Muslim advocacy group CAIR to announce class action suit against FBI

Sunni Man

Diamond Member
Aug 14, 2008
Patriotic American Muslim
(CNN) -- The California chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the ACLU say they will announce a federal class action lawsuit Wednesday against the FBI for "illegal surveillance of the Muslim community."
The council's San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento offices began documenting FBI surveillance practices last year.
"In recent months, there has been a notable increase in complaints by community members of FBI visits," the offices said in July.
It said that Muslims of varying ethnic and geographic background have reported visits by FBI agents.
"We have seen a special emphasis on individuals who have ties to, or have visited Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen," it said.
The California chapters said it was conducting the project, in conjunction with the ACLU and the Asian Law Caucus, to identify pattens of "overly intrusive conduct."

Muslim advocacy group to announce class action suit against FBI -
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.


There's innocent Muslims?

Who knew!

*Disclaimer: I know there are innocent Muslims. Sunni is a fucking ass who deserves to be mocked. And... the FBI rock.... because we haven't had any successful attacks for quite some time.*
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.

They've also intercepted the components for a dirty bomb coming into the country. As far as I am concerned, that alone should be enough for most Americans to tell CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.

They've also intercepted the components for a dirty bomb coming into the country. As far as I am concerned, that alone should be enough for most Americans to tell CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.

I know some people might be offended but traveling to Pakistan or Yemen is not the same as vacationing in Italy or Sweden.
So far as I'm concerned ANYONE who has traveled ANYWHERE outside the US should be questioned upon their return to the United States and be survailed for some period of time. In my mind the US has NO FRIENDS outside of our own borders and I see no need for the vast majority of American citizens to ever leave the United States in the first place.
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.

They've also intercepted the components for a dirty bomb coming into the country. As far as I am concerned, that alone should be enough for most Americans to tell CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.

I know some people might be offended but traveling to Pakistan or Yemen is not the same as vacationing in Italy or Sweden.

:eek: It isn't?

Oops. I better cancel my vacation to Yemen and Libya. Darn.
They've also intercepted the components for a dirty bomb coming into the country. As far as I am concerned, that alone should be enough for most Americans to tell CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.

I know some people might be offended but traveling to Pakistan or Yemen is not the same as vacationing in Italy or Sweden.

:eek: It isn't?

Oops. I better cancel my vacation to Yemen and Libya. Darn.

I know, I had to cancel my hiking trip in Waziristan and I am pissed.:evil:
So far as I'm concerned ANYONE who has traveled ANYWHERE outside the US should be questioned upon their return to the United States and be survailed for some period of time. In my mind the US has NO FRIENDS outside of our own borders and I see no need for the vast majority of American citizens to ever leave the United States in the first place.

Then you better be prepared for some massive tax increases... because we're gonna need to increase the number of Agents by about 5 million. Idiot.
(CNN) -- The California chapters of the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the ACLU say they will announce a federal class action lawsuit Wednesday against the FBI for "illegal surveillance of the Muslim community."
The council's San Francisco Bay Area and Sacramento offices began documenting FBI surveillance practices last year.
"In recent months, there has been a notable increase in complaints by community members of FBI visits," the offices said in July.
It said that Muslims of varying ethnic and geographic background have reported visits by FBI agents.
"We have seen a special emphasis on individuals who have ties to, or have visited Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen," it said.
The California chapters said it was conducting the project, in conjunction with the ACLU and the Asian Law Caucus, to identify pattens of "overly intrusive conduct."

Muslim advocacy group to announce class action suit against FBI -

They must make it difficult to communicate with your fellow terrorist buddies. :eusa_whistle:
Then you better be prepared for some massive tax increases... because we're gonna need to increase the number of Agents by about 5 million. Idiot.

Nah. We just don't let those people who choose to leave the country come back. We don't need them anyway. The only exception would be those US Military members who have had to be sent overseas to explain to foreign governments and NGO's why sticking their nose into America's business is a one way trip to Eternity.
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So far as I'm concerned ANYONE who has traveled ANYWHERE outside the US should be questioned upon their return to the United States and be survailed for some period of time. In my mind the US has NO FRIENDS outside of our own borders and I see no need for the vast majority of American citizens to ever leave the United States in the first place.

That's just stupid.

There's tourism and there's business, some people even have family that live outside the country.

Keeping surveillance on them all would just be massive waste of resources.
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.

They've also intercepted the components for a dirty bomb coming into the country. As far as I am concerned, that alone should be enough for most Americans to tell CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.

I need proof that their infringement on privacy is necessary before I'll consider it. I like my rights.
Then you better be prepared for some massive tax increases... because we're gonna need to increase the number of Agents by about 5 million. Idiot.

Nah. We just don't let those people who choose to leave the country come back. We don't need them anyway. The only exception would be those US Military members who have had to be sent overseas to explain to foreign governments and NGO's why sticking their nose into America's business is a one way trip to Eternity.

Yeah who needs businessmen who do sales overseas. There's no way that could ever help us at home.

And all those people who want to see what other countries are like. Clearly they must not like America.
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.

just look at that rabid dog jihadi misunderstander in texas who came to the USA on a student visa for the purpose of JIHAD. Good law enforcement and alert citizens caught this shoe before it hit the ground.....

Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, 20, a citizen of Saudi Arabia and resident of Lubbock, Texas, was arrested late yesterday by FBI agents in Texas on a federal charge of attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction in connection with his alleged purchase of chemicals and equipment necessary to make an improvised explosive device (IED) and his research of potential U.S. targets.

FBI agents also found a notebook at Aldawsari’s residence that appeared to be a diary or journal. According to the affidavit, excerpts from the journal indicate that Aldawsari had been planning to commit a terrorist attack in the United States for years. One entry describes how Aldawsari sought and obtained a particular scholarship because it allowed him to come directly to the United State and helped him financially, which he said “will help tremendously in providing me with the support I need for Jihad.” The entry continues: “And now, after mastering the English language, learning how to build explosives and continuous planning to target the infidel Americans, it is time for Jihad.” ....... In another entry, Aldawsari allegedly wrote that he was near to reaching his goal and near to getting weapons to use against infidels and their helpers. He also listed a “synopsis of important steps” that included obtaining a forged U.S. birth certificate; renting a car; using different driver’s licenses for each car rented; putting bombs in cars and taking them to different places during rush hour; and leaving the city for a safe place

Terror Suspect Arrested in Lubbock, Texas - KDAF
After they caught that underwear bomber coming in from Yemen, and the time square bomber from Pakistan, I believe anyone coming from these places should be questioned, regardless of ethnicity, religion or sex.

They've also intercepted the components for a dirty bomb coming into the country. As far as I am concerned, that alone should be enough for most Americans to tell CAIR and the ACLU to go fuck themselves.

I need proof that their infringement on privacy is necessary before I'll consider it. I like my rights.

Their privacy wasn't infringed. Law enforcement knocking on your door and asking to interview does not infringe your privacy at all. Provide evidence that illegal procedures were used or move, pretty simple concept.

By the way? If the FBI asks to interview you and you refuse, expect a warrant next time, and correctly so.

Unbelievable supposed American citizens upset that their Government is trying to keep them safe. What are they trying to hide?
If an FBI informant "infiltrated" my church to investigate POSSIBLE priest abuse, they would be given a hero's welcome and a pancake breakfast. In a mosque, they are slapped with a lawsuit. Why?

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