Muslims are not staying silent in the wake of the Paris attacks

what more do you need to know?

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks

That depends if you understand WHY they did this. You make the assumption they do this because they support ISIS and the attacks on Paris.
A moment of silence was asked for to honor the dead. And they Booed, and shouted slogans.

Okay, and?

Maybe they've seen a lot of killing going on in their region and wondering why there aren't minute silences for those.

That sounds like a real stretch to me. They've seen a lot of killing in their region? by who? because having a minute of silence is sort of a western cultural thing, but they still could have respected it.

Maybe, their th ones doing the killing in their region. Ever been to a soccer game before????

That was all explained in post 260. Apparently that culture chants to honor the victims.

Why would they be expected to observe a foreign culture's tradition and ignore their own? Do you do that?

Ok i saw the link in 260, It may be true. I need to look into it a little further though
That sounds like a real stretch to me. They've seen a lot of killing in their region? by who? because having a minute of silence is sort of a western cultural thing, but they still could have respected it.

Maybe, their th ones doing the killing in their region. Ever been to a soccer game before????

That was all explained in post 260. Apparently that culture chants to honor the victims.

Why would they be expected to observe a foreign culture's tradition and ignore their own? Do you do that?

Sure, why not? if 160 of them had been killed? I could honor someone else culture for one damn minute.
These excuses are very poor. So why were they booing then?
Maybe booing is actually cheering? Its considered bad manners if you dont burp after eating in some cultures.

I think that's Japan. When I lived in Europe I wasn't sure, thought it might have been an Arab thing, so after one meal I let it rip. My Algerian dinner companion Latif looked up and said, "it's not very polite, is it?" :rofl:

Oops, that wasn't it.
Ah, he was kinda straightlaced anyway.
I know in India burping is considered a compliment. I dont know about Japan. They are pretty uptight.

I heard they honk their car horns only to say "excuse me"
TheHawk posted it. You're discussing it. I'm saying to everyone knock it off because it's against the USMB site rules.
No stupid its not and no one cares what you say not to do.

"No Posting contents of PMs without permission from the sender."
And that's exactly what happened.

No Stupid. Pogo gave Hawk permission. Are you inebriated again on that fire water?
Hawk discussed it before getting that permission. So yes, a rule was violated. I'm just saying to put a lid on it.

He did bring it up, and that's out of bounds. I didn't give him "permission" -- I dared him to do it. I don't know that I even CAN "give permission". Besides which -- editing somebody else's post to change its meaning is absolutely most definitely against the rules.

But what happens to him now that he's posted it --- apart from being exposed as a liar -- is his problem.

Feel free to prove how I ever "edited" one of your posts, moron. I quoted you, exposed you for the lying hypocrit you are, and you threw a tantrum. Then you deny it, ask for it to be posted, then deny saying that you asked for it.

Typical lying liberal hack.

Carry on, dipshit.
In Germany it is considered a compliment to the chef to burp after a meal. I do not believe that is the case in Japan, though I have heard that slurping noodles is considered a compliment.

Maybe it's Germany then. :dunno:
Actually it appears in the movie "Witness" among the Amish family, but who knows how accurate that is...

Curious thing --- in Germany if you don't clean your plate it's thought a message the food wasn't good, while in France if you DO clean your plate it's a message there wasn't enough food. So people leave food on their plate even in an expensive restaurant. :cuckoo:

hmmm that might be a culture clash for me then; I was raised with a number of German customs - including, yes, licking my plate (No I don't do it in public, but at home... and if it's buttery... ugh I'm a slave to my butter weakness... I'm only allowed to have microwave popcorn now because the kids hated that I drank straight melted butter. I have to sneak around my own home licking out the inside of the popcorn bag... I demand freedom! lol )
That depends if you understand WHY they did this. You make the assumption they do this because they support ISIS and the attacks on Paris.
A moment of silence was asked for to honor the dead. And they Booed, and shouted slogans.

Okay, and?

Maybe they've seen a lot of killing going on in their region and wondering why there aren't minute silences for those.

That sounds like a real stretch to me. They've seen a lot of killing in their region? by who? because having a minute of silence is sort of a western cultural thing, but they still could have respected it.

Maybe, their th ones doing the killing in their region. Ever been to a soccer game before????

That was all explained in post 260. Apparently that culture chants to honor the victims.

Why would they be expected to observe a foreign culture's tradition and ignore their own? Do you do that?

Ok i saw the link in 260, It may be true. I need to look into it a little further though

It bears further review, yeah. But it already bore contextual review before these wags started measuring a foreign culture's practices by their own culture's standards and came up with misinterpreted hate conclusions.
In Germany it is considered a compliment to the chef to burp after a meal. I do not believe that is the case in Japan, though I have heard that slurping noodles is considered a compliment.

Maybe it's Germany then. :dunno:
Actually it appears in the movie "Witness" among the Amish family, but who knows how accurate that is...

Curious thing --- in Germany if you don't clean your plate it's thought a message the food wasn't good, while in France if you DO clean your plate it's a message there wasn't enough food. So people leave food on their plate even in an expensive restaurant. :cuckoo:

hmmm that might be a culture clash for me then; I was raised with a number of German customs - including, yes, licking my plate (No I don't do it in public, but at home... and if it's buttery... ugh I'm a slave to my butter weakness... I'm only allowed to have microwave popcorn now because the kids hated that I drank straight melted butter. I have to sneak around my own home licking out the inside of the popcorn bag... I demand freedom! lol )

Oh I agree with the Germans on this one. The French are not known for logic. :D
The point is they are not like us.

they don't have a live and let live mentality.

and that is as a group

what radicals? You mean the people that responded to 9/11?
The people that stood up, did the right thing?

Canada is just north of here, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Not like "us"? Who is "us" exactly? Right wingers?

You're saying ONE BILLION Muslims are all the same? You're saying "us" are all the same?

You think the US has the "live and let live mentality"? Are you fucking serious? The US has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, bombed Libya, imposed sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, all because they didn't want to follow the US on oil production. And you think this is a "live and let live" mentality?

The US is the BIGGEST threat to global security in the world right now. And you're talking "live and let live"? Incredible.

What radicals?

The people who responded to 9/11 by INVADING those who were not responsible for 9/11.

The guy who oversaw al Qaeda was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. 15 of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from UAE, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

So Bush invaded IRAQ. Yes, IRAQ. Not only was al Qaeda not in Iraq, Saddam didn't support al Qaeda, none of the terrorists were from Iraq. So he went and invaded Iraq.

What the FUCK?

Let's face it, the intellectually bereft have been painting with the broad bigot brush since 9/11. It's important for them to blot out distinctions and shunt their hatred to a "foreign" religion, because getting your hate on emotionally is far less intellectually challenging than trying to deal with the complexities of the world as it is.
So if they kill your family and it turns out to be a refugee

are you going to console yourself with your intellect? are you going to say, lets bring more in b/c they are not all like that?

morons that claim to be brilliant in spite of the facts are getting people killed.

do you grasp the fact that it is open boarders that let terrorist into France?

of course not, you would have to admit the truth to yourself.

and now pogo tells me that's not what he meant and that I'm making false accusations

Oh look who found punctuation. Can the shift key be far behind?

What the friggety fuck are you babbling about now?
I cut your tactic off at the head so you go after my grammar.

The point is they are not like us.

they don't have a live and let live mentality.

and that is as a group

what radicals? You mean the people that responded to 9/11?
The people that stood up, did the right thing?

Canada is just north of here, don't let the door hit you in the ass.

Not like "us"? Who is "us" exactly? Right wingers?

You're saying ONE BILLION Muslims are all the same? You're saying "us" are all the same?

You think the US has the "live and let live mentality"? Are you fucking serious? The US has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, bombed Libya, imposed sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, all because they didn't want to follow the US on oil production. And you think this is a "live and let live" mentality?

The US is the BIGGEST threat to global security in the world right now. And you're talking "live and let live"? Incredible.

What radicals?

The people who responded to 9/11 by INVADING those who were not responsible for 9/11.

The guy who oversaw al Qaeda was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. 15 of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from UAE, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

So Bush invaded IRAQ. Yes, IRAQ. Not only was al Qaeda not in Iraq, Saddam didn't support al Qaeda, none of the terrorists were from Iraq. So he went and invaded Iraq.

What the FUCK?

Let's face it, the intellectually bereft have been painting with the broad bigot brush since 9/11. It's important for them to blot out distinctions and shunt their hatred to a "foreign" religion, because getting your hate on emotionally is far less intellectually challenging than trying to deal with the complexities of the world as it is.
So if they kill your family and it turns out to be a refugee

are you going to console yourself with your intellect? are you going to say, lets bring more in b/c they are not all like that?

morons that claim to be brilliant in spite of the facts are getting people killed.

do you grasp the fact that it is open boarders that let terrorist into France?

of course not, you would have to admit the truth to yourself.

and now pogo tells me that's not what he meant and that I'm making false accusations

Oh look who found punctuation. Can the shift key be far behind?

What the friggety fuck are you babbling about now?
I cut your tactic off at the head so you go after my grammar.


Oh we haven't even got to the grammar yet. That'll be fun too.
Not like "us"? Who is "us" exactly? Right wingers?

You're saying ONE BILLION Muslims are all the same? You're saying "us" are all the same?

You think the US has the "live and let live mentality"? Are you fucking serious? The US has invaded Afghanistan and Iraq, bombed Libya, imposed sanctions against Iran and Venezuela, all because they didn't want to follow the US on oil production. And you think this is a "live and let live" mentality?

The US is the BIGGEST threat to global security in the world right now. And you're talking "live and let live"? Incredible.

What radicals?

The people who responded to 9/11 by INVADING those who were not responsible for 9/11.

The guy who oversaw al Qaeda was from Saudi Arabia and in Afghanistan. 15 of the attackers were from Saudi Arabia, 2 from UAE, one from Egypt and one from Lebanon.

So Bush invaded IRAQ. Yes, IRAQ. Not only was al Qaeda not in Iraq, Saddam didn't support al Qaeda, none of the terrorists were from Iraq. So he went and invaded Iraq.

What the FUCK?

Let's face it, the intellectually bereft have been painting with the broad bigot brush since 9/11. It's important for them to blot out distinctions and shunt their hatred to a "foreign" religion, because getting your hate on emotionally is far less intellectually challenging than trying to deal with the complexities of the world as it is.
So if they kill your family and it turns out to be a refugee

are you going to console yourself with your intellect? are you going to say, lets bring more in b/c they are not all like that?

morons that claim to be brilliant in spite of the facts are getting people killed.

do you grasp the fact that it is open boarders that let terrorist into France?

of course not, you would have to admit the truth to yourself.

and now pogo tells me that's not what he meant and that I'm making false accusations

Oh look who found punctuation. Can the shift key be far behind?

What the friggety fuck are you babbling about now?
I cut your tactic off at the head so you go after my grammar.


Oh we haven't even got to the grammar yet. That'll be fun too.
Well good luck with that.


enjoy the irony
Let's face it, the intellectually bereft have been painting with the broad bigot brush since 9/11. It's important for them to blot out distinctions and shunt their hatred to a "foreign" religion, because getting your hate on emotionally is far less intellectually challenging than trying to deal with the complexities of the world as it is.
So if they kill your family and it turns out to be a refugee

are you going to console yourself with your intellect? are you going to say, lets bring more in b/c they are not all like that?

morons that claim to be brilliant in spite of the facts are getting people killed.

do you grasp the fact that it is open boarders that let terrorist into France?

of course not, you would have to admit the truth to yourself.

and now pogo tells me that's not what he meant and that I'm making false accusations

Oh look who found punctuation. Can the shift key be far behind?

What the friggety fuck are you babbling about now?
I cut your tactic off at the head so you go after my grammar.


Oh we haven't even got to the grammar yet. That'll be fun too.
Well good luck with that.


enjoy the irony

Shift key still MIA.
And I think your keyboard's pregnant. It missed two periods.
So if they kill your family and it turns out to be a refugee

are you going to console yourself with your intellect? are you going to say, lets bring more in b/c they are not all like that?

morons that claim to be brilliant in spite of the facts are getting people killed.

do you grasp the fact that it is open boarders that let terrorist into France?

of course not, you would have to admit the truth to yourself.

and now pogo tells me that's not what he meant and that I'm making false accusations

Oh look who found punctuation. Can the shift key be far behind?

What the friggety fuck are you babbling about now?
I cut your tactic off at the head so you go after my grammar.


Oh we haven't even got to the grammar yet. That'll be fun too.
Well good luck with that.


enjoy the irony

Shift key still MIA.
And I think your keyboard's pregnant. It missed two periods.
that's almost clever

as in it would have been funny in 1995.
hey fridgid fuck face- if you understood islam and the koran you'd know muslims are commanded to LIE TO NON-muslims at will.

Wow, another post with insults. You're really, really smart, and I'm really really sarcastic. I think you're for the ignore button. Jeez, I'm not going to stoop as low as you. Bye.
Just in case anyone decided to claim (as has already happened) that Muslims are staying silent over the Paris attacks. They're not. Clearly. You're just not listening.

Paris attacks: Muslims around the world condemn Islamic State massacre

Iran, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Indonesia, Qatar and Turkey have all condemned these attacks, as shown by this site.

"Not in my name" - Muslims speak out against Paris attacks conducted in the name of Islam

Loads of Muslims on Twitter denouncing the attacks.

Muslims strongly condemn Paris terror attacks

"Muslims worldwide on Saturday strongly condemned the terrorist attacks by the Islamic State that killed at least 127 people in Paris."

"Tariq Ramadan, a professor of Islamic Studies at Oxford University in England and president of the European Muslim Network think tank said in a statement: “Absolute and immediate condemnation. They shouted, we are told, ‘Allahu akbar” (God [is] the greatest) to support and justify their inhuman actions."

Just because you're not listening, doesn't mean they aren't speaking.

what more do you need to know?

Maybe, maybe not. Seems to me the reaction of the Turkish soccer fans is a better indicator of which way th wind is blowing

France: Only 30 Muslims show up for rally against Paris jihad attacks

That depends if you understand WHY they did this. You make the assumption they do this because they support ISIS and the attacks on Paris.
A moment of silence was asked for to honor the dead. And they Booed, and shouted slogans.

Okay, and?

Maybe they've seen a lot of killing going on in their region and wondering why there aren't minute silences for those.

That sounds like a real stretch to me. They've seen a lot of killing in their region? by who? because having a minute of silence is sort of a western cultural thing, but they still could have respected it.

Maybe, their th ones doing the killing in their region. Ever been to a soccer game before????

The point being that western people get so immersed in their own lives and ignore what is happening to others.

The Turks have the PKK killing people in their own country, 30,000 in the last 30 years, that's 1,000 a year. ISIS has killed 800 outside of their territory this year. That's LESS than the Turks have seen. Then 100 something people get killed in Paris. I mean, as a Turk you'd say "well, so, we're getting worse than that and no one cares a damn".

When did Facebook get Turkish flags and this outpouring of sympathy for Turkish victims? We don't.

Then the Turks have got ISIS right on their border, and killing people. Any sympathy?

Then the Turks are expected to give a minute's silence for people who got killed on the other side of the continent, but the French don't have a minute's silence when Turks are killed.

But then the west interprets what the Turks do in a manner based in a totally self centered way. It's ridiculous.

They were playing a football match against their fiercest rivals, they have other things.

Also, I've seen an interpretation that they were booing ISIS. Why should they do things in the western way of keeping silent? Is it their culture to do this? But Americans EXPECT everyone to follow American ways of doing things, simply because they don't understand other ways.

MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
Ps, how does one put someone 'on ignore'?
Click on their name or avatar, a box will pop up. Just click on ignore.

BTW, lots of people ignore Pogo stick.
Hi Tilly. I wondered who you were responding to. Now I know. It's POGO The Asshole. I don't see his posts because I along with most members here have had him on Permanent Ignore for months.
He's a waste of time and bandwidth. He's only here to troll.
Someone starts a thread about how the sun rises in the east and POPGO will put up dozens of bullshit posts claiming the sun in fact ises in the west but because so many people on earth are right handed they confuse where west and east are.
Seriously. He's that fucking nuts.
He jumps on every new member and stalks them until they 'PI' him.
I see you're a quick learner.
Welcome to the forum BTW.
your links come from groups, organisations that planned what they were going to say (Didn't look at all of them)

Those people weren't a group, they weren't organised, they were the moderate muslims showing their hate for non-muslims and their support for murder.

which do you think is a more honest display of the general muslim?

the stray groups that speech out, but do nothing, against the radicals
the people that cheer the radicals
the radicals

What's the point you're trying to make?

You want people to do something against the radicals. What did YOU DO to stop the RADICALS in the US govt from going to war in 2003?
The war started in 2001.


Wow, someone who needs insults to attempt to get their point across.
For shrill Bush derangement lunatics it's civil discourse.

Now you're trying to justify insulting instead of debating. Jeez.
You don't 'debate' here bitch. You put up constant insults. You're a brainwashed muslim.
Is this you with the glasses?

MONEY, seeing as that's what America's all about.

I don't eat meat, drink beer, I don't like dogs, I don't wear bikinis, Jesus is just another Mexican, and freedom of speech, well, seeing what most people use it for.

So, only one of those things do I actually like. What's American about those things I don't like?

Also, not all Muslims hate bikinis, Jesus and freedom of speech. Generalizing won't get you very far, especially when you're wrong.
My muslim neighbor has 2 dogs. He does keep them outdoors because the wife believes them to be unclean. I dont know if this is for religious reasons.. Muslims dont hate Jesus. They see him as another prophet and he is mentioned in the Quran
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
The fucking rag heads in Paris know everyone in their shithole ghetto. They all know who is a 'new face', who is returning from radical Islamist training camps.
They all know which families are radical.
Every rag head knows when every other rag head takes a leak.
I lived in France for years.
You all don't have a fucking clue how tight the muslim community is.
There are no 'peace loving muslims.
It is not possible to adhere strictly to the teachings in the koran without being a misogynist violent terrorist.
Radical Islamofascists are in every state in the country. The DHS/CIA/FBI knows who they are.

Did you live within the Muslim Community?
I lived for two years 1 kilometer from the largest mosque in Besancon.
Close enough for me asshole.
I saw daily multiple cases of muslim behavior no self respecting 'Westerner' would stand for.
Filthy violent misogynistic animals. And oh so proud of their 'manliness'.
And all in the name of allah of course.
One of their favorites was to walk past a 'Western' woman then turn around and spite on her back as she walked past.
Little things like that. And they liked to make hissing sounds whenever they were near a 'Western' woman.
Need to take a shit? Just squat down and do it on the main street. Need to take a leak? Go for the windows on the nearest 'Western' grocery store.
I saw it daily. They were very common place events.
Their object was to drive any descent human being away from what they perceived to be their own territory.

You have a vivid and perverted imagination. Let's see how many times I saw anything remotely resembling what you describe here.... times seven, carry the zero.... I make it .... ZERO.

If you were in Bensancon you were quite close to where I worked in Beaujolais. It's a loooong way from Paris.

Perhaps you should stop discounting other people's experiences and virtually calling them liars just because they apparently are not yours. There are countless reports of the behaviour the other poster recounts here in Europe, just because you apparently did not witness such does not mean it isn't an issue nor that it doesn't happen. It really is a childish way to conduct yourself, especially given that you are so imperious and condescending in your attitude.

Perhaps you should consider that I know this poster's history. Like anything else, these things don't happen in a vacuum. You'll notice which of us used the terms "asshole" and "fucking ragheads". So don't even THINK about coming to me with "childish".

As for his usual made-up crap, I know bullshit when I see it.
you should avoid mirrors.

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