MSNBC's Ed Shultz: On Air Calls Radio Host Laura Ingraham A 'Right-Wing Slut'

Calling someone a "Slut" just for having differing political views is just plain sad. What happened to our American Media? Can it get any worse?

He's telling the truth but your hero Rush Limbaugh called the Obama girls fat which is a lie and he called Chelsea Clinton when she was 13 the Whitehouse dog. Chelsea at age 13 wasn't Rush's type. He prefers prepubescent girls from the Dominican Republic If that fat stinking tub of goo ever disrespected my daughters I would grab his blubber throat and crush his windpipe.

Just to shut you up and the rest of the righties let's see which party has the most convicted pedophiles. Let's go name for name.

Ed Shultz used to be a Conservative and by standards 30 years ago he still would be.
I think he had her confused with another slutty right wing psycho talker or two... Palin and Coulter.

Amazing, someone actually willing to defend Ed saying what he said. I'm glad to meet one of the 7 people who actually watch him.

Personally, this was rather weak for him. He's usually alot more crude and offensive. But he had the decency to apologize. I'm guessing his wife chewed him out a bit. It's good to have a wife who will do that when you say stupid things. She should do it more often.
This has gone to far. What a horrible thing to say to a woman who has suffered from breast cancer. From Bill Mayer calling Sarah Palin a 'C*nt' to now this. MSNBC's Ed Shultz was way out of line for calling Ingraham a 'Right-Wing Slut' and he should be fired for doing it. It is unprofessional and is a disgrace to journalism. It is unethical to call a woman who is a professional at her job such a thing. Ingraham is a working mother who has moral values and is a inspiration to women who want to aspire to be in journalism and law since she is a lawyer and a former Supreme Court Law Clerk. Ed Shultz has overstepped his boundries and his show should be boycotted. This is what he said yesterday:

From yesterday's syndicated radio program:

ED SCHULTZ (02:52): And what do the Republicans thinking about? They're not thinking about their next-door neighbor. They're just thinking about how much this is going to cost. President Obama is going to be visiting Joplin, Mo., on Sunday but you know what they're talking about, like this right-wing slut, what's her name?, Laura Ingraham? Yeah, she's a talk slut. You see, she was, back in the day, praising President Reagan when he was drinking a beer overseas. But now that Obama's doing it, they're working him over. (end)

Or Listen to his hatred when he says it.

YouTube - ‪Libtalker Ed Schultz: Laura Ingraham's 'A Slut'‬‏

You certainly don't expect decorum or civility from the left do you?


No I don't but it is "sunshine and flowers" compared to what is coming, from the Left. I WILL go on the record and say that I wish all broadcasters of any side could be able to vent their true feelings, without repercussions, so we the people can know who they really are and then determine which networks and commentators we will support. The networks would then thrive or die, based upon a true liberty of freedom of speech. They will "cook their own goose" if you will.
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Less than a year after the hysterical left blamed the right wing media for engaging in incindiary speech that allegedly resulted in the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gifford we have a situation like this. Why does the left hate Laura Ingraham so much. She is everything the woman's groups said a woman could become. The dirty little secret is that Shultz forgot where he was. This is how the left wing elite talk to each other at cocktail parties. There is a lot of crazy hatred on the left and it percolates to the surface during political campaigns. Not only is Laura Ingraham a successful independent woman but she is also battling breast cancer.
Schultz should attend one of Rush Limbaugh's Sensitivity Training seminars. I hear that Michael J. Fox is going to be a guest lecturer. Rush couldn't get one of the info-babes or anchorettes due to previous engagements.

Yes, if Schultz could only be the gentleman Rush is, he could go far.

I know you blindly stumbled into this, but you are actually correct.

Yeaaaah.. verrrrry correct:


What a piece of shit.

BTW - The "slut" comment was wayyyy out of line. What he was saying was spot-on, but stooping to the level of Limbaugh, Beck, and the like.. was wrong.

Stooping to their level?! Lefties imagine things never said, never thought, never dreamt.

Rush is talking about the "tribalism" or the divisiveness of the racial-gender victimization card. He's not talking about so-called minorities or women in general. This is why even white leftists feel free to call conservative blacks "Uncle Toms", for example, for what these white elitists hear the latter agreeing to is, not the repudiation of victimization politics, but the denigration of minorities and women. The black conservative dares to throw off the elitist's paternal racism, for he insists on being a dignified human being before God on his own terms, rather than a "protected" category of thing.

You see, lefty's mind is forever running along with the currents of the gutter.

The difference between lefty and the conservative is that the conservative understands the world from lefty's perspective, that is to say, he objectively and accurately understands what lefty believes. He sees right through him. But most leftists do not grasp what the conservative is talking about at all. Lefty just hears racism and sexism where none exits.

Here are some words from another "Uncle Tom" making essentially the same observation as Rush over one-hundred years ago, a great patriot and a great American:

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs—partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. . . . There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. —Booker T. Washington​
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Shultz should have pulled an "Ingraham" and said it was "satire" like she rationalized her calling Meghan McCain fat. "Satire" forgives all CON$ervative insults and therefore should forgive all Liberal insults as well, after all, CON$ are always bitching about "double standards."
I think he had her confused with another slutty right wing psycho talker or two... Palin and Coulter.

Amazing, someone actually willing to defend Ed saying what he said. I'm glad to meet one of the 7 people who actually watch him.

Personally, this was rather weak for him. He's usually alot more crude and offensive. But he had the decency to apologize. I'm guessing his wife chewed him out a bit. It's good to have a wife who will do that when you say stupid things. She should do it more often.

Yeah, why can't we have more civility on the left wing, like fox does. Oh I know what you liberals will do. Like pulling out glen beck calling the president a racist. That won't work. We already know that he is, because newt gingrich proved that when he said that the only way to understand Obamas philosophy was to look into his kenyan heritage. Because as we all know, the way the mau-mau slaughtered the white colonists is in "his" blood (you can't trust a splibb). And please don't read too much into that "most successful food stamp president" line, or the one where he says" he should get off the basketball court and do his job". And don't try to pull bill o'reilly out of your butt, because clearly george tiller needed killing, so the fact that billy kept pumping up the crowd with things like "he should be killed" or "tiller the baby killer" had no effect. You can't use michelle bachman either, because, as you know, when she suggested that we should "excorcise our 2nd amendment rights on the white house", she was just venting. Nor can you use sharon angle, because when she suggested that conservatives resort to "2nd amendment remedies" to achieve their goals, she had no intentions of inciting right wing tards. And you better not pick on "patriot" palin. Putting those crosshairs on dems and a short time after, one get's shot in the head apples and oranges my friend. don't retreat, reload, just wordplay. The president pals around with terrorists...semantics. The president is a terrorist sympathizer...she kids, she kids the president. Leave rush alone too. His sexist, racist, anti jew comments are just fodder to amuse people who don't take him's just for shiggles. There are so many examples of things that are not nearly as offensive as...what did bill, glen, rush, sarah, mike and dick call him...oh yeah "SPECIAL ED" said. And when fox said that Obama was in the white house with rappers drinking 40s, they weren't sliding in racism...NO, no. They were just saying that, he was a drunk. Not even the same thing.:poop:
Less than a year after the hysterical left blamed the right wing media for engaging in incindiary speech that allegedly resulted in the attempted assassination of Congresswoman Gifford we have a situation like this. Why does the left hate Laura Ingraham so much. She is everything the woman's groups said a woman could become. The dirty little secret is that Shultz forgot where he was. This is how the left wing elite talk to each other at cocktail parties. There is a lot of crazy hatred on the left and it percolates to the surface during political campaigns. Not only is Laura Ingraham a successful independent woman but she is also battling breast cancer.

If that is how racially sexually economically and socially sensitive people talk at cocktail parties talk, one can only imagine how "YOU PEOPLE" talk. (did you like how I slid in some ross perot for old times sake):poop:And who cares about her breast cancer, it has nothing to do with the comment. Now if he caused her breast cancer, then get back to me, Otherwise it should get the same play that testicular cancer gets. Breast cancer...are you a professional idiot, or just a gifted amateur.
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I'm not surprised much about Ed Schultz comments, left-wingers all do it when they need to raise their ratings. Without things like this who else except kool-aid drinkers would watch them.

My only question is, where is mainstream media coverage on this? Nobody on left really reported on what he said, but there are headlines all over about his apology. Isn't that weird?
I know you blindly stumbled into this, but you are actually correct.

Yeaaaah.. verrrrry correct:


What a piece of shit.

BTW - The "slut" comment was wayyyy out of line. What he was saying was spot-on, but stooping to the level of Limbaugh, Beck, and the like.. was wrong.
When has Beck or Linbaugh called a woman personality a slut or c*nt on the air?

Anyone get this guy an answer yet?

oh boy how friggen rich

And how many time did we read about it in the lamestream media?
Has Limbaugh ever apologized?

No, but he recently pretended to...

Schultz apologized in person and offered a one week unpaid suspension. He also said he would never use that word again

Has Rush?

I think it was Donnie Deutsch who aptly pointed out that Rush can't really apologize and promise to change his ways,

because his ways are his brand. Being obnoxious is Rush's schtick. How can HE stop being obnoxious without stopping being Rush?

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