Most fake news is from the right wing

Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
you do realize that Obama had interfered in the elections of Britain and Israel? Where is your anger towards the meddling of the community agitator who was colluding with Brits or Jews? Huh? Without double standards, liberals would have not standards at all.
Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.
Unnoteworthy News
Unnoteworthy News
". . . Now, in the 21st century, anyone with an Internet connection can create and circulate stories about the events of the day. A plethora of hoax news sites, which use sensationalized headlines as “click bait,” exists. Many of these sites mimic actual news sites, with names such as, and

Many of these sites exist outside of America, with the Macedonian city of Veles being a hub of many of them. Residents of the city — many of them teenagers — were responsible for spreading a great number of lies and rumors, masquerading as real news stories, during the 2016 presidential election. Fake news creators made money with Google AdSense, a program that pays content creators for generating views for advertising on websites.

Americans are the main target for fake news creators because of our robust economy. They focus their content on America because American page views are much more valuable to advertisers than those of other countries. These sites exist on the right and left of the political spectrum. Most of the creators have no political axe to grind; they are simply searching for clicks, which lead to dollars.

Facebook and Google have been looking into ways to stem the tide of what they deem “fake news” by adjusting their algorithms. But both of the Internet giants have a confirmed liberal bias, opening up the possibility that Facebook and Google’s “real” news might simply come to be their “approved” news.

It’s human nature to look for stories that confirm our own preconceptions. The psychological term for this is called “confirmation bias.” When a sensationalized headline pops up on social media that confirms one’s preconceived notions, it’s a natural instinct to click on it, check it out, and share it on social media. This is one of the ways in which we create our own echo chambers. We simply prefer hearing like-minded opinions instead of those we disagree with."

A large factor in the proliferation of fake news is the public’s mistrust of the mainstream media. Gone are the days when CBS anchor Walter Cronkite was considered “the most trusted man in America.” This skepticism of the news media is one of the reasons that the election of Trump caught so many in that profession completely off-guard. They vastly underestimated the lack of trust that Americans have in the media."
Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.

Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
Yesterdays rightwing fake news that they all bought in to

Right-wing media obsesses over FBI text message story; hours later it's debunked

Members of the pro-Trump media acted like they hit the goldmine on Wednesday morning. Led by Fox News, these outlets went into a frenzy over what they presented as an explosive story that not only cast former President Obama and Hillary Clinton in a negative light, but simultaneously helped vindicate claims then-candidate Donald Trump made about the investigation into Clinton's private email server being "rigged."
But a CNN review of the story's premise indicates that key text messages the story relied on were taken out of context, and portrayed as meaning something entirely different than what they actually meant.

Anderson Cooper;

Spokesmen for the CIA.


Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.

Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz
Last edited:

So you said CNN put out a story with some factual errors, they apologised and disciplinary action was taken...

Show were Trump has apologised for spreading false stories like Obama Birther...

Take your pick from these:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.

Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz

LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.


So you said CNN put out a story with some factual errors, they apologised and disciplinary action was taken...

Show were Trump has apologised for spreading false stories like Obama Birther...

Take your pick from these:
All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
i'm not sitting here saying trump doesn't lie, so it's kinda pointless to come at me like i'm defending him from this.

trump says a lot of stupid shit and brings a lot of needless attention/fights his own way.

and CNN intentionally does this time and again so their apologies are tits on a nun useless anymore.
so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.

Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz

LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.
Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.

Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz

LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.

You are the one in a pissing

Listen, I used to go to twitter, or Google plus ( where I have over 1000 other attorneys that I link to bring up a law website)

Now what these Russians did was retweet the links across social media and landed on these websites like Infowars..which took on a second life across the political forums looking real.

Google acts against fake news on search engine

Google announced its first attempt to combat the circulation of “fake news” on its search engine with new tools allowing users to report misleading or offensive content, and a pledge to improve results generated by its algorithm.

The technology company said it would allow people to complain about misleading, inaccurate or hateful content in its autocomplete function, which pops up to suggest searches based on the first few characters typed.

It also said it would refine its search engine to “surface more authoritative pages and demote low-quality content” – and acknowledged for the first time that it had taken the measures to combat the threat of fake news.

i'm talking about the ones search engines use.

i can't just put up a website full of fake news and have it hit the first few pages on google. doing SEO is tricky and requires a lot of patience and experience.

has nothing to do with russia, spying, fake news or the like. just how search engines work and even when you tweak it, google or bing or someone else can change how the results are displayed and you start over, to a point.

you know nothing of bots it would seem. or a lot of things, it would also seem. but you read the powerpoint of news sites you like and fling out their bullets as a validation of how you feel.

and that, my friend, is how fake news is born. congrats on the many children you've given birth to in this regard.

Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz

LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.

You are the one in a pissing

Listen, I used to go to twitter, or Google plus ( where I have over 1000 other attorneys that I link to bring up a law website)

Now what these Russians did was retweet the links across social media and landed on these websites like Infowars..which took on a second life across the political forums looking real.

Google acts against fake news on search engine

Google announced its first attempt to combat the circulation of “fake news” on its search engine with new tools allowing users to report misleading or offensive content, and a pledge to improve results generated by its algorithm.

The technology company said it would allow people to complain about misleading, inaccurate or hateful content in its autocomplete function, which pops up to suggest searches based on the first few characters typed.

It also said it would refine its search engine to “surface more authoritative pages and demote low-quality content” – and acknowledged for the first time that it had taken the measures to combat the threat of fake news.
then spending 2 minutes to put up a site and have it show up in the first 5 pages of google should be easy for you.

and you're the one cussing people out and getting ugly. :) i just disagree with you and suddenly here we are. big bold text, name calling, credentials abound. great - glad you have all this experience.

so doing this little test should be easy for you. get your website from 0 to top 5 pages in a week.

i take it you refuse and will just keep sending me bold text and calling me names. we'll see.
Why don't you go fucking look for yourself, don't even reply until you go and read up of the facts..
.What do you think Twitter, facebook and other platforms have been to congress?

The Russians made fake websites, and linked them on Twitter... these fake links spread across social media. When you click on the link it takes you to a fake website that looked you believe the fake story.

Millions of these fake bot tweets were then retweeted and brought to websites and forums..which brought them up in the search engine when you typed in certain words..
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz

LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.

You are the one in a pissing

Listen, I used to go to twitter, or Google plus ( where I have over 1000 other attorneys that I link to bring up a law website)

Now what these Russians did was retweet the links across social media and landed on these websites like Infowars..which took on a second life across the political forums looking real.

Google acts against fake news on search engine

Google announced its first attempt to combat the circulation of “fake news” on its search engine with new tools allowing users to report misleading or offensive content, and a pledge to improve results generated by its algorithm.

The technology company said it would allow people to complain about misleading, inaccurate or hateful content in its autocomplete function, which pops up to suggest searches based on the first few characters typed.

It also said it would refine its search engine to “surface more authoritative pages and demote low-quality content” – and acknowledged for the first time that it had taken the measures to combat the threat of fake news.
then spending 2 minutes to put up a site and have it show up in the first 5 pages of google should be easy for you.

and you're the one cussing people out and getting ugly. :) i just disagree with you and suddenly here we are. big bold text, name calling, credentials abound. great - glad you have all this experience.

so doing this little test should be easy for you. get your website from 0 to top 5 pages in a week.

i take it you refuse and will just keep sending me bold text and calling me names. we'll see.

If I were to make a website and have a million bots spreading the links across social media back to my site, it would not take long. But since I am not a hack with a million bots to spread a link it wouldn't work for one person..

Why do they have several people working on backlinks blogs and retweets to get a website moved up..but nowadays if you are willing to pay a lot more money to google your law website will go to #1...

Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.
find me some conservatives who watch and appreciate CNN.

now they are the most fake news org out there with fox close behind.

all this YOU SUCK AND WE DON'T "journalism" is only geared to make people share and give them hits. congrats on your "victory"
FOX news turned into FAUX news when Martha Washington, attacked Trump during the Republican debates. I think that was when blood came out of her whatever.

View attachment 175570

Thats when I turned FUX off for good.
you sure do got an insulting way of doing things, ya know?

i have looked them up. i also run a website or two and have had to do SEO for them and it's a bitch. a huge king kamayamaya bitch. google changes how it filters traffic, you get to go recode your site. using simple meta / key words doesn't work anymore. you have to have your header tags in place you have to limit scripting your site for speed and you need a shitton of backlinks from reputable sites linking back to you before google and most major search engines will pull you to the top of site results.

so typing in whatever you want to type in will bring you thousands of sites and their info they get from "spidering" your site for content formed in the proper way. if you don't do this and keep it up and active, you simply don't come up on the first 10 pages of search engines when using generic key words. just doesn't happen. i know for a fact because i've had to do it several times. have you? if not, you may want to back off the hate and leave emo at the door.

you think we don't have fake websites out there? hell 30% of facebook or twitter alone is likely fake anyway and not all russians.

As many as 48 million Twitter accounts aren't people, says study

wow. that's a shitload of fakeness and it's not all russia.

now - what did russia do?
Russia used hundreds of fake accounts to tweet about Brexit, data shows

HUNDREDS of fake accounts. do the math and tell me how big an impact hundreds does in a sea of 48 MILLION fake accounts. facebook, the same. the % of accounts and traffic driven are in the 0.01% or less range.

i did the math there too.

this isn't hate, EW. i'm not even mad. i just disagree with you, have been in IT for 25 years and do have some experience here from direct interactions and experience. do you or is it all what you read on sites that validate your emotional state of mind?

go on. get mad and cuss me out again. kinda cute but it makes me feel bad for you to see you live in such a limited view of the world. but, your world. have fun with it i suppose.

read up before you speak up.

SEO: The Beginner's Guide to Search Engine Optimization from Moz

LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.

You are the one in a pissing

Listen, I used to go to twitter, or Google plus ( where I have over 1000 other attorneys that I link to bring up a law website)

Now what these Russians did was retweet the links across social media and landed on these websites like Infowars..which took on a second life across the political forums looking real.

Google acts against fake news on search engine

Google announced its first attempt to combat the circulation of “fake news” on its search engine with new tools allowing users to report misleading or offensive content, and a pledge to improve results generated by its algorithm.

The technology company said it would allow people to complain about misleading, inaccurate or hateful content in its autocomplete function, which pops up to suggest searches based on the first few characters typed.

It also said it would refine its search engine to “surface more authoritative pages and demote low-quality content” – and acknowledged for the first time that it had taken the measures to combat the threat of fake news.
then spending 2 minutes to put up a site and have it show up in the first 5 pages of google should be easy for you.

and you're the one cussing people out and getting ugly. :) i just disagree with you and suddenly here we are. big bold text, name calling, credentials abound. great - glad you have all this experience.

so doing this little test should be easy for you. get your website from 0 to top 5 pages in a week.

i take it you refuse and will just keep sending me bold text and calling me names. we'll see.

If I were to make a website and have a million bots spreading the links across social media back to my site, it would not take long. But since I am not a hack with a million bots to spread a link it wouldn't work for one person..

Why do they have several people working on backlinks blogs and retweets to get a website moved up..but nowadays if you are willing to pay a lot more money to google your law website will go to #1...

and here's where your story breaks down.

Russian bots retweeted Trump 500,000 times at end of 2016 campaign, created fake Facebook events seen by thousands


we go from 500k and thousands seeing it to your sagen like numbers now.

who's doing fake news again?
LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.

You are the one in a pissing

Listen, I used to go to twitter, or Google plus ( where I have over 1000 other attorneys that I link to bring up a law website)

Now what these Russians did was retweet the links across social media and landed on these websites like Infowars..which took on a second life across the political forums looking real.

Google acts against fake news on search engine

Google announced its first attempt to combat the circulation of “fake news” on its search engine with new tools allowing users to report misleading or offensive content, and a pledge to improve results generated by its algorithm.

The technology company said it would allow people to complain about misleading, inaccurate or hateful content in its autocomplete function, which pops up to suggest searches based on the first few characters typed.

It also said it would refine its search engine to “surface more authoritative pages and demote low-quality content” – and acknowledged for the first time that it had taken the measures to combat the threat of fake news.
then spending 2 minutes to put up a site and have it show up in the first 5 pages of google should be easy for you.

and you're the one cussing people out and getting ugly. :) i just disagree with you and suddenly here we are. big bold text, name calling, credentials abound. great - glad you have all this experience.

so doing this little test should be easy for you. get your website from 0 to top 5 pages in a week.

i take it you refuse and will just keep sending me bold text and calling me names. we'll see.

If I were to make a website and have a million bots spreading the links across social media back to my site, it would not take long. But since I am not a hack with a million bots to spread a link it wouldn't work for one person..

Why do they have several people working on backlinks blogs and retweets to get a website moved up..but nowadays if you are willing to pay a lot more money to google your law website will go to #1...

and here's where your story breaks down.

Russian bots retweeted Trump 500,000 times at end of 2016 campaign, created fake Facebook events seen by thousands


we go from 500k and thousands seeing it to your sagen like numbers now.

who's doing fake news again?
the right wing doesn't believe in critical reasoning as long as they can rely on the affirmative action of the franchise and appeal to the masses.
LOL..go read your own links..

I have made several websites and had a VBulletin forum like the one used for this forum, I have made Attorney websites and sell online..
It doesn't make either of us experts on it..

Now a days it takes 2 minutes to make a website..which is exactly what they did..

You know as well as I do when a link is used a thousand times it will go up in the search engines..

I consider it a terrorist attack. They recently stole millions of Americans identities for comments on government sites that impacts Americans.

Both Twitter and Facebook experts have been in front of the committee explaining what they did...Facebook has hired 30,000 new employees to fight fake news.

yep. you can put up websites all day long in 2 minutes and stock it with whatever you want. copy it rinse repeat and put up another.

but none of that makes going to google and typing in key words go to them. that's where SEO goes and if you only spent 2 minutes to design, build and put up a site, your SEO is going to suck balls and not come up hot in the search engines.

but at this point you just think you know it all and maybe you do. i disagree but am not going to get into a pissing match with with you on it. but if it's only 2 minutes, go do it. i'll let you borrow a domain name or hell i'll pay for a generic one for this test of ours. you put up a 2 minute website and stock it with whatever you want and in 3 days, i want to type in a common search on stuff today and i want to see YOUR SITE in the top 5 pages.

up for it? come on, it'll be fun.

You are the one in a pissing

Listen, I used to go to twitter, or Google plus ( where I have over 1000 other attorneys that I link to bring up a law website)

Now what these Russians did was retweet the links across social media and landed on these websites like Infowars..which took on a second life across the political forums looking real.

Google acts against fake news on search engine

Google announced its first attempt to combat the circulation of “fake news” on its search engine with new tools allowing users to report misleading or offensive content, and a pledge to improve results generated by its algorithm.

The technology company said it would allow people to complain about misleading, inaccurate or hateful content in its autocomplete function, which pops up to suggest searches based on the first few characters typed.

It also said it would refine its search engine to “surface more authoritative pages and demote low-quality content” – and acknowledged for the first time that it had taken the measures to combat the threat of fake news.
then spending 2 minutes to put up a site and have it show up in the first 5 pages of google should be easy for you.

and you're the one cussing people out and getting ugly. :) i just disagree with you and suddenly here we are. big bold text, name calling, credentials abound. great - glad you have all this experience.

so doing this little test should be easy for you. get your website from 0 to top 5 pages in a week.

i take it you refuse and will just keep sending me bold text and calling me names. we'll see.

If I were to make a website and have a million bots spreading the links across social media back to my site, it would not take long. But since I am not a hack with a million bots to spread a link it wouldn't work for one person..

Why do they have several people working on backlinks blogs and retweets to get a website moved up..but nowadays if you are willing to pay a lot more money to google your law website will go to #1...

and here's where your story breaks down.

Russian bots retweeted Trump 500,000 times at end of 2016 campaign, created fake Facebook events seen by thousands


we go from 500k and thousands seeing it to your sagen like numbers now.

who's doing fake news again?

I can appreciate the effort, but you know getting technical and specific is way over their heads.
Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

This is what baffles me about diehard Trump supporters (and not just conservatives or people who voted Trump bc they hated Clinton).

- Russia is clearly the enemy of the US.
- Russia likes Trump.
- Russia spent a ton of time and money creating bots and fake news sites to support Trump.

Why the fuck are these people not suspicious of their Dear Leader? Is their passion for Trump so cult-like that they can't even say Russia is a problem for the US?

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