MTV show on White priviledge shaming

Ravi, you should know better. Its not about white people being oppressed, Its about that you can put a person down based on their race, basicaly saying that their race defines them, they are not an individual. So when you see a black person walking down the street, is that all you see? do you assume everything about them because they are black? or do you see them as a man or a woman with unique life experiences. Or is it just that you think white people dont have unique life experiences?

Hating whitey is all the rage in leftist society.

I think they are planning on lynching some white bucks at the DNC convention....
Its about that you can put a person down based on their race, basicaly saying that their race defines them, they are not an individual.

This skips any talk of privilege and pretends that any discussion on privilege is about judging everyone. Its not.

When someone says blacks are good dancers there isnt one person who says "hey not fair, I'm an individual" because we are talking about in general and not each person specifically

Well, I havn't seen the guy's show. But if hes shaming white people for what they have 'done to America' i thnk its quite different than saying Blacks are good dancers. You can pay good money for your kid to go to college so he can learn hes part of an oppressor race and should be ashamed. i would imagine if i as a white guy standing in a group of blacks said that Blacks are good dancers. there would be someone offended by my statement. honestly you cant say anything these days even if you think its a compliment it will be taken the wrong way by someone.

But thats the thing. You havent seen the show, no one has, but they already have determined that its bad and an attack on whites. There will always be someone offended by something so thats neither here nor there.

No one says you should feel ashamed but what happens is that when you learn about the truth of what white people have done throughout history you feel ashamed because its shameful.

Its no different than if someone was shown their father was a murderer. Will that person accuse the person presenting this fact as attempting to shame or is the fact itself shameful?

Well, i guess well see then. although there have been some on these boards who seem to feel that white people are predisposed to being an oppressor. i contend it has less to do with race and more to do with circumstance, for instance the more technologically advanced Incas and aztecs enslaved their less advanced neighbors and slaughtered them. It has more to do with fundamental tendencies as a human being and what happens when one group is more advanced then the next, but also depending on resources., geography, politics and other factors. rather then genetics.
white people are so oppressed

Ravi, you should know better. Its not about white people being oppressed, Its about that you can put a person down based on their race, basicaly saying that their race defines them, they are not an individual. So when you see a black person walking down the street, is that all you see? do you assume everything about them because they are black? or do you see them as a man or a woman with unique life experiences. Or is it just that you think white people dont have unique life experiences?
It appears to be about white people feeling oppressed. But it is MTV so who knows.
Privilege is such a thorny issue that whenever it brought up they scream foul or how its about hate but they never address it as if it doesnt exist.

Cronyism is a type of privilege. And if you bring up Cronyism most will agree.

But add the word white to it and they knee jerk pretend theres no such thing or any advantage to being the majority.

Thats why when whites are told they are becoming the minority they cheer because being a minority is like, cool and stuff

"Privilege" is a dog whistle for you racist fucks.

It is a term the mutant media uses to foment racial hatred and division on behalf of the Khmer Rouge democrats.

"Hate WHITEY" - the 2016 DNC campaign slogan.
Privilege is such a thorny issue that whenever it brought up they scream foul or how its about hate but they never address it as if it doesnt exist.

Cronyism is a type of privilege. And if you bring up Cronyism most will agree.

But add the word white to it and they knee jerk pretend theres no such thing or any advantage to being the majority.

Thats why when whites are told they are becoming the minority they cheer because being a minority is like, cool and stuff

"Privilege" is a dog whistle for you racist fucks.

It is a term the mutant media uses to foment racial hatred and division on behalf of the Khmer Rouge democrats.

"Hate WHITEY" - the 2016 DNC campaign slogan.

See? Just irrational and emotional for no reason. Since "privilege" is a dog whistle what is the dog whistle for? Being the Majority? OH NO

Having more opportunity? HOW DARE THEY!!!
Privilege is such a thorny issue that whenever it brought up they scream foul or how its about hate but they never address it as if it doesnt exist.

Cronyism is a type of privilege. And if you bring up Cronyism most will agree.

But add the word white to it and they knee jerk pretend theres no such thing or any advantage to being the majority.

Thats why when whites are told they are becoming the minority they cheer because being a minority is like, cool and stuff

"Privilege" is a dog whistle for you racist fucks.

It is a term the mutant media uses to foment racial hatred and division on behalf of the Khmer Rouge democrats.

"Hate WHITEY" - the 2016 DNC campaign slogan.

See? Just irrational and emotional for no reason. Since "privilege" is a dog whistle what is the dog whistle for? Being the Majority? OH NO

Having more opportunity? HOW DARE THEY!!!
Don't mind Eunich2008. He managed to fuck up his white privilege and is still bitter.
Wow. Typical libs.

If they interviewed agree. Id say yep...we should be ashamed. Lets go jump off this tall bridge.

And of course...the guilty white libs would say "Yeah ok lets do it! Fewer of us white devils!"

And Id say "Ok on 3. 1.....2.....3!!!!" And laugh as they jump to their deaths. Stupid liberals.
See? Just irrational and emotional for no reason. Since "privilege" is a dog whistle what is the dog whistle for? Being the Majority? OH NO

Having more opportunity? HOW DARE THEY!!!

The dog whistle is to call all the racist haters of the democratic party. Since the party is back to it's old tricks of in your face racism, it needs to call the new Klan, folks like you, to put on your hoods and bedsheets.

Is it true the party plans to lynch a couple of white bucks at the DNC convention?

See, the ONLY thing that has changed with you democrats is the skin color of your victims - you are EXACTLY like the dims of the 1920's - same racist slogans, same irrational hatred. Oh, they hated blacks, you hate whites - you both hate based on skin.

{Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.}

This is why racism always was, and always will be the driving force of you democrats.
Don't mind Eunich2008. He managed to fuck up his white privilege and is still bitter.

Shouldn't you be plotting to poison the village well, Rati?

How are liberals going to lower the IQ's of all other races so that blacks are equal?
See? Just irrational and emotional for no reason. Since "privilege" is a dog whistle what is the dog whistle for? Being the Majority? OH NO

Having more opportunity? HOW DARE THEY!!!

The dog whistle is to call all the racist haters of the democratic party. Since the party is back to it's old tricks of in your face racism, it needs to call the new Klan, folks like you, to put on your hoods and bedsheets.

Is it true the party plans to lynch a couple of white bucks at the DNC convention?

See, the ONLY thing that has changed with you democrats is the skin color of your victims - you are EXACTLY like the dims of the 1920's - same racist slogans, same irrational hatred. Oh, they hated blacks, you hate whites - you both hate based on skin.

{Racism is the lowest, most crudely primitive form of collectivism. It is the notion of ascribing moral, social or political significance to a man’s genetic lineage—the notion that a man’s intellectual and characterological traits are produced and transmitted by his internal body chemistry. Which means, in practice, that a man is to be judged, not by his own character and actions, but by the characters and actions of a collective of ancestors.}

This is why racism always was, and always will be the driving force of you democrats.

I dont know if you realize this but the KKK was AA racist group against minorities. I'm sorry, is stating that fact another "dog whistle"? Does whites killing minorities with impunity cause you shame?

I realize now that we are only to talk glowingly about whites or else you'll cry about your races history. So let's pretend that history doesn't exist...for your sake. :itsok:
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