MSNBC host cries over Jan 6th Anniversary

you don't give a damn about your fellow citizens who lost businesses and property ruined by blm. You only care about your politicians.
You don't care about the 140 cops who were seriously injured on Jan 6. So shove it.
I was in shock at the sight of a Republican Mob attacking our Capitol

DI'd it look like this? You loons did this in front of the Whitehouse, because you lost the election. So quit your drama, you could careless about democracy.
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: Good luck with that.

So rational people (according to you) support Trump or Biden. If it makes you feel better, I would vote for Trump if they were my only choices. But I guess that's why you're all in for Pedo Joe huh? Only candidates you care about are named Trump and Biden. It's a big ass world, MAGA man, and your mind is so small
i was totally embarrassed at the number of knuckle dragging morons who would violate our sacred peaceful transfer of power for an insurrection. I should have cried.
You didn't cry about the riots in DC when Trump won fair and square. Your side cheated in 2020, and the entire world is paying for it.
This is hilarious. Talk about drama queens... pitiful propaganda.

It is not in any way hilarious. Anyone who truly loves your country would feel the same.

We keep saying that the MAGA crowd hates the USA and everything about it. That's why Trump wants to "ignore the Constitution". And that's why fools like you laughed yesterday.
I wonder if what brought him to tears was the thought of the near fatal beating Officer Fanone took at the hands of traitors?
Or the physical violence others suffered? Or the consequent mental anguish they are still experiencing?
Or the sadness that a clownish, orange conman could cause Americans to fight each other so violently?

I don't cry when I think about it. I get angry.

However, mocking the talking head for crying is just another way for Trump supporters to assuage their guilt and diminish the significance of what happened that day. It's as juvenile as it is sickening.

Did you cry, or get angry May 29th through the 31st, when the left rioted in front of the White House and over 60 Secret Service agents were injured?
I wonder if what brought him to tears was the thought of the near fatal beating Officer Fanone took at the hands of traitors?
Or the physical violence others suffered? Or the consequent mental anguish they are still experiencing?
Or the sadness that a clownish, orange conman could cause Americans to fight each other so violently?

I don't cry when I think about it. I get angry.

However, mocking the talking head for crying is just another way for Trump supporters to assuage their guilt and diminish the significance of what happened that day. It's as juvenile as it is sickening.


Where is your outrage over 50 security guards injured in one night? You loons are pathetic. How about the school shooting the other day? Not a peep from you, I guess your handlers didn't tell you to be outraged.
You'll need that kleenex in November....when Trump gets his ass kicked again.

Progs gonna need seem Prozac and some hugs....


They are going to cry for four years while we close the border, protect our children from the prog perverts and groomers, restore law and order, and put America first.

And you'll have to buy your own Kleenex and Kotex.

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