place.

You are confusing witchcraft and God.

The bible is where the confusion's where it's always been. If the NY Times had sent ten of it's star reporters to cover the events around Jesus time and they had come back with the account which is in the new testament they would have all been fired and the story never printed.

The confusion is with you.

If the NY Times had sent ten of it's star reporters to cover the events around Jesus time and they had come back with the account which is in the new testament they would have all been fired and the story never printed.

Do you honestly understand what you are talking about? You are talking about not reporting what they saw. Covering up the news.
No, it's not. It's indicative of something, but it's hard to figure it out when all we have to work with are his insane rants.

But he reminds me of nobody so much as...Sky.

One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

Do you really have nothing to say on the subject beyond this endless spamming? You just posted the exact same thing - verbatim - on another thread. Are you a real person, or just some 'stupid bigot' virus someone infected the forum with?
No, it's not. It's indicative of something, but it's hard to figure it out when all we have to work with are his insane rants.

But he reminds me of nobody so much as...Sky.

One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

Do you really have nothing to say on the subject beyond this endless spamming? You just posted the exact same thing - verbatim - on another thread. Are you a real person, or just some 'stupid bigot' virus someone infected the forum with?

Oh I'm Real:

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.
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Sorry bout that,

1. Just wow, you are one twisted and confused individual Campy.
2. You took the wrong bus a long time ago, and didn't get off.
3. I think I need to step off your trip, you seem to be aware of just how screwed up you are, you don't need me telling you.
4. I think all in all, you are beyond help, do we agree?

Sorry bout that,

1. Just wow, you are one twisted and confused individual Campy.
2. You took the wrong bus a long time ago, and didn't get off.
3. I think I need to step off your trip, you seem to be aware of just how screwed up you are, you don't need me telling you.
4. I think all in all, you are beyond help, do we agree?


Oh....we don't agree but I noticed you covered up my last message..........DON'T BE DOING THAT SHIT

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.
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Oh I'm Real:

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.

I grew up in a similar family, and was basically indoctrinated to believe in a fundamentalist, evangelical version of Christianity. When I left the church in my late 30s, I was really angry. I felt misled and like I'd made a lot of decisions about my life on the basis of a bunch of lies. I got over it, and I hope you do, too. I still don't believe, but for the most part, I'm not angry about it anymore. I freely chose the course of my adult life. I have made it a goal to live the rest of my life being happy, every single day.

Carpe diem. Seize the day and stop ruining your future by looking back and being angry about your past.
Sorry bout that,

1. Just wow, you are one twisted and confused individual Campy.
2. You took the wrong bus a long time ago, and didn't get off.
3. I think I need to step off your trip, you seem to be aware of just how screwed up you are, you don't need me telling you.
4. I think all in all, you are beyond help, do we agree?


Oh....we don't agree but I noticed you covered up my last message..........DON'T BE DOING THAT SHIT

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.

Oh....we don't agree but I noticed you covered up my last message..........DON'T BE DOING THAT SHIT
First thing no he didn't he never quoted your post.

Now for the rest of your reply you spend all those years doing the things you claim you did and all of a sudden you stop? Really dude I can smell the fraud in your post even on the internet. Something must have happen to you that was traumatic. Did you get busted for stealing church funds? caught cheating with the pastors wife? Deacon's wife? No one loses the faith their faith in God and do the things you say you did unless something they did was bad and are trying to run from their wicked way.
One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

You see there's your problem God and giving something to people that believed in witchcraft. He would never do that. One day you will be like the rest of everybody else we will be judged for our deeds and yes even what we thought.

Then why did Christians continue to torture and kill "Witches" for 1700 years

You can take your threat of judgement and stick it up your ass. That voodoo shit only works for those who believe it. The mind is where it's at and that's the only place.

Hey Joe, if you are going to make up stories about your life you should your change up your drivel some. You post the same shit under JoeB131 on this very board. You are getting sloppy dude.
One more time for the teen agers.........

If The God Of The Universe Dropped By One Time During The Stone Age And Left The Only Keys To The Kingdom With A Bunch Of Goat Herders Who Believed In Witchcraft And Thought The Earth Was Flat He Has A Helluva Sense Of Humor.

Do you really have nothing to say on the subject beyond this endless spamming? You just posted the exact same thing - verbatim - on another thread. Are you a real person, or just some 'stupid bigot' virus someone infected the forum with?

Oh I'm Real:

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.

Are you under the impression that cutting and pasting the exact same little story, word for fucking word, endlessly is NOT spamming?
Sorry bout that,

1. Just wow, you are one twisted and confused individual Campy.
2. You took the wrong bus a long time ago, and didn't get off.
3. I think I need to step off your trip, you seem to be aware of just how screwed up you are, you don't need me telling you.
4. I think all in all, you are beyond help, do we agree?


Oh....we don't agree but I noticed you covered up my last message..........DON'T BE DOING THAT SHIT

My grandmother began to brainwash me with that hogwash when I was an infant about two years old. If I made a mistake or did something she didn't like she admonished me, "Ol' Scratch Will Get You!" When I was in the third and fourth grades at Milan Tennessee in the early 40's the teachers started the day with the pledge of allegiance and the lord's prayer. On Monday's the class was each assigned a bible verse to memori e and recite back to the class on Fridays. Christmas and Easter celebrations, prayers before anything from a cockfight to a NASCAR race, reinforcement by preachers, teachers and other authority figures. What chance does an innocent child have

I lived in the church for most of my adult life. We tithed our gross plus gifts to Lottie Moon and other selected missions, I was a Sunday school teacher for young adults, I coached and refereed for RA boys, I was a member of the brotherhood and the building committee, I visited those who were sick on Tuesdays, Prayer meetings on Wednesdays, I gave personal testimony at small churches in towns close by and I had most of the new testament committed to memory while I was still in my twenties. When time came to be drafted the preacher wanted me to become an ordained Baptist preacher but you know what I go into the army. I never believed all that major bullshit about prophesy, virgin birth, healing leprosy by touching, walking on water, turning water into fine wine, raising from the dead, feeding 6000-8000 with two fish and five loaves then gathering 12 baskets of leftovers, hanging a man on a tree, bleeding him like a hog then seeing him fit as a fiddle two days later, etc.

I stayed in the church till I was over 60 years old and I used to sit in the pews on Sunday mornings, look around at the faces of others and wonder how in the world intelligent people actually believed all that bullshit.

If the south sea islands are included there are over 4000 ancient gods being worshipped today. Break down the Christian faith and add over 44,000 denominations, conventions, sects, cults, sub cults etc. If it's the most important thing in the world why is it so complicated and confusing.

P.T. Barnum said, "There's A Sucker Born Every Minute." Religion proves he knew what he was talking about.

Do you notice how that was EXACTLY the same as your previous post?
Really dude I can smell the fraud in your post even on the internet. .

His whole little 'persona' is just a bit of bad fiction.

And not even a new work of bad fiction. You should see the whole exchange between Joe and this guy about there combat experience. Joe was getting razzed about that stupidity, but he kept going. Watch, soon he will blame it all on some dude from the UK.

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