Should We (Trump) Disband NATO Or Just Pull Out Entirely?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?
Are you sure the US can disband NATO? Couldn't the other countries remain in?
This is what Article 5 is about. Attack one, the others will help defend it.

The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance.
Collective defence - Article 5
Shhhhhh....I was waiting to see if a Trump supporter would tell me what it was first -- and I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!!
Trump doesn't like it because Putin doesn't like it. We must all come to terms with the fact that he is now a Russian asset,

My suggestion would be that he start a competing entity to the G-7. They could call it the S-7 or Strongmen-7 to include countries led by murderous autocrats he has praised and wants to be more like -- US, Russia, Syria, North Korea, Turkey, Philippines and China.

6 Strongmen Trump Has Praised — And The Conflicts It Presents

PS: Have you been paying any attention to what's been going on with NoKo? Trump couldn't negotiate his way out of a wet paper bag. :wink:

North Korea said otherwise in a statement published shortly after Pompeo flew out. The fragile new diplomacy, its Foreign Ministry insisted, has entered a “dangerous phase that might rattle our willingness for denuclearization.” It charged that the United States was making “gangster-like” demands.

“We had expected that the U.S. side would offer constructive measures that would help build trust based on the spirit of the leaders’ summit,” the statement said. Pyongyang had been considering reciprocal measures, it added. “However, the attitude and stance the United States showed in the first high-level meeting was no doubt regrettable. Our expectations and hopes were so naive it could be called foolish.”​

North Korea Declares U.S. Diplomacy “Gangster-Like“
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Are you sure the US can disband NATO? Couldn't the other countries remain in?
This is what Article 5 is about. Attack one, the others will help defend it.

The principle of collective defence is at the very heart of NATO’s founding treaty. It remains a unique and enduring principle that binds its members together, committing them to protect each other and setting a spirit of solidarity within the Alliance.
Collective defence - Article 5
Shhhhhh....I was waiting to see if a Trump supporter would tell me what it was first -- and I would have got away with it too if it wasn't for you meddling kids!!
Done, Biff
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?

The other NATO countries need to increase their commitment and spending. It's become insulting to only have America and a handful of other nations keep their word while these same nations find many billions to spend on climate boondoggles.

NATO should not be broken up, at very least not without a serious fight to maintain it and succeed. As with trade abuses, other nations need to stand up and be accountable.
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Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?

The other NATO countries need to increase their commitment and spending. It's become insulting to only have America and a handful of other nations keep their word while these same nations find many billions to spend on climate boondoggles.

NATO should not be broken up, at very least not without a serious fight to maintain it and succeed. As with trade abuses, other nations need to stand up ad be accountable.
Who was the only country to invoke article 5?
Dissolve it.
Turkey doesn't belong in NATO, as a Muslim country opposed to Freedom I don't like them.
The rest doesn't deserve our protection. They want protection then they need to protect themselves.
Maybe start a new group, a group that pays the US for protection.
Withdrawing our support of NATO is just why Putin wanted Trump elected

Looks like he is getting his moneys worth
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?

"No tickee no washee" should be the message given NATO.
NATO is a waste of time, effort and money and only serves to make our "allies" lazy and dependent.

NATO: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 1952, Greece and Turkey became members of the Alliance, joined later by West Germany (in 1955) and Spain (in 1982).

Seriously? If it came to toe to toe combat with the Rooskies who you gonna call Canada? Norway? Spain? Give me a fucking break.

If Third Shock Army decided to roll into Fulda Gap how many Italian and Portuguese would it take to stop them. It's great to have Allies, it's better to have allies like Don Corleone who can actually take action with us.
This is what Trump has been bitching about.

It is time to take Germany off of welfare.

German Hillary has really fucked up that country, hasn't she?

Germany's Air Force Is Dying a Slow Death

Germany's Air Force Is Dying a Slow Death


The Luftwaffe's Eurofighter readiness issues are compounded by a lack of air-combat missiles.

None of the German navy's six submarines are combat-ready and just nine of 15 frigates are in full service. Moreover, only 95 of the army's 244 tanks are operational.

Troop numbers have been slashed from almost 500,000 to just 180
Look NATO has value, even more than the UN or WTO, two other organizations that America pays so much money into for the pleasure of being screwed over. NATO though is different, it has legitimate value.

My opinion on U.S National Security? Get closer with Japan, Taiwan, S Korea and others in the region who have a problem with China. These countries embrace capitalism and they are willing to fight along side Americans. They aren't pussy footers. As a bonus, Trump is very popular in Asia, probably because they know he does what he says, and they know he won't turn his back on them.

European "leadership" and socialist governments within are making themselves irrelevant. Again, like Canada where Conservatives are just mini-fascists who exert the same control over peoples lives as the alt-left. America must call it out, these sob's need to change and defend their citizens. Not just all talk no action bs for another 30 years.
We should insist that each member of NATO fulfill their financial, manpower and armaments requirements. And we should not make up the difference for any of their failures to do so. It's also time to reduce our troop levels in Europe. WWII was long ago.
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?
I think Trump wants to pull out and hand Europe back to the Ruskies to conquer, it's their destiny, right?
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?
I think Trump wants to pull out and hand Europe back to the Ruskies to conquer, it's their destiny, right?

The Russians alone wouldn't take over Europe. At the drop of a dime Europe could ramp up their production of jets and weapons exponentially. The problem is they don't because they never see a need for it.
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?
I think Trump wants to pull out and hand Europe back to the Ruskies to conquer, it's their destiny, right?

The Russians alone wouldn't take over Europe. At the drop of a dime Europe could ramp up their production of jets and weapons exponentially. The problem is they don't because they never see a need for it.
It's more about trade than military dictatorships nowadays..
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?
I think Trump wants to pull out and hand Europe back to the Ruskies to conquer, it's their destiny, right?

The Russians alone wouldn't take over Europe. At the drop of a dime Europe could ramp up their production of jets and weapons exponentially. The problem is they don't because they never see a need for it.
Muslims are going to control Europe soon.
Trump Declines to Affirm NATO's Article 5

It is no mystery to anyone that both Russia and Trump are no big fans of NATO -- Russia doesn't like it because NATO is a check on their possible expansion back into Eastern Europe and Trump doesn't like it because people told him to -- or as he claims, other countries don't pay enough of their share-- so wouldn't ending NATO be the best solution and save us billions of dollars?

It would be better if we embrace the fact we now have the worlds best negotiator as president and he could negotiate a better deal than what we have with NATO -- and I keep hearing opponents talk about treaties and something about article 5 and how important it is we keep our pledge

What is article 5 anyway? Like, why is that important and we would never need to invoke that provision ourselves, so why should we have to adhere to it?

Trump couldn't negotiate his way out of a paper bag. The fact that Putin does not want NATO is why we should keep it. Clearly Trump is Putin's lovechild and cannot be trusted.

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