Moscow threatens to unleash ‘entire arsenal on London if it loses war in Ukraine’


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
London needs to make sure Mongol - 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 Moscow ulus has no arsenal left after it loses in Ukraine....
Translation: Mongol - Moscow ulusis going to lose the war in Ukraine

Ukraine belongs to Russia. The whole world knows that. What America is doing concerning Ukraine makes absolutely no sense. America wasting billions trying to keep what belongs to Russia out of Putin's hands is retarded financial distribution. Besides America has taken Alaska, Guam, Hawaii, etc... so what is she doing trying to stop Russia?

Ukraine has always been known as "Little Russia" historically, and it belongs to the Russian Empire. In this case, Putin is right, and America is wrong.
London needs to make sure Mongol - 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 Moscow ulus has no arsenal left after it loses in Ukraine....
Translation: Mongol - Moscow ulusis going to lose the war in Ukraine

Medvedev doesn´t make the decisions. But at least for "Berlin" I think a reset would be healthy. What do you think, would the country be better off without this costly hell hole?
London needs to make sure Mongol - 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 Moscow ulus has no arsenal left after it loses in Ukraine....
Translation: Mongol - Moscow ulusis going to lose the war in Ukraine

That would kill a whole lot of muzzies, and relatively few Brits...
London needs to make sure Mongol - 🇸🇦 🐖 🇷🇺 Moscow ulus has no arsenal left after it loses in Ukraine....
Translation: Mongol - Moscow ulusis going to lose the war in Ukraine

Russia threatens to unleash ‘entire arsenal on London if it loses war in Ukraine’​

Former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev has warned of “total war” if Russia was forced to return to its 1991 borders

This makes sense. The included video pointed out that they have lost forty thousand men defending ethnic Russians in the Donbas.

If you recall, in 2022, that region voted to join Russia, and after the US/CIA backed coup, they revolted. What the hell else would you expect?

That region is now part of Russia. . . and most students of history, would know, that it was never going to be part of the EU or NATO.




The western allies? They would be do well to enter in to negotiation NOW!

If they don't? Kiev WILL eventually lose Kharkiv and Odessa.

You need to stahp with all this pointless war propaganda. Neither the US, Britain nor NATO have the ability to stahp what is to come at this point.
How about immediately after the USA refuses to fund the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation, there’s “Intel” that Russia had WMDs — in space!
If it gets passed the House, it ties the hands of whomever gets elected next. It will have to be undone again in the Senate. A nearly impossible task.
So they will lose to Ukraine but attack a key NATO member? Makes little sense unless Russia is ready to be sent back to the 1991 era.
How about immediately after the USA refuses to fund the Ukrainian Money Laundering Operation, there’s “Intel” that Russia had WMDs — in space!
Да, like Dmitry 🇸🇦🇷🇺says, we will blowing up London, except 500m radius of Knightsbridge, where Lavrov daughter living.

according who ? intentional law , or wet dreams of Moscow 🇷🇺 imperialists and very few Moscow appeasers ?


. . . gee. . I wonder why they left.. . . .
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lets ask google ,

the answer to question , WHO RECOGNIZEs donbas occupation :

UN member states
StateDate of recognition
1Moscow-Mongol ulus 21 February 2022
2Syria (Iranian Alavit ho ) 29 June 2022
3North Korea (commie) 13 July 2022

International recognition of the Donetsk People's Republic ...​

and this is it....

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