Mueller warns the LIB MSM

Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.
Bullshit. All of these stories are coming from Mewler.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.
Bullshit. All of these stories are coming from Mewler.

I guess you could be right, but I don't think so.
A spokesperson for Mueller warns the LIB MSM to make sure they get their facts straight.
Robert Mueller: ‘Many’ news stories on Trump-Russia probe are wrong
Cohen is suing McClatchy. The settlement will bankrupt McClatchy.
yea, i posted this the other day but a good one to remind people that their "Desires" do not make news. in fact, it's a leading cause of fake news in my mind.

you want something true, you find some assnugget blogger who will say it is and wala, it's on the internet, so it must be true.

these days we look for validation, not the truth.
"The statement from a spokesperson did not single out particular stories."

So your contention that Cohen will bankrupt McClatchy is hilarious. :D
If Mueller actually has any hard evidence that Cohen had travelled to Prague Mueller would have subpoenaed Cohen's passport records and travel documents which he could get from DHS in ten minutes.
McClatchy's Trump hating 'reporter' fucked up again! McClatchy is being sued by Cohen.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.

He doesn't have to release any specific information but if he's going to "warn" that "many new stories" are wrong then he can and should be specific about what "news stories" are wrong, being vague is just contributing to the ongoing disinformation campaign surrounding his investigation which isn't serving anybody's interests except the partisan propagandists.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.

He doesn't have to release any specific information but if he's going to "warn" that "many new stories" are wrong then he can and should be specific about what "news stories" are wrong, being vague is just contributing to the ongoing disinformation campaign surrounding his investigation which isn't serving anybody's interests except the partisan propagandists.
When Mueller's report is finally released we'll all get to see how fucking corrupt the LIB MSM is/was.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.

He doesn't have to release any specific information but if he's going to "warn" that "many new stories" are wrong then he can and should be specific about what "news stories" are wrong, being vague is just contributing to the ongoing disinformation campaign surrounding his investigation which isn't serving anybody's interests except the partisan propagandists.
When Mueller's report is finally released we'll all get to see how fucking corrupt the LIB MSM is/was.

By the time it's released the propaganda soaked public at large won't care or won't believe what it says because all the bullshit the media pushes will have made up their minds for them.
Well, I suppose it has to do with all the recent crap coming out, since he saw fit to issue the statement now.

"Recent crap"? Even If that's true it's still ludicrous.

If you're going to attempt to set the record straight regarding erroneous new stories then it's only prudent to be specific regarding which reporting is inaccurate otherwise you just end up sowing more confusion.

The douche bags aren't serving the public interest with these ham handed attempts at being cryptic.

Mueller isn't releasing any specific information until he is finished. The reporters should take his warning to heart.

He doesn't have to release any specific information but if he's going to "warn" that "many new stories" are wrong then he can and should be specific about what "news stories" are wrong, being vague is just contributing to the ongoing disinformation campaign surrounding his investigation which isn't serving anybody's interests except the partisan propagandists.
When Mueller's report is finally released we'll all get to see how fucking corrupt the LIB MSM is/was.

By the time it's released the propaganda soaked public at large won't care or won't believe what it says because all the bullshit the media pushes will have made up their minds for them.

It is the hope of the MSM that by the time the truth is released the damage
will have been done.
So, now this out of control fuckwit, Robert "The Framer" Mueller is threatening the media?

Christ Almighty.

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