Murphy Brown and Unmarried Moms


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. “On May 19, 1992, as the presidential campaign season was heating up, Vice President Dan Quayle delivered a family-values speech that came to define him…he chided Murphy Brown — the fictional 40-something, divorced news anchor played by Candice Bergen on a CBS sitcom — for her decision to have a child outside of marriage.

a. There were idiots who laughed at Quayle....

2. “Bearing babies irresponsibly is simply wrong,” the vice president said. “Failing to support children one has fathered is wrong. We must be unequivocal about this. It doesn’t help matters when prime-time TV has Murphy Brown, a character who supposedly epitomizes today’s intelligent, highly paid professional woman, mocking the importance of fathers by bearing a child alone and calling it just another lifestyle choice.”

a. “Perhaps it’s time for the vice president to expand his definition and recognize that, whether by choice or circumstance, families come in all shapes and sizes,” Bergen’s character said.

b. Twenty years later, Quayle’s words seem less controversial than prophetic.”

3. …marriage is a commitment that cohabitation is not. Taking a vow before friends and family to support another person “until death do us part” signals a mutual sense of shared responsibility that cannot be lightly dismissed. Cohabitation is more fragile — cohabiting parents split up before their fifth anniversary at about twice the rate of married parents.  Often, this is because the father moves on, leaving the mother not just with less support but with fewer marriage prospects. For her, marriage requires finding a partner willing to take responsibility for someone else’s kids.” 20 years later, it turns out Dan Quayle was right about Murphy Brown and unmarried moms - Washington Post

4. Damn Liberals, doomed children. How is it the fools who perpetuated this catastrophe simple amble on down the road….no apology, no responsibility? When will we hear…”Well…conservatives were right again”???

a. "The spiral continues each year to the point where married couples with children have an average income of $80,000, which is compared to $24,000 for single mothers.
'We have one class that thinks marriage and fatherhood is important, and another which doesn’t, and it’s causing that gap, income inequality, to get wider,' said Mr. DiCaro to The Washington Times. 1 in 3 US children live without their father according to census as the number of two-parent households decreases by 1.2 million | Mail Online

b. “Nicole Hawkins‘ three daughters have matching glittery boots, but none has the same father. Each has uniquely colored ties in her hair, but none has a dad present in her life.
As another single mother on Sumner Road decked her row-house stoop with Christmas lights and a plastic Santa, Ms. Hawkins recalled that her middle child’s father has never spent a holiday or birthday with her. In her neighborhood in Southeast Washington, 1 in 10 children live with both parents, and 84 percent live with only their mother. Fathers disappear from households across America - Washington Times

5. “Here is the lottery ticket that single mothers are handing their innocent children by choosing to raise them without fathers: Controlling for socioeconomic status, race, and place of residence, the strongest predictor of whether a person will end up in prison is that he was raised by a single parent. By 1996, 70 percent of inmates in state juvenile detention centers serving long-term sentences were raised by single mothers. Seventy-two percent of juvenile murderers and 60 percent of rapists come from single-mother homes. Seventy percent of teenage births, dropouts, suicides, runaways, juvenile delinquents, and child murderers involve children raised by single mothers. Girls raised without fathers are more sexually promiscuous and more likely to end up divorced. A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference between black and white crime rates disappeared.” Coulter, “Guilty”

Where is the shame?
The sense of guilt that they have done to to our nation, and to our nation's children?'s probably too late to turn the clock back.

Thank's, anyway, Vice-President Quayle.
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Having a father in a child's life is extremely crucial for a normal socialization process.

Children without a father in the home enter adult life with a psychological and emotional deficit from which many never recover from. :cool:
Having a father in a child's life is extremely crucial for a normal socialization process.

Children without a father in the home enter adult life with a psychological and emotional deficit from which many never recover from. :cool:

its makes you feel so superior to them huh?

I recommend that you pick up a copy of Charles Murray's latest, "Coming Apart: The State of White America, 1960-2010"'s only about 10 bucks.

Here, from my notes of same:

1. This book is about the half-century’s change in cultural- not income- inequality in America. The changes will lead to the end of the “American experiment,” generally described as a place where people could be left as individuals or families to live their lives as they saw fit.

2. The book is structured to compare two communities, called Belmont, and Fishtown.
a. "Belmont" refers to the cognitive elite: The top 20% with college or graduate degrees, who hold jobs in knowledge-based occupations. Whites, aged 30-49.
b. "Fishtown" refers to the working class: The bottom 30% with at most a high school diploma and (if employed) working in blue collar or low wage service jobs. Whites, aged 30-49.

3. In 1960, marriage was the norm in both venues…about 94% in Belmont, and 84% Fishtown. Over 90% of the children were born to married parents. In both towns the stats were decreasing over time, but by the 1980’s, Belmont stabilized, while the trend continued in Fishtown: marriage down to 48% by 2010, with half the children born out of wedlock…

4. In 1960, there were some who where wealthier than other, but there were no class distinctions as far as cultural determiners. Today, the differences are clear and dramatic: how much TV watched, reading books, drinking, the communities of each are more homogeneous, and, the amount of education.

5. One change in societal attitude has been the “ecumenical niceness”…don’t fight, share toys, take turns….and never, ever be judgmental. As a result, the upper cultural class, which has stabilized by returning to more traditional ways, survives, yet these individuals will not criticize the behaviors which are destroying the lower cultural class.

a. “For Women Under 30, Most Births Occur Outside Marriage”

b. “One group still largely resists the trend: college graduates, who overwhelmingly marry before having children. That is turning family structure into a new class divide, …” Ibid.

c. The elites must preach what they practice.

Values, morals, attitudes such as delay of gratification (the very opposite of Liberalism)....

....not abortions.
Having a father in a child's life is extremely crucial for a normal socialization process.

Children without a father in the home enter adult life with a psychological and emotional deficit from which many never recover from. :cool:

Maybe men should stop getting women pregnant then.
yeah women shouldnt exsist without fathers

The branch of Liberalism known as 'feminism' has destroyed women.

To be specific....what is known in the literature as Second Wave Feminism...."The slogan 'the personal is political' sums up the way in which Second Wave Feminism did not just strive to extend the range of social opportunities open to women, but also, through intervention within the spheres of reproduction, sexuality and cultural representation, to change their domestic and private lives.",_2nd,_3rd_wave.htm

This is the element that I blame, the one that revolved around bumper-stickers such as
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle"

This thinking led directly to the atrocities mentioned in the OP.
Having a father in a child's life is extremely crucial for a normal socialization process.

Children without a father in the home enter adult life with a psychological and emotional deficit from which many never recover from. :cool:

Maybe men should stop getting women pregnant then.
When it comes right down to it.

The women has the final say and ultimate responsibility as to whether a pregnancy happens or not. :cool:
face that you can not control how others live their lives

Can you come to terms with this fact:

"The spiral continues each year to the point where married couples with children have an average income of $80,000, which is compared to $24,000 for single mothers.
'We have one class that thinks marriage and fatherhood is important, and another which doesn’t, ..."
You dont get to deside how peoiple live their lives.

So here you are talking about single moms like they are some paria and fail to recognise the Moms stayed with their kids and the dads didnt.

why are you blaming the moms who did their job even when it got tuffer?
yeah women shouldnt exsist without fathers

The branch of Liberalism known as 'feminism' has destroyed women.

To be specific....what is known in the literature as Second Wave Feminism...."The slogan 'the personal is political' sums up the way in which Second Wave Feminism did not just strive to extend the range of social opportunities open to women, but also, through intervention within the spheres of reproduction, sexuality and cultural representation, to change their domestic and private lives.",_2nd,_3rd_wave.htm
The true end game of feminism was lesbianism. :cool:
Having a father in a child's life is extremely crucial for a normal socialization process.

Children without a father in the home enter adult life with a psychological and emotional deficit from which many never recover from. :cool:

Maybe men should stop getting women pregnant then.

The appropriate response to this post is far too obvious.
You dont get to deside how peoiple live their lives.

So here you are talking about single moms like they are some paria and fail to recognise the Moms stayed with their kids and the dads didnt.

why are you blaming the moms who did their job even when it got tuffer?


The people at issue are programmed.

Take a look at what Citi wrote in Post #8.
Having a father in a child's life is extremely crucial for a normal socialization process.

Children without a father in the home enter adult life with a psychological and emotional deficit from which many never recover from. :cool:

Maybe men should stop getting women pregnant then.

The appropriate response to this post is far too obvious.

you mean that she's right?

you can't have it all ways...

you can't not teach about safe sex

and teach the (pathetic and stupid) abstinence ONLY

and outlaw abortion or make it a humiliating experience...

and then complain about single mothers.
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