Mr. Brexit Resigns. UK Government In Turmoil

Britain is showing the world how Constitutional Monarchies work, "Will of the People" in theory only.

Canada is the same, we would never have a Trump win the PM. In the 1990's when a Quebec Referendum was had and Canada by less than 1% remained a country, it has since been revealed that Canada was going to use tactics and angles to ensure Quebec never left.

Now, regardless of your opinion of it, the bottom line is, as a government when you hold such a vote, and you get the results, you can't lie or say "let's do it over and over until we get the result we want".

If the UK renegs on the Will of the People, they have no leg to stand on and America will be shown by all as the only real Republic system left, a real system for the People by the People. In some ways, it would be a boon for the world to see the Fiefdoms push back, it will only lead to a rise of angry, radical citizens who will point to this as the reason.

I thought leaving Brexit was a bad idea, but I also think the immigration orders by Germany demanded the British push back in the strongest terms. People are tired of losing more and more power and sovereignty. Even well known celebrities supported leaving the EU. Blame Merkel for this rebellion.
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"Westminster is not divided into people inside the tent pissing out and people outside pissing in. it is divided into people who piss and people who dont. it doesn't matter where the pissers stand, the piss always gets into the tent eventually.

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