My Childhood Brainwashing

Anyone that thinks the description of the Creator that Carlin gives is acurate or that the Creator is in anyway similar to Zeus is simply an ignoramus loud-mouth moron and obviously has not read the first thing about God nor given it a second of open minded thought.

Stupid crap like you posted is exactly why I hate discussing these profound subjects with libtards who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to this topic.

Well, you've shown the intellectual level of discussion YOU'RE willing to bring to this thread. :doubt:

Actually he has a point. George Carlin was a comic and not a philosopher. He successfully pulled in people like yourself.

Gullible fools who take their cosmology from modern day jesters, lol.
Yea, and so is Zeus.

To quote George Carlin on this one;

When it comes to bullshit, big-time, major league bullshit, you have to stand in awe of the all-time champion of false promises and exaggerated claims, religion. No contest. No contest. Religion. Religion easily has the greatest bullshit story ever told. Think about it. Religion has actually convinced people that there's an invisible man living in the sky who watches everything you do, every minute of every day. And the invisible man has a special list of ten things he does not want you to do. And if you do any of these ten things, he has a special place, full of fire and smoke and burning and torture and anguish, where he will send you to live and suffer and burn and choke and scream and cry forever and ever 'til the end of time!

But He loves you. He loves you, and He needs money! He always needs money! He's all-powerful, all-perfect, all-knowing, and all-wise, somehow just can't handle money! Religion takes in billions of dollars, they pay no taxes, and they always need a little more. Now, you talk about a good bullshit story. Holy Shit!

Anyone that thinks the description of the Creator that Carlin gives is acurate or that the Creator is in anyway similar to Zeus is simply an ignoramus loud-mouth moron and obviously has not read the first thing about God nor given it a second of open minded thought.

Stupid crap like you posted is exactly why I hate discussing these profound subjects with libtards who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to this topic.

I spent the first 16 years of my life in sunday school, church and such. Read the bible a few times, etc.

I do NOt believe in any supreme deity such as God. Nor in any afterlife of any type.
Then why did the church require infant baptism for a thousand years

Infants have committted no sin, but have Original Sin from the Fall.

For the same reason that everyone else believed in torture and witches.

But it was Christianity that led the effort to ban torture and stop burning witches as some still do to this day.

Oh, and dont tell a Wiccan he's no witch, lol.

Because the whole world did, and it was the church, again, that led the effort to destroy slavery and largely has.

Your like the local gossip who still damns the reformed local drunk because a long time ago he used to get smashed, even though he hasnt touched alcohol in decades.

The church has never changed their stand on anything until donations began to fail.

That is a total bullshit lie.

God, how do yo live with yourself?

Presumably he can live with himself because he believes there's nothing better, so there's no point in reaching for any degree of higher existence. Those who scorn God and believers generally don't set the bar too high for themselves. They think they're as perfect as they're going to get, and there's no reason for them to work on themselves or increase their understanding, compassion, or review their faults.

The one thing about never, ever stop looking at yourself and seeking betterment. Because we're supposed to always grow. If you aren't growing, you aren't truly committed, and if you aren't truly committed, then whether or not you're truly saved is the question...

In general I agree with what you have said, but such growth is not required, really as I understand it. God wants us to walk in the light as He is in the light, but we dont always have to like it.

God takes us so often as we are, and as David ate the sacred bread of the holy of Holies when he and his men were starving, sometimes the matters of the spiritual constraints have to take a temporary second to practical matters of the material sort.

For example, waterboarding in a perfect world is ghastly, but in this world it can save countless lives of innocent people. That is worth inflicting non-maiming severe discomfort on some evil men, and I dont think God holds it against us, though it is not the best way spiritually to attain information and resolve conflict.

Its saving grace is that it works and sometimes that is all that is required.
I spent the first 16 years of my life in sunday school, church and such. Read the bible a few times, etc.

I do NOt believe in any supreme deity such as God. Nor in any afterlife of any type.

So what?

Do you have reasons you care to discuss or are you just playing to the peanut gallery?
Anyone that thinks the description of the Creator that Carlin gives is acurate or that the Creator is in anyway similar to Zeus is simply an ignoramus loud-mouth moron and obviously has not read the first thing about God nor given it a second of open minded thought.

Stupid crap like you posted is exactly why I hate discussing these profound subjects with libtards who dont know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to this topic.

Well, you've shown the intellectual level of discussion YOU'RE willing to bring to this thread. :doubt:

Lol, I gave an emotional reaction, and such are not supposed to be intulekchual, poseur.

The sad thing is you actually think that makes it valid.
Well, you've shown the intellectual level of discussion YOU'RE willing to bring to this thread. :doubt:

Lol, I gave an emotional reaction, and such are not supposed to be intulekchual, poseur.

The sad thing is you actually think that makes it valid.

An emotional reaction is what it is; neither rational nor intulekchual nor anything other than what the emotion is.

My contempt for academian blather that presumes their standards are all that matter is no less relevant or valid than the intellectual who tries to push his shit on me or pretends to be sad (when he really isnt) at my emotional response.

Really, get over yourself.
Actually he has a point. George Carlin was a comic and not a philosopher. He successfully pulled in people like yourself.

Gullible fools who take their cosmology from modern day jesters, lol.

Yea, Stephen Hawkings is a real riot.

Hawkings is nothing more than another guy with some foolish ideas when he goes on about things not in his area of expertise, like anyone else.

And if he gets his cosmology from a comedian then he is also a fool.
It started from my parents and grandparents when I was two...My grandmother telling me "OL' Scratch Will Get You." first recollections.

In grammar school I was required to memorize bible verses and pray. Wednesday night prayer meetings in Baptist or primitive Baptist churches. Prayers before every public event.

Add to that nearly forty years in the church until I finally gave up about 15 years ago and knew I wouldn't believe all that BS if I live to 100. 'Course that ain't that far away.

One of the silliest teachings I got as a young RCC girl, is that "good girls" don't wear patent leather shoes.


Because they reflect so much that boys can see your panties.
I'm real.

So you were a hypocrite sent to make all Christians look bad by your false witness.

Big deal, it's not like you're the first.

You goddamed right I was. After my childhood brainwashing I was entitled. Folks who brainwash innocent, gullible children with a 2000 year old crock of shit which came from the developing imagination of primitives during the stone age deserve some kind of punishment. I think they should be incarcerated............for life.
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Hey fraud, how many times do you need to repeat the same empty bullshit before your OCD is satisfied? Go take a 'Shut the Fuck Up' pill.
Hey fraud, how many times do you need to repeat the same empty bullshit before your OCD is satisfied? Go take a 'Shut the Fuck Up' pill.

As many times as your ignorant hypocrite ass comes back to me. Count on it!
And when absolutely everyone knows for sure what a weak, insecure, egotistical little girl you are? What then? Just repeating your bullshit for the sake of repeating it? Just SPAMMING the forum?
Cammmmmmpell is a llllooooooooonnnnnn.

And quite telling...his statement that he's "entitled" to anything. Generally people who feel they're entitled to one thing feel they're entitled to pretty much everything. It's a loser's mantra.
Cammmmmmpell is a llllooooooooonnnnnn.

And quite telling...his statement that he's "entitled" to anything. Generally people who feel they're entitled to one thing feel they're entitled to pretty much everything. It's a loser's mantra.


Began as paper boy in 1944...I was nine years old. Pay $3.60 per week

Began to mow lawns in 1946. I was eleven years old. Averaged $20 per week during summers

Continued both papers and mowing and began to buy my own clothes when I was fourteen
went in debt for my first car before I was able to legally drive it

Began working at a full service garage when I was barely sixteen

Worked 40 hrs junior and senior year HS and 60 hours during summers...$0.60 per hour

Hired at a Uranium processing plant in 1952...rotating shift...Pay $1.71 per hour

Worked five years and was drafted into the army infantry Pay...$73 per month

Returned in 1959 and continued my job as process operator pay $3.10 per hour
The company gave me seniority credit for the time I was in the army, continued in national guards

I play keyboards and piano so I was drawing checks from three places when my kids were young. My regular job, the national guards and playing when I could with small bands and combos. Discharged from guards in 1964 as a tank commander on an M-48 Medium Patton Tank

Was laid off because of seniority in February 1961 but relocated to the data processing center where they were installing a new $2.5 million main frame computer. Continued to work rotating shift work. Took a $200 a month cut...about 30%.

Worked about 18 months, learned to program in C T and Fortran 1 and made shift supervisor. With overtime about $700 a month.

In 1968 was set up to computer operations supervisor over three shifts and 40 employees. Pay...approximately $800 a month but worked straight days and no overtime

Our center had $66 million of computing and telecommunications equipment installed on 18,000 sq. ft. of floating floor. Our power bill to TVA was over half a million dollars per year and the center required over 400 tons of refrigeration. We installed Oak Ridge's first super computer...the Cray XMP 2/4. We later upgraded to a 4.

25 years later I retired after 41 years with the same company. Good pension and at age 62 began to draw social security...about $48,000 per year total. My wife has a similar career path and between the two of us and her part time job we make about $75,000 per year.

We both have a high school education but I did complete an electronics school which lasted about two and a half years in the mid 1960's.

We have a 4br brick rancher with 220ft. lake frontage. I have a dock, well pump in the lake with six outlets for irrigation. I have a pontoon boat with a 115hp Evinrude engine and we hit the lake every once in a while for a little fishing etc.

Two of my three kids have masters degrees and the one who doesn't is a project director for the DOE earning six figures. We're all losers

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