Most fake news is from the right wing

This thread belongs in media or conspiracy. It is connected to Reuters and the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

In the working paper I noted two false claims;

"WikiLeaks. These tweets provide links to unverified claims or irrelevant documentation on

Russia. This content was produced by known Russian sources of political news and information
(pg. 2)
For connections and interests of this working group, see here.

IOW, this report is pushing a false Deep State conspiracy narrative that just isn't true.

I'm tired of folks believing they know what the hell is going on with our media, when the media, and the former Intel agents it has hired is the one that that telling them what is going on. They are so naive.

‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
‘Deep State’ Veterans find New Homes in Mainstream Media
The Right has (pretty successfully, I think) conflated biased news with fake news.

Fake news is the wild, goofy, silly news that was/is dreamed up and spread by the Alt Right sites.

Biased news is what we see in the "major media".

It's all a big soup now. The effort has paid off, it looks like. The "major media" brought this on themselves.
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
I don't think he is dumb. He is thriving on the fake news, and Fox.

I believe he said he wanted to talk to Mueller as a ploy, and now he can't as his lawyers said no. It takes a lot of planning to deceive.

Mz Pitstop, never fear.........we will know must everything before the midterms. And why shouldn't we? If the evidence points in your favor, there is no way it won't get out, even if the Repubs try and block it. Hell, why would we think leaks would stop now!

And if the evidence goes our way, well the Repubs have control, so you know it is coming. We should all be thrilled, don't you think? Instead of sitting here pointing fingers at each other, we are going to KNOW absolutely who/whom was a bad little Administration.

And since the messiah himself, Mr. Obama proclaimed no scandals, you should feel confidant that there is absolutely nothing to fear-) You should be right there with us, demanding absolute transparency, so you can prove you were correct all along.
so you can prove you were correct all along.

Liberals are sociopathic

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
And this is why liberals act the way they do. At this point what difference does it make!!!

I disagree. Democrats/liberals are NOT sociopaths! Socialist/Marxists/Leftists/paid Leftist posters on USMB are!

Democrats are good people with bad ideas. They can be shown the truth as the Reagan 2nd term landslide proved, thus the term, Reagan Democrats.

But Leftists/Socialists/Marxist/paid Democratic USMB posters, want to "fundamentally transform America!" They believe its founding was baaaaaaaad. Its wealth is baaaaaaad. The constitution as written is baaaaad. Americans are baaaaaaad, which is why they want to replace them with gooooooood illegal aliens. They can't have assimilation, that is the death knell for Democrats. They have to flood us quickly, then give citizenship ASAP while the migrants have no idea how America works. They need them to be able to vote BEFORE they learn that America is all you can be.............not about........get all you can get!

People think that the number 1 issue that pushed Trump to the white house was the economy. It really wasn't, it was illegal immigration. That is what had any Democrat that voted for him doing it.

Doubt me?

Then ask yourself------------>what was the only difference between Romney and Trump in policies! Then look at what % of Democrats voted for Romney, and what % voted for Trump!

Then ask yourself, what was the policy difference between Hillary and Obama? Hillary was offering MORE to Democrats than Obama was.

Nope, it was illegal immigration that caused Democrats to change sides! And when you look at the black vote for Trump, while not spectacular, it was far more than Romney. Think they dislike illegal immigrants taking their kids jobs!

Anyway, Democrats are NOT sociopaths, just the far left. When you support something that makes sense to them, they flee the far left in droves-)
this is what happens when both sides "normalize the extreme". you run out of extreme things to say or call the other and all that is left is blind emo-rage and petty ass arguments of children where if children parents would just say "cut it out". except when you're the child and there is no adult to tell you to stop it, sooner or later you gotta realize that for yourself and grow up just a little.

there are great people and ideas on both sides of this. but for years we've been letting tucker and maddow and others guide sheep around by bringing out the most extreme example of the other side and going at them while billing them as the poster child of said side. we now think all people on said side think the same.

even though we know for a fact it's *NOT* true on their own side.

it's like i keep saying and i think most don't understand - there's a billion shades of gray between black and white, stop seeing things in such binary terms.

Berg, where the problem lies is really simple-----------> we MUST reign our government in! It doesn't make one bit of difference if the President is Obama or Trump; Democrat or Republican. The whole of Washington is out of control. Most Americans realize this! Where the problem arises is---------->neither side really wants to do it, as long as they can have CONTROL of it!

Donald Trump was NOT my person of choice, but I am extremely happy he is there now. He will be able to bring everything to light through transparency, because he was not involved with it. He would not be screwing himself. That is exactly why most of Washington despises the man.

We actually have a once in a lifetime opportunity, to get the clowns out of Washington DC on BOTH sides of the aisle, and yet some don't seem to be aware of it. That goes directly back for may on here about------->not wanting Washington to lose power, as long as they control it!

Every none, paid, poster on this board, could probably count on one hand the senators from either party they would believe if they told them the sky was blue. They could probably count the same if using fingers and toes of those from the House of Reps if they said the same thing. And we see how much cred the alphabet soup agencies have, now don't we!

All of the issues ARE important in an election, on that, we can all agree. But what we are seeing here has NOTHING to do with those issues, but rather to do with how we are governed, and how the government respects the social contract they have with "we the people." The people are losing control of the country, because politicians don't respect the laws that THEY create for us, then decide not to follow what they have written themselves.

If we as citizens do NOT follow through with this and demand transparency, we are going to lose the country..............not for Republicans or Democrats, but for EVERYONE!
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
So I go to "Google" ( and type in "fake news examples breitbart alex jones" and examples pop up. Pretty easy.

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News
infowars Archives |
Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

My personal recent favorite is when Alex Jones "reported" that the Japanese nuclear power plant had fallen into the ocean. The poster here who posts InfoWars stories as fact posted that one.

I know, I know. That's all fake news, as are the thousands of other examples I'd post. You asked, I answered.
The Right has (pretty successfully, I think) conflated biased news with fake news.

Fake news is the wild, goofy, silly news that was/is dreamed up and spread by the Alt Right sites.

Biased news is what we see in the "major media".

It's all a big soup now. The effort has paid off, it looks like. The "major media" brought this on themselves.

A lie is a lie whether its made up or made up
I don't think he is dumb. He is thriving on the fake news, and Fox.

I believe he said he wanted to talk to Mueller as a ploy, and now he can't as his lawyers said no. It takes a lot of planning to deceive.

Mz Pitstop, never fear.........we will know must everything before the midterms. And why shouldn't we? If the evidence points in your favor, there is no way it won't get out, even if the Repubs try and block it. Hell, why would we think leaks would stop now!

And if the evidence goes our way, well the Repubs have control, so you know it is coming. We should all be thrilled, don't you think? Instead of sitting here pointing fingers at each other, we are going to KNOW absolutely who/whom was a bad little Administration.

And since the messiah himself, Mr. Obama proclaimed no scandals, you should feel confidant that there is absolutely nothing to fear-) You should be right there with us, demanding absolute transparency, so you can prove you were correct all along.
so you can prove you were correct all along.

Liberals are sociopathic

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
And this is why liberals act the way they do. At this point what difference does it make!!!

I disagree. Democrats/liberals are NOT sociopaths! Socialist/Marxists/Leftists/paid Leftist posters on USMB are!

Democrats are good people with bad ideas. They can be shown the truth as the Reagan 2nd term landslide proved, thus the term, Reagan Democrats.

But Leftists/Socialists/Marxist/paid Democratic USMB posters, want to "fundamentally transform America!" They believe its founding was baaaaaaaad. Its wealth is baaaaaaad. The constitution as written is baaaaad. Americans are baaaaaaad, which is why they want to replace them with gooooooood illegal aliens. They can't have assimilation, that is the death knell for Democrats. They have to flood us quickly, then give citizenship ASAP while the migrants have no idea how America works. They need them to be able to vote BEFORE they learn that America is all you can be.............not about........get all you can get!

People think that the number 1 issue that pushed Trump to the white house was the economy. It really wasn't, it was illegal immigration. That is what had any Democrat that voted for him doing it.

Doubt me?

Then ask yourself------------>what was the only difference between Romney and Trump in policies! Then look at what % of Democrats voted for Romney, and what % voted for Trump!

Then ask yourself, what was the policy difference between Hillary and Obama? Hillary was offering MORE to Democrats than Obama was.

Nope, it was illegal immigration that caused Democrats to change sides! And when you look at the black vote for Trump, while not spectacular, it was far more than Romney. Think they dislike illegal immigrants taking their kids jobs!

Anyway, Democrats are NOT sociopaths, just the far left. When you support something that makes sense to them, they flee the far left in droves-)
this is what happens when both sides "normalize the extreme". you run out of extreme things to say or call the other and all that is left is blind emo-rage and petty ass arguments of children where if children parents would just say "cut it out". except when you're the child and there is no adult to tell you to stop it, sooner or later you gotta realize that for yourself and grow up just a little.

there are great people and ideas on both sides of this. but for years we've been letting tucker and maddow and others guide sheep around by bringing out the most extreme example of the other side and going at them while billing them as the poster child of said side. we now think all people on said side think the same.

even though we know for a fact it's *NOT* true on their own side.

it's like i keep saying and i think most don't understand - there's a billion shades of gray between black and white, stop seeing things in such binary terms.

Berg, where the problem lies is really simple-----------> we MUST reign our government in! It doesn't make one bit of difference if the President is Obama or Trump; Democrat or Republican. The whole of Washington is out of control. Most Americans realize this! Where the problem arises is---------->neither side really wants to do it, as long as they can have CONTROL of it!

Donald Trump was NOT my person of choice, but I am extremely happy he is there now. He will be able to bring everything to light through transparency, because he was not involved with it. He would not be screwing himself. That is exactly why most of Washington despises the man.

We actually have a once in a lifetime opportunity, to get the clowns out of Washington DC on BOTH sides of the aisle, and yet some don't seem to be aware of it. That goes directly back for may on here about------->not wanting Washington to lose power, as long as they control it!

Every none, paid, poster on this board, could probably count on one hand the senators from either party they would believe if they told them the sky was blue. They could probably count the same if using fingers and toes of those from the House of Reps if they said the same thing. And we see how much cred the alphabet soup agencies have, now don't we!

All of the issues ARE important in an election, on that, we can all agree. But what we are seeing here has NOTHING to do with those issues, but rather to do with how we are governed, and how the government respects the social contract they have with "we the people." The people are losing control of the country, because politicians don't respect the laws that THEY create for us, then decide not to follow what they have written themselves.

If we as citizens do NOT follow through with this and demand transparency, we are going to lose the country..............not for Republicans or Democrats, but for EVERYONE!
i can't begin to explain how much better it makes me feel about ourselves as a country to see more and more people talk like this and less like the fanatic trying to keep their last piece of bubblegum safe in the playground.
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
So I go to "Google" ( and type in "fake news examples breitbart alex jones" and examples pop up. Pretty easy.

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News
infowars Archives |
Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

My personal recent favorite is when Alex Jones "reported" that the Japanese nuclear power plant had fallen into the ocean. The poster here who posts InfoWars stories as fact posted that one.

I know, I know. That's all fake news, as are the thousands of other examples I'd post. You asked, I answered.
So you go to Google and depend on the establishment to tell you what is real eh?

Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..


Not even a polished knob.

How many of the posters on USMB you suppose are posting from some center in Russia or other communist country fakenews? I suspect a few to get the rw's riled up.

I get it, don't like CNN (and neither do I).....Instead right wing idiots rely on these.

Kremlin-linked network amplifies 'alt-right' media - USA Today
Aug 24, 2017 - The websites — which include True Pundit, the Gateway Pundit and Imperialist U — are regular features on the list of “Top Domains” pushed by a network of 600 Twitter accounts followed by the German Marshall Fund of the United States, which tracks a Russian disinformation and propaganda campaign ...
you're so cute when you're a million miles from me.

please go be cute.
Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.
Mz Pitstop, never fear.........we will know must everything before the midterms. And why shouldn't we? If the evidence points in your favor, there is no way it won't get out, even if the Repubs try and block it. Hell, why would we think leaks would stop now!

And if the evidence goes our way, well the Repubs have control, so you know it is coming. We should all be thrilled, don't you think? Instead of sitting here pointing fingers at each other, we are going to KNOW absolutely who/whom was a bad little Administration.

And since the messiah himself, Mr. Obama proclaimed no scandals, you should feel confidant that there is absolutely nothing to fear-) You should be right there with us, demanding absolute transparency, so you can prove you were correct all along.
so you can prove you were correct all along.

Liberals are sociopathic

How to spot a sociopath - 10 red flags that could save you from being swept under the influence of a charismatic nut job
#5) Sociopaths seek to dominate others and "win" at all costs. They hate to lose any argument or fight and will viciously defend their web of lies, even to the point of logical absurdity.
#9) Sociopaths never apologize. They are never wrong. They never feel guilt. They can never apologize. Even if shown proof that they were wrong, they will refuse to apologize and instead go on the attack.
#10) Sociopaths are delusional and literally believe that what they say becomes truth merely because they say it!
And this is why liberals act the way they do. At this point what difference does it make!!!

I disagree. Democrats/liberals are NOT sociopaths! Socialist/Marxists/Leftists/paid Leftist posters on USMB are!

Democrats are good people with bad ideas. They can be shown the truth as the Reagan 2nd term landslide proved, thus the term, Reagan Democrats.

But Leftists/Socialists/Marxist/paid Democratic USMB posters, want to "fundamentally transform America!" They believe its founding was baaaaaaaad. Its wealth is baaaaaaad. The constitution as written is baaaaad. Americans are baaaaaaad, which is why they want to replace them with gooooooood illegal aliens. They can't have assimilation, that is the death knell for Democrats. They have to flood us quickly, then give citizenship ASAP while the migrants have no idea how America works. They need them to be able to vote BEFORE they learn that America is all you can be.............not about........get all you can get!

People think that the number 1 issue that pushed Trump to the white house was the economy. It really wasn't, it was illegal immigration. That is what had any Democrat that voted for him doing it.

Doubt me?

Then ask yourself------------>what was the only difference between Romney and Trump in policies! Then look at what % of Democrats voted for Romney, and what % voted for Trump!

Then ask yourself, what was the policy difference between Hillary and Obama? Hillary was offering MORE to Democrats than Obama was.

Nope, it was illegal immigration that caused Democrats to change sides! And when you look at the black vote for Trump, while not spectacular, it was far more than Romney. Think they dislike illegal immigrants taking their kids jobs!

Anyway, Democrats are NOT sociopaths, just the far left. When you support something that makes sense to them, they flee the far left in droves-)
this is what happens when both sides "normalize the extreme". you run out of extreme things to say or call the other and all that is left is blind emo-rage and petty ass arguments of children where if children parents would just say "cut it out". except when you're the child and there is no adult to tell you to stop it, sooner or later you gotta realize that for yourself and grow up just a little.

there are great people and ideas on both sides of this. but for years we've been letting tucker and maddow and others guide sheep around by bringing out the most extreme example of the other side and going at them while billing them as the poster child of said side. we now think all people on said side think the same.

even though we know for a fact it's *NOT* true on their own side.

it's like i keep saying and i think most don't understand - there's a billion shades of gray between black and white, stop seeing things in such binary terms.

Berg, where the problem lies is really simple-----------> we MUST reign our government in! It doesn't make one bit of difference if the President is Obama or Trump; Democrat or Republican. The whole of Washington is out of control. Most Americans realize this! Where the problem arises is---------->neither side really wants to do it, as long as they can have CONTROL of it!

Donald Trump was NOT my person of choice, but I am extremely happy he is there now. He will be able to bring everything to light through transparency, because he was not involved with it. He would not be screwing himself. That is exactly why most of Washington despises the man.

We actually have a once in a lifetime opportunity, to get the clowns out of Washington DC on BOTH sides of the aisle, and yet some don't seem to be aware of it. That goes directly back for may on here about------->not wanting Washington to lose power, as long as they control it!

Every none, paid, poster on this board, could probably count on one hand the senators from either party they would believe if they told them the sky was blue. They could probably count the same if using fingers and toes of those from the House of Reps if they said the same thing. And we see how much cred the alphabet soup agencies have, now don't we!

All of the issues ARE important in an election, on that, we can all agree. But what we are seeing here has NOTHING to do with those issues, but rather to do with how we are governed, and how the government respects the social contract they have with "we the people." The people are losing control of the country, because politicians don't respect the laws that THEY create for us, then decide not to follow what they have written themselves.

If we as citizens do NOT follow through with this and demand transparency, we are going to lose the country..............not for Republicans or Democrats, but for EVERYONE!
i can't begin to explain how much better it makes me feel about ourselves as a country to see more and more people talk like this and less like the fanatic trying to keep their last piece of bubblegum safe in the playground.

Hey wait a sec, I am partisan, lol. But, if Trump pulled a fast one, he has got to go! Our country and legacy that we all leave behind for our children, and grandchildren, is far more important than any one man, President, administration, or political party. That is why we have to get to the bottom of this crapola, then let the chips fall where they may.

Neither Republicans nor Democrats, have a lock on good ideas. Nor, do either have a lock on baaaaaaaaad ideas. What scares me is---------->our President can NOT govern under this cloud. Either he proves what the Democrats did, or they prove what he did, and we move on taking care of what is important to the American people.

One thing is for sure though-------->whichever way it goes, we MUST clean out Washington of the old guard as best we can. Neither side is angelic in this fiasco, and if both sides finally have had enough, we MIGHT be able to fix it.
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
So I go to "Google" ( and type in "fake news examples breitbart alex jones" and examples pop up. Pretty easy.

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News
infowars Archives |
Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

My personal recent favorite is when Alex Jones "reported" that the Japanese nuclear power plant had fallen into the ocean. The poster here who posts InfoWars stories as fact posted that one.

I know, I know. That's all fake news, as are the thousands of other examples I'd post. You asked, I answered.
So you go to Google and depend on the establishment to tell you what is real eh?

As I said, it must be fake news.

Including that piece I linked by the American Conservative.

But Alex Jones and Breitbart, they have a vice-like grip on The Truth, you betcha.
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
So I go to "Google" ( and type in "fake news examples breitbart alex jones" and examples pop up. Pretty easy.

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News
infowars Archives |
Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

My personal recent favorite is when Alex Jones "reported" that the Japanese nuclear power plant had fallen into the ocean. The poster here who posts InfoWars stories as fact posted that one.

I know, I know. That's all fake news, as are the thousands of other examples I'd post. You asked, I answered.

OK, Google "fake news by the left".
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
So I go to "Google" ( and type in "fake news examples breitbart alex jones" and examples pop up. Pretty easy.

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News
infowars Archives |
Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

My personal recent favorite is when Alex Jones "reported" that the Japanese nuclear power plant had fallen into the ocean. The poster here who posts InfoWars stories as fact posted that one.

I know, I know. That's all fake news, as are the thousands of other examples I'd post. You asked, I answered.
So you go to Google and depend on the establishment to tell you what is real eh?

As I said, it must be fake news.

Including that piece I linked by the American Conservative.

But Alex Jones and Breitbart, they have a vice-like grip on The Truth, you betcha.
What I find disturbing, is most sane sober folks know this.

Yet, OTH most sane sober folks don't realize, is that supposedly professional looking and sounding establishment sources are just as untrustworthy, yet they take what they read from them as gospel.

The OP is case and point.

For instance, you mentioned Pizzagate. Even YOU believe this is a partisan issue and fake news. Few actually know the truth.

I noticed at least Dale does. I see this issue come up in Britain, Russia, China, it surfaces in the Republican party and the Democratic party, in Hollywood, in the Church, it is endemic among all the ruling elites. This is one of the methods they use to blackmail individuals to do the bidding of the Deep State when money and power do not work. Look how effective that type of dirt was on Moore.
Give me an example of fake new from the right please.
So I go to "Google" ( and type in "fake news examples breitbart alex jones" and examples pop up. Pretty easy.

Editor Admits Breitbart Publishes Fake News
infowars Archives |
Pizzagate: Anatomy of a Fake News Scandal

My personal recent favorite is when Alex Jones "reported" that the Japanese nuclear power plant had fallen into the ocean. The poster here who posts InfoWars stories as fact posted that one.

I know, I know. That's all fake news, as are the thousands of other examples I'd post. You asked, I answered.

OK, Google "fake news by the left".
A dirty little secret that was slipped out by the twit partner of Morning Joke Scumbag on MSNBC, and since then the left has been attacking any sources on the right as being FAKE.

Here is what she said....
Most of the fake news shared on social media is coming from right-wing conservatives, an Oxford study has found


Yep, they're more likely to share and believe fake news. No one should be surprised at this.

For the people who do not understand how the fake news spread and is still spreading..

Fake Russian websites popped up and linked to millions of fake news bots during the 2016 election..

This fake stories spread across social media, many landing here..when you clicked on the link it looked like a true story..

Everytime that you typed in google a word, you would be directed to these fake news sites

Fk-ng Trump doesn't mention the dangers of the Russians hacking us , but instead he does a dumbass fake news award show..
This man is as dumb as a doorknob..

so. . .

you have zero idea how the algorithms behind internet searches work and the effort it would take to put up a fake news site and make it rise to the top in such fashion.

and the hacking happened under obama's FK'ING watch.

Stop, you are embarrassing yourself again..BFD who was president...Your insult is complete bullshit.

That’s where the algorithms come in. American researchers have found they can use mathematical formulas to segment huge populations into thousands of subgroups according to defining characteristics like religion and political beliefs or taste in TV shows and music. Other algorithms can determine those groups’ hot-button issues and identify “followers” among them, pinpointing those most susceptible to suggestion. Propagandists can then manually craft messages to influence them, deploying covert provocateurs, either humans or automated computer programs known as bots, in hopes of altering their behavior.

That is what Moscow is doing, more than a dozen senior intelligence officials and others investigating Russia’s influence operations tell TIME. The Russians “target you and see what you like, what you click on, and see if you’re sympathetic or not sympathetic,” says a senior intelligence official. Whether and how much they have actually been able to change Americans’ behavior is hard to say. But as they have investigated the Russian 2016 operation, intelligence and other officials have found that Moscow has developed sophisticated tactics.

Inside Russia’s Social Media War on America
Yesterdays rightwing fake news that they all bought in to

Right-wing media obsesses over FBI text message story; hours later it's debunked

Members of the pro-Trump media acted like they hit the goldmine on Wednesday morning. Led by Fox News, these outlets went into a frenzy over what they presented as an explosive story that not only cast former President Obama and Hillary Clinton in a negative light, but simultaneously helped vindicate claims then-candidate Donald Trump made about the investigation into Clinton's private email server being "rigged."
But a CNN review of the story's premise indicates that key text messages the story relied on were taken out of context, and portrayed as meaning something entirely different than what they actually meant.
The sad reality is most liberals and conservatives believe whoever is telling them what they want to hear facts be dam I have lost track of how many times I have seen something like Brietbart or Media Matters used as source.

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