Muslim Brotherhood wants to boost tourism


Silver Member
Aug 9, 2005
The Muslim Brotherhood’s party, leading in a parliamentary election, wants to boost tourist numbers to Egypt and will not take steps that would harm the industry, a party official told a rally in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Essam el-Erian, deputy head of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said accusations that Islamists rise to power would harm tourism were “rumors” circulated by remnants of the party of deposed President Hosni Mubarak to influence voters. “No citizen who makes a living from this field should be concerned,” Erian said in statements carried by the party’s website while addressing voters in Sinai ahead of the third stage of the election in January. He said the party wanted to draw in 20 million tourists a year to Egypt, compared to the more than 12 million that visited before the uprising against Mubarak and subsequent political upheaval sent tourists packing.
Muslim Brotherhood wants to boost tourism
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Ill second that.... :lol:
The muslimes will destroy egypt as they have every other country they turned into a backward, impoverished jihadist shithole like turkey.

Egypt is Muslim, for more than 1.000 years.
The muslimes will destroy egypt as they have every other country they turned into a backward, impoverished jihadist shithole like turkey.

Egypt is Muslim, for more than 1.000 years.

Egypt is 5000 years old. How has that islime thing worked out for egypt? Not so well selling lupin beans.

Arab Author Anwar Malek...
The Arabs are afflicted with fantasies and obsolete bravado. False, empty bravado, which does no good to anybody. The Arabs invented or discovered the zero--but what did they do with it? Some of them sat on it, some put it on their heads, while others wore it around their waists and began shaking their hips, their belies, and their breasts in order to sell to the world the idea that modern Arabs are doing something

Today, the Arabs constitute nothing but thousands of zeros to the left. The Arabs have lost their worth, their humanity, their culture, and everything. There is nothing to suggest that the Arabs can be relied upon to produce anything. This false bravado is deeply rooted in the Arabs to an unimaginable degree. It is so deeply rooted that the Arabs believe they can go to the moon. If you asked your viewers whether the Arabs would be able to reach the moon by 2015, they would say, "Yes, the Arabs will get to the moon" By Allah, the Arabs will not go more than a few hundred kilometers from their doorsteps.

In all honesty, the Arabs are backward and are not fit for civilization at all. I am talking about the Arabs of today who have begun to export shawarma, falafel and lupin beans to Europe and they purport to be bringing something Arab to Europe

the reality of the Arabs is one of defeat, hitting rock bottom We are defeated, politically and militarily and economically, socially, and even psychologically. We have a discourse of conspiracy, and we blame everything on others. Take Egypt--What does Egypt--that superpower--have to offer? Nothing, it is incapable of doing anything. It has nothing but lupin beans. It is incapable of anything.

Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example. If you hear about thieves, they are always Arabs. Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab. All the negative moral values are to be found in the Arab individual
[ame=]Algerian author Anwar Malek talks about the arab world. - YouTube[/ame]
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How are they going to do that? theres not alot of tourists interested in visiting third world Islamic shit holes where you can get thrown in jail for having premarital sex.
Arab Author Anwar Malek...
The Arabs are afflicted with fantasies and obsolete bravado. False, empty bravado, which does no good to anybody. The Arabs invented or discovered the zero--but what did they do with it? Some of them sat on it, some put it on their heads, while others wore it around their waists and began shaking their hips, their belies, and their breasts in order to sell to the world the idea that modern Arabs are doing something

Today, the Arabs constitute nothing but thousands of zeros to the left. The Arabs have lost their worth, their humanity, their culture, and everything. There is nothing to suggest that the Arabs can be relied upon to produce anything. This false bravado is deeply rooted in the Arabs to an unimaginable degree. It is so deeply rooted that the Arabs believe they can go to the moon. If you asked your viewers whether the Arabs would be able to reach the moon by 2015, they would say, "Yes, the Arabs will get to the moon" By Allah, the Arabs will not go more than a few hundred kilometers from their doorsteps.

In all honesty, the Arabs are backward and are not fit for civilization at all. I am talking about the Arabs of today who have begun to export shawarma, falafel and lupin beans to Europe and they purport to be bringing something Arab to Europe

the reality of the Arabs is one of defeat, hitting rock bottom We are defeated, politically and militarily and economically, socially, and even psychologically. We have a discourse of conspiracy, and we blame everything on others. Take Egypt--What does Egypt--that superpower--have to offer? Nothing, it is incapable of doing anything. It has nothing but lupin beans. It is incapable of anything.

Look at how the Arabs live in the West. By Allah, they are a bad example. If you hear about thieves, they are always Arabs. Whenever a young man harasses a girl on the streets of London or Paris, he turns out to be an Arab. All the negative moral values are to be found in the Arab individual
[ame=]Algerian author Anwar Malek talks about the arab world. - YouTube[/ame]
How are they going to do that? theres not alot of tourists interested in visiting third world Islamic shit holes where you can get thrown in jail for having premarital sex.

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How are they going to do that? theres not alot of tourists interested in visiting third world Islamic shit holes where you can get thrown in jail for having premarital sex.

Qatar's GDP per capita is 3 times that of Israel :D not every Muslim country Is third world
Muslim Brotherhood wants to boost tourism???????

They are insisting on DESTROYING Egypt pyramids to STOP tourists from coming and disseminating non-Islamic culture!
How are they going to do that? theres not alot of tourists interested in visiting third world Islamic shit holes where you can get thrown in jail for having premarital sex.

Qatar's GDP per capita is 3 times that of Israel :D not every Muslim country Is third world

So what? most Islamic countries are third world shit holes, deal with it.
should be "muslim brotherhood wants to boost terrorism" and AKP sure does support Hamas hizbullah and MB, time for US officials to rethink their "allies" in the ME.
here is my gift to ekrem
The United States, European Union, and Turkey also consider the PKK to be a rebel group. Erdoğan’s embrace of Hamas, however, raises questions about whether the PKK designation should stand. After all, Hamas is a far more violent terrorist group, as likely to target civilians as soldiers. The PKK, especially in recent years, has limited its operations toward fighting the Turkish military. Turkish officials say Hamas won an election, but then again, PKK front groups do as well, although Erdoğan’s security forces often arrest the victorious candidates before they can take their seats in parliament. Regardless, the PKK is far more popular in southeastern Turkey than is the Turkish government. Any desire to give credence to Turkish Foreign Ministry explanations that Hamas is legitimate but the PKK is not must be cast aside given that Erdoğan has had his officials enter into secret talks with the PKK. The moment he did so, he legitimized the group, so why should the Danish government, the Belgian government, France, Great Britain, or even the United States refrain from talking to the same PKK representatives?
Is Turkey losing to the PKK? - Foreign and Defense Policy - AEI
How are they going to do that? theres not alot of tourists interested in visiting third world Islamic shit holes where you can get thrown in jail for having premarital sex.

Qatar's GDP per capita is 3 times that of Israel :D not every Muslim country Is third world

So what? most Islamic countries are third world shit holes, deal with it.

No theyre not Shithead have you ever been anywhere in the middle east to even talk shit? :lol:
The Muslim Brotherhood’s party, leading in a parliamentary election, wants to boost tourist numbers to Egypt and will not take steps that would harm the industry, a party official told a rally in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Essam el-Erian, deputy head of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said accusations that Islamists rise to power would harm tourism were “rumors” circulated by remnants of the party of deposed President Hosni Mubarak to influence voters. “No citizen who makes a living from this field should be concerned,” Erian said in statements carried by the party’s website while addressing voters in Sinai ahead of the third stage of the election in January. He said the party wanted to draw in 20 million tourists a year to Egypt, compared to the more than 12 million that visited before the uprising against Mubarak and subsequent political upheaval sent tourists packing.
Muslim Brotherhood wants to boost tourism

I bet they do too. They need the money to finance the terrorism they support. Egypt is not on my top 10 list so they can kiss me goodby.
The Muslim Brotherhood’s party, leading in a parliamentary election, wants to boost tourist numbers to Egypt and will not take steps that would harm the industry, a party official told a rally in the Red Sea resort of Sharm el-Sheikh.
Essam el-Erian, deputy head of the Freedom and Justice Party (FJP), said accusations that Islamists rise to power would harm tourism were “rumors” circulated by remnants of the party of deposed President Hosni Mubarak to influence voters. “No citizen who makes a living from this field should be concerned,” Erian said in statements carried by the party’s website while addressing voters in Sinai ahead of the third stage of the election in January. He said the party wanted to draw in 20 million tourists a year to Egypt, compared to the more than 12 million that visited before the uprising against Mubarak and subsequent political upheaval sent tourists packing.
Muslim Brotherhood wants to boost tourism

It'd probably help if they made the place worth visiting. My brother said that Alexandria smelled like a sewer and that most of the buildings weren't finished b/c people had to pay huge taxes once they finished a building. So they'd just build the first floor and leave the second floor unfinished. (Take a note Democrats).

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