Muslims behead three Christian schoolgirls

Pale Rider said:
I'm in complete bewilderment myself as to why there's no more outrage about this Kath. The apparent lack of concern is unbelievable.

I agree. But the apathy of the MSM must not let us blame all. Remember, for some reason, they are choosing not to report that which we know of, thus we have to assume that is true in other venues also.
dilloduck said:
Even the televised beheadings didn't draw the outrage it should have--I think it's more than that even, Mr. P. It's a conpiracy of silence or even a refusal to respond to the the horror.
There were never televised beheadings here or I believe, in Europe.
Kathianne said:
There were never televised beheadings here or I believe, in Europe.

There was NO lack of awareness of what happened and no claims that it never happened. Intentional ignorance.
dilloduck said:
There was NO lack of awareness of what happened and no claims that it never happened. Intentional ignorance.
I agree, though not the same thing.
Kathianne said:
I agree, though not the same thing.

It doesn't matter--when the world can ignore the brutal massacre of innocent people that has been filmed on shown LIVE, there is something wrong with someone OTHER than the media. The silence is not due to unawareness of what happened--the silence is due to something else and I have offered a few of my ideas.
dilloduck said:
It doesn't matter--when the world can ignore the brutal massacre of innocent people that has been filmed on shown LIVE, there is something wrong with someone OTHER than the media. The silence is not due to unawareness of what happened--the silence is due to something else and I have offered a few of my ideas.

Fine. So why did you post that they had been shown on television? Did you mean in Middle East?
Kathianne said:
Fine. So why did you post that they had been shown on television? Did you mean in Middle East?

I am speaking of the lack of world outrage at the most brutal killings I've ever seen. Is your argument that the world just didn't know what happened therefore no outrage?
dilloduck said:
I am speaking of the lack of world outrage at the most brutal killings I've ever seen. Is your argument that the world just didn't know what happened therefore no outrage?

Nope. Mine would be for the US. If not on 5, 6, 10 o'clock news, it doesn't exist. True for most cable watchers too.
Mr. P said:
All people should stop pushing their beliefs.

Trying to convince people in the realm of ideas is one thing; that's called free speech. Threatening violence unless someone converts is another. Everyone is NOT to blame.
rtwngAvngr said:
Trying to convince people in the realm of ideas is one thing; that's called free speech. Threatening violence unless someone converts is another. Everyone is NOT to blame.
And this comes from where and adds what?
Kathianne said:
And this comes from where and adds what?

Mr. P said everyone should stop pushing their beliefs in his first post on this thread. I disagree. The MODE of pushing the belief is what matters.
rtwngAvngr said:
Mr. P said everyone should stop pushing their beliefs in his first post on this thread. I disagree. The MODE of pushing the belief is what matters.

and the poster you 'quoted'? Thinks aren't complicated enough?

As for the 'pushing of beliefs', you seem to be ok with that, as long as it's 'your beliefs' not so tolerant of others.
Kathianne said:
and the poster you 'quoted'? Thinks aren't complicated enough?

As for the 'pushing of beliefs', you seem to be ok with that, as long as it's 'your beliefs' not so tolerant of others.

Senor De la p? It was a joke, kath. I forgot, you don't do funny.

I push my ideas in the realm of ideas, appealling to logic and reason. I invite anyone to push back. THis is called a conversation.
rtwngAvngr said:
Senor De la p? It was a joke, kath. I forgot, you don't do funny.

I push my ideas in the realm of ideas, appealling to logic and reason. I invite anyone to push back. THis is called a conversation.

Actually RWA, I can have a soh, but it's lost somehow here. Besides the point. Like I said, 'confusing enough' after 2 pages.

I am all for conversation, would be good if not shut down with those who stop arguing, in the name of they have the 'answer' and everyone else is a horse's ass.
Kathianne said:
Actually RWA, I can have a soh, but it's lost somehow here. Besides the point. Like I said, 'confusing enough' after 2 pages.

I am all for conversation, would be good if not shut down with those who stop arguing, in the name of they have the 'answer' and everyone else is a horse's ass.

What's a soh? What are saying here? Are you accusing me of something, or implying it or what? What's your deal?
rtwngAvngr said:
What's a soh? What are saying here? Are you accusing me of something, or implying it or what? What's your deal?
sense of humor. Check your pm's.
If I met one of the bastards that did this, I'd beat the sh!t out of him, then lean him against the pole and say, "When you get to Hell, tell Allah he's next," and blow his f*cking brains out with a .45. You want a Biblical response? Prepare for it, because these terrorists deserve worse than the Canaanites. These guys better hope they never see me with an army at my back. It'd be the last thing they'd ever see.
P.S. Here's your moral outrage. Three 16 year old girls just for being Christians? Prepare to reap the whirlwind, cause I'll strangle those guys with the towels on their heads if I have to.

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