MSNBC commits most comical hypocrisy to date:


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
On the Ed Show two days ago, I witnessed the most comical, hypocritical scene I think I've ever watched on MSNBC.

Ole Ed "White Guilt" Shultz was ranting about the Arizona illegal immigration law. He had on a local San Diego guy and Ed said "Without these immigrants, most of your restaurant workers would be gone and that industry would nearly shut down in San Diego, wouldnt it?". Ed then continued to speak of "jobs Americans don't want to do" and the value and precious services illegals bring to our workforce.

THEN....he had the honorable Rev. Jesse Jackson on to discuss the out of control violence in Chicago. Jackson began to speak of the evils of giving bailouts to businesses but not the people in the streets of Chicago, and Jesse then began speaking about "This is what happens when you don't have jobs for people". Jesse spoke of the 150+ murders to date in Chicago, and called for an assault weapons ban. Ed "White Guilt" Shultz then began speaking about the evils of exporting jobs, and that this is why so many in Chicago are jobless and turning to crime to get by.

NOW the hypocrisy pointed out:

FBI stats show 95%+ of murders and crimes committed with a firearm are done with a PISTOL not an "assault weapon", so his call for the ban is pointless. AND....pistols are already illegal in Chicago, and the majority of those thugs are felons and already can't possess a pistol OR assault weapon. Way to focus on the root problem Jesse.

Ed Shultz:
Mr. rant about the evils of exporting jobs and how it creates jobless Americans. Earlier you praised the IMPORTING of workers and asked how we would get by without these illegals?

Well, Ed, and all you liberals, if we are EXPORTING JOBS at the same time we are IMPORTING WORKERS.......then guess what we get? A lot of jobless people that will commit crimes. And guess what else happens when we preach about taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and doing witch-hunts on corporate profits? THEY EXPORT JOBS.


Stop raising taxes on businesses = businesses don't export as many jobs = more jobs for Americans
Stop importing workers = less supply of workers = more demand for workers from businesses = more folks with jobs = less crimes.

Novel idea huh? Secure our borders, cut taxes. Sound like a familiar Tea Party request? Mabye thats too much for ed and the liberals to grasp. If we raise tax on business, they export jobs. If they export jobs while we import workers, bad stuff happens. Simple enough?
On the Ed Show two days ago, I witnessed the most comical, hypocritical scene I think I've ever watched on MSNBC.

Ole Ed "White Guilt" Shultz was ranting about the Arizona illegal immigration law. He had on a local San Diego guy and Ed said "Without these immigrants, most of your restaurant workers would be gone and that industry would nearly shut down in San Diego, wouldnt it?". Ed then continued to speak of "jobs Americans don't want to do" and the value and precious services illegals bring to our workforce.

THEN....he had the honorable Rev. Jesse Jackson on to discuss the out of control violence in Chicago. Jackson began to speak of the evils of giving bailouts to businesses but not the people in the streets of Chicago, and Jesse then began speaking about "This is what happens when you don't have jobs for people". Jesse spoke of the 150+ murders to date in Chicago, and called for an assault weapons ban. Ed "White Guilt" Shultz then began speaking about the evils of exporting jobs, and that this is why so many in Chicago are jobless and turning to crime to get by.

NOW the hypocrisy pointed out:

FBI stats show 95%+ of murders and crimes committed with a firearm are done with a PISTOL not an "assault weapon", so his call for the ban is pointless. AND....pistols are already illegal in Chicago, and the majority of those thugs are felons and already can't possess a pistol OR assault weapon. Way to focus on the root problem Jesse.

Ed Shultz:
Mr. rant about the evils of exporting jobs and how it creates jobless Americans. Earlier you praised the IMPORTING of workers and asked how we would get by without these illegals?

Well, Ed, and all you liberals, if we are EXPORTING JOBS at the same time we are IMPORTING WORKERS.......then guess what we get? A lot of jobless people that will commit crimes. And guess what else happens when we preach about taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and doing witch-hunts on corporate profits? THEY EXPORT JOBS.


Stop raising taxes on businesses = businesses don't export as many jobs = more jobs for Americans
Stop importing workers = less supply of workers = more demand for workers from businesses = more folks with jobs = less crimes.

Novel idea huh? Secure our borders, cut taxes. Sound like a familiar Tea Party request? Mabye thats too much for ed and the liberals to grasp. If we raise tax on business, they export jobs. If they export jobs while we import workers, bad stuff happens. Simple enough?

Sadly, he probably will never realize that he is part of the problem and not part of the solution.
On the Ed Show two days ago, I witnessed the most comical, hypocritical scene I think I've ever watched on MSNBC.

Ole Ed "White Guilt" Shultz was ranting about the Arizona illegal immigration law. He had on a local San Diego guy and Ed said "Without these immigrants, most of your restaurant workers would be gone and that industry would nearly shut down in San Diego, wouldnt it?". Ed then continued to speak of "jobs Americans don't want to do" and the value and precious services illegals bring to our workforce.

THEN....he had the honorable Rev. Jesse Jackson on to discuss the out of control violence in Chicago. Jackson began to speak of the evils of giving bailouts to businesses but not the people in the streets of Chicago, and Jesse then began speaking about "This is what happens when you don't have jobs for people". Jesse spoke of the 150+ murders to date in Chicago, and called for an assault weapons ban. Ed "White Guilt" Shultz then began speaking about the evils of exporting jobs, and that this is why so many in Chicago are jobless and turning to crime to get by.

NOW the hypocrisy pointed out:

FBI stats show 95%+ of murders and crimes committed with a firearm are done with a PISTOL not an "assault weapon", so his call for the ban is pointless. AND....pistols are already illegal in Chicago, and the majority of those thugs are felons and already can't possess a pistol OR assault weapon. Way to focus on the root problem Jesse.

Ed Shultz:
Mr. rant about the evils of exporting jobs and how it creates jobless Americans. Earlier you praised the IMPORTING of workers and asked how we would get by without these illegals?

Well, Ed, and all you liberals, if we are EXPORTING JOBS at the same time we are IMPORTING WORKERS.......then guess what we get? A lot of jobless people that will commit crimes. And guess what else happens when we preach about taxing the rich, taxing corporations, and doing witch-hunts on corporate profits? THEY EXPORT JOBS.


Stop raising taxes on businesses = businesses don't export as many jobs = more jobs for Americans
Stop importing workers = less supply of workers = more demand for workers from businesses = more folks with jobs = less crimes.

Novel idea huh? Secure our borders, cut taxes. Sound like a familiar Tea Party request? Mabye thats too much for ed and the liberals to grasp. If we raise tax on business, they export jobs. If they export jobs while we import workers, bad stuff happens. Simple enough?

Sadly, he probably will never realize that he is part of the problem and not part of the solution.

No, he won't. The left still believes that somehow you can do the following:

1- Import mass numbers of workers from Mexico.
2- Pass laws that entitle them to government programs and healthcare.
3- Tax the rich and businesses to pay for those programs.
4- Expect the rich and businesses to keep their operations here in American and hire American workers.

But, thats why the left loves totalitarian regimes. With freedom, these businesses and rich people can simply move and export their jobs. With more government control, the left can stop this, and thus, keep that money here to be taxed and to pay for the welfare of the imported workers.
Too much white bread on MSNBC. Need to equalize. Need to show the rainbow.

We should replace Ed with a hot babe like this one.


Fox reporter Julie Bandera
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^^ She could say whatever she wants and I'd agree!!
Isn't it funny how MSNBC preaches diversity, yet, look at their 5 biggest personalities, all white men:

Kieth Olbermann- white man
Chris Matthews- white man
Joe Scarborough- white man
Ed Shultz- white man
Rachael Maddow - white man
Isn't it funny how MSNBC preaches diversity, yet, look at their 5 biggest personalities, all white men:

Kieth Olbermann- white man
Chris Matthews- white man
Joe Scarborough- white man
Ed Shultz- white man
Rachael Maddow - white man


FXN has a lot of ex-"Miss America" reporters to look at. Throw in Julie and that beautiful weather gal (??) and it has all the other stations beat like a drum.
Juan Williams subs for Oreilley, Geraldo has his own show, yep, looks like FXN has diversity of opinion and diversity of staff.

There was a pretty black gal reporting too, (concert pianist?) but haven't seen her lately.
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Isn't it funny how MSNBC preaches diversity, yet, look at their 5 biggest personalities, all white men:

Kieth Olbermann- white man
Chris Matthews- white man
Joe Scarborough- white man
Ed Shultz- white man
Rachael Maddow - white man


FXN has a lot of ex-"Miss America" reporters to look at. Throw in Julie and that beautiful weather gal (??) and it has all the other stations beat like a drum.
Juan Williams subs for Oreilley, Geraldo has his own show, yep, looks like FXN has diversity of opinion and diversity of staff.

There was a pretty black gal reporting too, (concert pianist?) but haven't seen her lately.

Lauren Green

Lauren Green -

Julia Boorstin is a contender:

Julia Boorstin Profile, Biography, About - CNBC
Good ol' Ed...He's a real gem isn't ?

I thought you were going to say that they put Rachel on the set in a dress.
Too much white bread on MSNBC. Need to equalize. Need to show the rainbow.

We should replace Ed with a hot babe like this one.


Fox reporter Julie Bandera

Damn you. How am I supposed to post with a chubby this large?


I forgot how hot she is.
Gotta love how much the wingnuts feel the need to talk about what they see on MSNBC,

the network that nobody watches.

Kinda like how the Left is obsessed with Fox News eh?

The network that apparently has the highest ratings... :eusa_shhh:

(And no, I don't watch FNC, in fact i don't watch any American News Channel.)

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