More Than One Shooter?

was the Vegas shooter an anti-Trump guy? This would explain why the mainstream media is so cagey about his background
Hooo boy, here we go again. It is all a government conspiracy. What the purpose of said conspiracy is, no one can tell, but that is what it is. And anyone that states anything different is lying. LOL Conspiracy nuts never change.

Are you really gonna sit there and pretend as if the CIA, FBI or Homeland Security has never pulled any shady stunts then lied about it? What about Iraq's WMDs? How quickly we forget. There's mountains of evidence of the CIA's involvement in overthrowing governments in South America such as "Operation PBSUCCESS", not to mention the assassinations of JFK and Martin Luther King.

It's "there are" mountains, not "there's".

Does that also mean "there are" mountains of evidence against hillary?
Jeez, some of you people
Hooo boy, here we go again. It is all a government conspiracy. What the purpose of said conspiracy is, no one can tell, but that is what it is. And anyone that states anything different is lying. LOL Conspiracy nuts never change.

Alex Jones is already saying the shooting was done by the Deep State.

I don't think that. But that I do think they aren't telling us everything. I just don't know why. I want to know why they are lying. And yes, it sounds like 2 different shooters coming from different places

a) Of course they aren't telling us everything- it is still an active investigation
b) Why are you accusing 'them' - whoever that is- of lying?

Why is it if there is a national tragedy someone has to wave the Conspiracy flag?

Because even though there is proof of a police scanner informing the police of a possible shooter on the 4th floor, all of you say that is not true? You are calling people liars by by claiming everyone that questions something is a conspiracy theorist. I am calling them liars outright. No beating around the bush like you guys
OP- another great example of how the GOP is the greatest at fake news ridiculous spin and super dupes...
How is an actual live video fake news? Explain that one to us
Because it's made up crap? From The Usual Suspects- GOPers...

Did you even watch the video? You simply dismiss the questions we have just because you are a alt leftist freak
Yes. BS.

Oh I'm sorry. I forgot you only watch "real" news like CNN. I will make sure to post that for you from now leftists are a waste of time.

I think I will wait for the police and FBI report. Right now, the police are indicating that there was only one shooter. I never heard two guns firing at once, as one would expect if there were more than one shooter.

If it was a lone shooter, why did some of the people attending the concert say that they were given a warning that everyone was going to die that night?

Las Vegas shooting: Crowd 'warned you're all going to die'

I think we have reached the point to where if there were Muslims behind it, the government will cover it up.
I don't think it was muslims. I think it is Antifa.

I think they may be working together.

Do you remember the Orlando shooter who was Muslim? He was overheard saying he did not want to target blacks.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen. This is the cream of the USMB crop here.

Anything is possible. Just wish really, really hard.
Why do you bust ass to shove yourself into discussions that are just that...discussions? Do you always barge into someones convo at a restaurant and barrage them with insults?

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