Mortality Rates For COVID Infection Cases By Country

Interesting tidbit here...............

I have a friend (Democrat) who has had some slight medical issues here and there as she has been getting older.
They come and go, but have always been very slight and very managable.

She ran out like a good little Dem and got the jab in 2020, and since then, her slight ailments have turned into something ongoing and constant now.
Her stomach issues have gotten so bad now, she's had to go to a specialist that's had her on different medications and programs that aren't working.

Gee, I wonder WHY?!!

And I am scared for her.
Latin American countries have poor medical facilities.
They just cost money and few people have insurance or decent insurance. And then there's no actual access to medical facilities in rural communities.
They just cost money and few people have insurance or decent insurance. And then there's no actual access to medical facilities in rural communities.
I went to hospitals in Tijuana Mexico. They are ill-equipped and their staff are apathetic.
Interesting tidbit here...............

I have a friend (Democrat) who has had some slight medical issues here and there as she has been getting older.
They come and go, but have always been very slight and very managable.

She ran out like a good little Dem and got the jab in 2020, and since then, her slight ailments have turned into something ongoing and constant now.
Her stomach issues have gotten so bad now, she's had to go to a specialist that's had her on different medications and programs that aren't working.

Gee, I wonder WHY?!!

And I am scared for her.
i have an interesting tidbit too.....i have friend who also has things wrong with her,she got the shot and lo and behold....nothing got any worse.....gee i wonder why?.....
From John Hopkins

> Mortality Analyses - Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center

For The USA, only 1.1% of the people who got COVID died from it.

Sounds to me like we have been lied to. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
It is much worse than that when you fully acquaint yourself with the mind boggling uselessness of the ways of testing for " Covid" in the first place .
Lateral Flow tests simply indicate whether you are carrying any virus and do not specify how long that virus has been in you , what exactly it is , let alone whether it is virulent .Worse than useless .
They will as easily show positive for pets , fruit and vegetables . Literally .

Then we come to how death from Covid can be attributed .
The answer ? With the utmost care for deception and falsehood . And monetary reward in the US .
The standard example is a person being admitted to hospital with horrendous vehicle smash injuries .Mangled limbs and wrecked organs . Contracts Covid just before death . Is recorded as a Covid death .

Separately . David Martin ( previous post video) is a hero and genius almost beyond measure . Check him out if you are a Critical Thinker . Just DYOR .
are comorbidities included?
Is ivermectin included?
were mandatory vax's included?

The whole mess is highly flawed data due to political desires by those publishing.

There are many who died after recovering from covid months later. But covid destroyed their liver and kidneys and immune system. We don't list those deaths either.
Then I know that some states over reported covid deaths while some under reported.
And while I get that some just want to argue about it all...I am more concerned about those who lost people to the nasty disease.

We all die alone...but that doesn't mean that there weren't people wanting to be with them when they died.

It's not just deaths either. I know several people who have become permanently disabled and can't go back to work...even though they really want to. Many were once staunch antivaxxers...Some weren't.
Vaccines help...but they aren't a force field of protection. And they don't help if you don't have an immune system after having Covid-19. In fact I'd dare say that vaccines could be harmful once you have a damaged immune system.

I'm not a doctor...and I don't pretend to be one on the internet. YMMV
I just seen the uncle of two little girls who lost their daddy to covid. Mom was a staunch antivaxxer....which is why he didn't get vaxxed...but then he got sick before he could even get jabbed. It's a mess...but the little girls don't care....
The whole mess is highly flawed data due to political desires by those publishing.

Well yes John.....

Sadly the medical community became politicized , and further sought to impose politicized science upon humanity via medical tyranny

The stats we often see follow suit with whatever political bent said entity hails from.

A grand example being our potus insisting on 1/2 mast for a million C19 deaths in America

How did the feds come about that #????

Looking at our history of M&M stats , we're a nation of 320 million that looses roughly 1% annually

That had not tipped up much at all , and makes one wonder if there was any bona fide pandemic at all

Well yes John.....

Sadly the medical community became politicized , and further sought to impose politicized science upon humanity via medical tyranny

The stats we often see follow suit with whatever political bent said entity hails from.

A grand example being our potus insisting on 1/2 mast for a million C19 deaths in America

How did the feds come about that #????

Looking at our history of M&M stats , we're a nation of 320 million that looses roughly 1% annually

That had not tipped up much at all , and makes one wonder if there was any bona fide pandemic at all

I do know that my father in law wants to go back to work instead of laying around and on disability...because disability money sucks.
The little girls want their father back.

I'm ready for less arguing and more normalcy.

I had a good Christmas party was a nice bit of normalcy that I hadn't had in a while. I gave out hundreds of cookies and hand made chocolate truffles. This was on the heels of a gingerbread house decorating party the previous weekend. (I bake and assemble blank gingerbread houses and kids get to use frosting to cover them with candy)

The communities coming back together to do normal things once again...we are going to miss some people...some moved out of state and some to heaven.

Sorry to spoil the thread....I simply want my life back. It wasn't much but it was mine that I had made and I enjoyed it to the fullest. I'm getting it back slowly and bit by bit. I'm thankful that my wife and I made it through unscathed. The light is at the tunnel end and we are almost there.

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