Must See: Giant UFO Hovers and Shuts Down Chinese Airport. Flights Diverted.


May 29, 2010
This is amazing and if you look real close you can see lights or thrusters along the side of the glowing enormous craft. It look like in some pictures that it is scanning some buildings with some kind of light coming out the bottom of it to the ground. You can tell this is extraterrestrial looking. I don't think the Chinese have technology to build something like this.

Article with pics:
Chinese airport closed after UFO spotted over city | Mail Online

Amazing photos of the craft taken
When Venus is low in the sky like that, it tends to glimmer like the video. Nothing to see here.
Don't discount that a child that let go of Mylar balloon and what look like "Lights" is really the string reflecting the planet Venus.
shhhhhh ees miraterry ess ancient Chinese secret our pranes fry rike dat to confuse round eye american brack president who bow and bow and bow
Reflective surface blimp with four engines mounted on top. *Yawn*

Blimps make noise and this thing was silent and also Blimps don't take off at warp speed like this thing did. couldn't have been aliens then. Any intergalatic traveler knows you don't go to warp speed inside an atmosphere. Geeze.

My God! Really good mufflers! It must be alien technology. :lol:
Reflective surface blimp with four engines mounted on top. *Yawn*

Blimps make noise and this thing was silent and also Blimps don't take off at warp speed like this thing did. couldn't have been aliens then. Any intergalatic traveler knows you don't go to warp speed inside an atmosphere. Geeze.

My God! Really good mufflers! It must be alien technology. :lol:
Do blimps leave big white trails like in the pics?
Well we know government is the most powerful force in the Universe, so this must be the creation of some government, either American or Chinese, no other explanation is plausible.
If this is REAL, it's important.

And there's the rub, eh?

We cannot KNOW anymore what's real and what isn't.
Sorry about that there in china guys.

My people hung around for a few days after they brought me back to earth and decided to screw with the chinese before flying back to our homeplanet.

Im staying here just to post on the USMB though :)

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