More than 90 Muslims, nearly all Democrats, running for public office across the U.S.

We are a nation built upon immigrant diversity silly man :) Do you hate Tex-Mex, General Tso's chicken, Pizza and Spaghettie? Don't be so afraid :)

Diversity in America blends - and I'm so glad to see you admitting that YES - America is a melting pot. I guess that's why White Supremacists are so afraid?

I don't know what white Supremacists are afraid of....I don't know any.
Well, I did meet one a few months back. He was messed up in the head. Hated ALL blacks with a passion. Hope to never run across that idiot again.

There was a time when America being a "Melting pot" was actually good. That was when people came here TO BECOME AMERICANS. Not to change America into their country as is what is the case today. Everywhere I look, foreigners are flying THEIR flag on their cars and in front of their homes. They want to say "Hey Americans, I can turn this part of America into MY COUNTRY.

People flock here to enjoy wealth and prosperity they neither created nor deserve to enjoy.
More and more people are coming here for no other reason that to get FREE this or FREE that because Democrats made so many promises to take care of the world (in exchange for votes of course)
We are a nation built upon immigrant diversity silly man :) Do you hate Tex-Mex, General Tso's chicken, Pizza and Spaghettie? Don't be so afraid :)

Diversity in America blends - and I'm so glad to see you admitting that YES - America is a melting pot. I guess that's why White Supremacists are so afraid?

I don't know what white Supremacists are afraid of....I don't know any.

There was a time when America being a "Melting pot" was actually good. That was when people came here TO BECOME AMERICANS. Not to change America into their country as is what is the case today. Everywhere I look, foreigners are flying THEIR flag on their cars and in front of their homes. They want to say "Hey Americans, I can turn this part of America into MY COUNTRY.

People flock here to enjoy wealth and prosperity they neither created nor deserve to enjoy.
More and more people are coming here for no other reason that to get FREE this or FREE that because Democrats made so many promises to take care of the world (in exchange for votes of course)

It is still good sweetie....partisan politics has poisoned the well so much we can't see it. But by and large - immigrants are proud to be American AND proud to celebrate their ethnic heritage. And you know what? That isn't new. Our town has an Italian Heritage festival every year, nearby - there's a Polish festival. These aren't new immigrants - these are people who's fathers and grandfathers immigrated to work in the mines and factories. They are proud Americans and proud of their Old World Heritage. Why would you deny the same to newer immigrants?
It is still good sweetie....partisan politics has poisoned the well so much we can't see it. But by and large - immigrants are proud to be American AND proud to celebrate their ethnic heritage. And you know what? That isn't new. Our town has an Italian Heritage festival every year, nearby - there's a Polish festival. These aren't new immigrants - these are people who's fathers and grandfathers immigrated to work in the mines and factories. They are proud Americans and proud of their Old World Heritage. Why would you deny the same to newer immigrants?

If you honestly think today's situation is the same as it was even 50 years ago shame on you.

Here's the deal...there are ONLY SO MANY RESOURCES TO GO AROUND.

WHY CAN'T THEY IMPROVE THEIR OWN COUNTRIES? Hmmmm....good question isn't it?
WHY? Why do so many need to run to America? What's so great here? Why aren't they rushing to CHINA? Isn't China growing faster than the USA economically? Why not Russia? Aren't we a nation of racists and bigots? So WHY???

You Progs can never answer that because it exposes the lie that we need them here and that they're nothing but votes for your agendas.
And that they have no choice. THEY DO. But it's easier and FREE in America says Democrats.

People come here NOW for A FREE RIDE. Not to work in mines and build the nation.
They come here explicitly to pop out ANCHOR babies so that they enjoy free citizenship and CIRCUMVENT the process of becoming a citizen the PROPER way. Putting all those HARDWORKING LEGAL immigrants wanting to come here the right way at the back of the line.

Or, they come here because being poor in America is luxurious compared to being middle class in their country......but WHY? why CAN'T THEY IMPROVE their own countries? These same people will flee America when the gravy train runs out. They won't be here to defend America or sacrifice their lives to protect the nation. They'll take what they can from working Americans (you probably don't know what that means) and send all that back to THEIR country.
Do you have any clue how much money LEAVES America each day as Mexicans alone send money back to Mexico? I hear it's in the 10 digit range.

Who the fuck made America the solver of all the Earth's inhabitants problems????
Are you willing to allow 2 illegal immigrant families of say, 5 people each family, to SHARE YOUR HOME today?
No? Why not? That's what you're preaching. Are YOU willing to feed 10 hungry illegal immigrant families from YOUR current income? Why Not? THAT's what you're preaching others do. Are YOU willing to cover the MEDICAL costs for 10 illegal immigrants? Why not?
You're saying it's fine for other Americans to do so.

You profess that it's just fine to continue spreading resources thin. Maybe you don't realize SOMEONE has to PRODUCE to PAY for those resources.
They don't magically sprout from trees. It's likely you are supported by others. You probably have never run a business and don't understand the dynamics of prosperity. You probably believe wealth and prosperity comes from big government. Maybe you're a Bernie Sanders kind of person?

Have you no concept of the National Debt? Do you not realize how many Americans live on welfare? Are you unaware our infrastructure is crumbling? WHO's going to PAY for it if more and more tax dollars are spent caring for people flocking here to live off of American taxpayers?

Do you have a CLUE how much American workers give already to pay for education and medical care and housing for illegal immigrants? ANY CLUE AT ALL? It's a LOT. Look it up.

Medical care, food, housing....providing that to everyone on Earth will require that MANY AMERICAN CHILDREN will get less or go without.
We have starving and needy children right here in America already. Why not encourage immigrants to work on improving THEIR HOME COUNTRIES rather than send all their needy here...depriving American children?

You want Proof of how it's hurting American families? Just look at all the ads from charitable organizations like St Judes Childrens hospital, Shriners Childrens hospitals and a slew of other American charity organizations that have been helping Americans for nearly a century. They are not getting the cash inflow they used to get and are having to advertise more than ever trying to get money to continue their operations..

Basically, you're full of Progressive shit. And Jillian as well.

Like it or not "sweetie".....that's the way it is. Now you know why.
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Don't be skeered.

The Muslims are coming OH MY!

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.

I'll skip the standard insults...

What element of my post led you to believe I was "skeered" of anything?

A rational person would have inferred I was laughing about mooselimbs running as democrooks, because it only serves my agenda when religious zealots who hate queers, atheists and feminazi loons divide the democrook party.

Go back to your AA meetings and stop huffing aerosols.
you mean desists who separated church and state? those people?

or do you mean the freedom lovers who owned slaves and didn't let women vote?

because they were both, because of the age they lived in.

but they weren't alt right loons.

Dumbasses who don't know JACK SHIT about history trying to fake it.


Guess what part of the world still practices slavery?

Inside the World of Gulf State Slavery

When I say libturds are the dumbest mother fuckers on earth , I am not joking.
From the opening page of the Democrat Party's website - This is what they are running on in 2020: Women, Muslims, and Hispanics...


So you are saying that women, Muslims, and Hispanics are not Americans?

I'm a woman, and I was born in one of the original colonies, and probably long before your ass got here.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump
Calling Islam a political movement is the safest way for you to justify this post. Much the way the Nazis said the Jews were a threatening race rather than a religion.

If you think Islam is ONLY a religion, you are seriously delusional.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump
Calling Islam a political movement is the safest way for you to justify this post. Much the way the Nazis said the Jews were a threatening race rather than a religion.

If you think Islam is ONLY a religion, you are seriously delusional.

Don't worry. That imbecile has no capacity to think. It's just parroting inane drivel.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump
Calling Islam a political movement is the safest way for you to justify this post. Much the way the Nazis said the Jews were a threatening race rather than a religion.

If you think Islam is ONLY a religion, you are seriously delusional.
Same goes with any religion that attaches itself to empire building to include Christianity,,
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

More than 90 American Muslims, nearly all of them Democrats, are running for public office across the country this year. Many are young and politically inexperienced, and most are long shots. But they represent a collective gamble: that voters are so disgusted by America’s least popular president on record that they’re willing to elect members of America’s least popular religious minority group.

Although their number seems small, the candidacies mark an unprecedented rise for the nation’s diverse Muslim community that typically has been underrepresented in American politics.

One only has to look at what elected Muslims have done in the UK.

More of this alarming news @ The blue Muslim wave: American Muslims launch political campaigns, hope to deliver ‘sweet justice’ to Trump


Out of how many?

A warning that people in America are free to practice their religion legally?

Why do you think they're going to the Democrats? Probably because they know what the Republicans are, warmongers.
Yes they are. Those ninety will support legislation which will increase immigration numbers for more Muslims. ~24% of the world is Muslim. Are you in favor of the US being a reflection of the world? I bet you dollars to donuts, they are.
This should be a warning to all Americans. They must remember that Islam is not a religion, it is a political movement to dominate everything around it.

Again, why is their Imaginary Fairy in the Sky any worse than your Imaginary Fairy in the Sky?
It's not about the fairy in the sky, it's about the respective fairy's worshipers.
It is still good sweetie....partisan politics has poisoned the well so much we can't see it. But by and large - immigrants are proud to be American AND proud to celebrate their ethnic heritage. And you know what? That isn't new. Our town has an Italian Heritage festival every year, nearby - there's a Polish festival. These aren't new immigrants - these are people who's fathers and grandfathers immigrated to work in the mines and factories. They are proud Americans and proud of their Old World Heritage. Why would you deny the same to newer immigrants?

If you honestly think today's situation is the same as it was even 50 years ago shame on you.

Here's the deal...there are ONLY SO MANY RESOURCES TO GO AROUND.

WHY CAN'T THEY IMPROVE THEIR OWN COUNTRIES? Hmmmm....good question isn't it?
WHY? Why do so many need to run to America? What's so great here? Why aren't they rushing to CHINA? Isn't China growing faster than the USA economically? Why not Russia? Aren't we a nation of racists and bigots? So WHY???

You Progs can never answer that because it exposes the lie that we need them here and that they're nothing but votes for your agendas.
And that they have no choice. THEY DO. But it's easier and FREE in America says Democrats.

People come here NOW for A FREE RIDE. Not to work in mines and build the nation.
They come here explicitly to pop out ANCHOR babies so that they enjoy free citizenship and CIRCUMVENT the process of becoming a citizen the PROPER way. Putting all those HARDWORKING LEGAL immigrants wanting to come here the right way at the back of the line.

Or, they come here because being poor in America is luxurious compared to being middle class in their country......but WHY? why CAN'T THEY IMPROVE their own countries? These same people will flee America when the gravy train runs out. They won't be here to defend America or sacrifice their lives to protect the nation. They'll take what they can from working Americans (you probably don't know what that means) and send all that back to THEIR country.
Do you have any clue how much money LEAVES America each day as Mexicans alone send money back to Mexico? I hear it's in the 10 digit range.

Who the fuck made America the solver of all the Earth's inhabitants problems????
Are you willing to allow 2 illegal immigrant families of say, 5 people each family, to SHARE YOUR HOME today?
No? Why not? That's what you're preaching. Are YOU willing to feed 10 hungry illegal immigrant families from YOUR current income? Why Not? THAT's what you're preaching others do. Are YOU willing to cover the MEDICAL costs for 10 illegal immigrants? Why not?
You're saying it's fine for other Americans to do so.

You profess that it's just fine to continue spreading resources thin. Maybe you don't realize SOMEONE has to PRODUCE to PAY for those resources.
They don't magically sprout from trees. It's likely you are supported by others. You probably have never run a business and don't understand the dynamics of prosperity. You probably believe wealth and prosperity comes from big government. Maybe you're a Bernie Sanders kind of person?

Have you no concept of the National Debt? Do you not realize how many Americans live on welfare? Are you unaware our infrastructure is crumbling? WHO's going to PAY for it if more and more tax dollars are spent caring for people flocking here to live off of American taxpayers?

Do you have a CLUE how much American workers give already to pay for education and medical care and housing for illegal immigrants? ANY CLUE AT ALL? It's a LOT. Look it up.

Medical care, food, housing....providing that to everyone on Earth will require that MANY AMERICAN CHILDREN will get less or go without.
We have starving and needy children right here in America already. Why not encourage immigrants to work on improving THEIR HOME COUNTRIES rather than send all their needy here...depriving American children?

You want Proof of how it's hurting American families? Just look at all the ads from charitable organizations like St Judes Childrens hospital, Shriners Childrens hospitals and a slew of other American charity organizations that have been helping Americans for nearly a century. They are not getting the cash inflow they used to get and are having to advertise more than ever trying to get money to continue their operations..

Basically, you're full of Progressive shit. And Jillian as well.

Like it or not "sweetie".....that's the way it is. Now you know why.
That is only true if you believe it is a zero sum game. You are making the exact same arguments critics made a century ago. Yet here we are.
Good for them. The more variety the better.

That's the same page they ran in 2016, they just changed the date to 2018. If you look at their website, virtually nothing's changed since then, and they're still using the "2016" date in much of the website.

If you click on the party platform link, it reads "THE 2016 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM"...

Same with the GOP. Platforms are adopted at National Conventions every four years. However, I agree it's evidence of evil on the part of Democrats.

Any call for religious law period is "too much" but there's nuts all over who call for the weirdest shit. What are you going to do, shoot them?


THOSE are the people who gave you freedom. Those are the people who offered you the life you have today.

SHOW SOME APPRECIATION you entitlement sucking INGRATE !!!!

Yeah, they were the liberals of the day. Conservatives were loyal subjects of the Crown.
Good for them. The more variety the better.

That's the same page they ran in 2016, they just changed the date to 2018. If you look at their website, virtually nothing's changed since then, and they're still using the "2016" date in much of the website.

If you click on the party platform link, it reads "THE 2016 DEMOCRATIC PLATFORM"...

Same with the GOP. Platforms are adopted at National Conventions every four years. However, I agree it's evidence of evil on the part of Democrats.

The only thing worse was JFK, he was catholic..
It is still good sweetie....partisan politics has poisoned the well so much we can't see it. But by and large - immigrants are proud to be American AND proud to celebrate their ethnic heritage. And you know what? That isn't new. Our town has an Italian Heritage festival every year, nearby - there's a Polish festival. These aren't new immigrants - these are people who's fathers and grandfathers immigrated to work in the mines and factories. They are proud Americans and proud of their Old World Heritage. Why would you deny the same to newer immigrants?

If you honestly think today's situation is the same as it was even 50 years ago shame on you.

Here's the deal...there are ONLY SO MANY RESOURCES TO GO AROUND.

WHY CAN'T THEY IMPROVE THEIR OWN COUNTRIES? Hmmmm....good question isn't it?
WHY? Why do so many need to run to America? What's so great here? Why aren't they rushing to CHINA? Isn't China growing faster than the USA economically? Why not Russia? Aren't we a nation of racists and bigots? So WHY???

You Progs can never answer that because it exposes the lie that we need them here and that they're nothing but votes for your agendas.
And that they have no choice. THEY DO. But it's easier and FREE in America says Democrats.

People come here NOW for A FREE RIDE. Not to work in mines and build the nation.
They come here explicitly to pop out ANCHOR babies so that they enjoy free citizenship and CIRCUMVENT the process of becoming a citizen the PROPER way. Putting all those HARDWORKING LEGAL immigrants wanting to come here the right way at the back of the line.

Or, they come here because being poor in America is luxurious compared to being middle class in their country......but WHY? why CAN'T THEY IMPROVE their own countries? These same people will flee America when the gravy train runs out. They won't be here to defend America or sacrifice their lives to protect the nation. They'll take what they can from working Americans (you probably don't know what that means) and send all that back to THEIR country.
Do you have any clue how much money LEAVES America each day as Mexicans alone send money back to Mexico? I hear it's in the 10 digit range.

Who the fuck made America the solver of all the Earth's inhabitants problems????
Are you willing to allow 2 illegal immigrant families of say, 5 people each family, to SHARE YOUR HOME today?
No? Why not? That's what you're preaching. Are YOU willing to feed 10 hungry illegal immigrant families from YOUR current income? Why Not? THAT's what you're preaching others do. Are YOU willing to cover the MEDICAL costs for 10 illegal immigrants? Why not?
You're saying it's fine for other Americans to do so.

You profess that it's just fine to continue spreading resources thin. Maybe you don't realize SOMEONE has to PRODUCE to PAY for those resources.
They don't magically sprout from trees. It's likely you are supported by others. You probably have never run a business and don't understand the dynamics of prosperity. You probably believe wealth and prosperity comes from big government. Maybe you're a Bernie Sanders kind of person?

Have you no concept of the National Debt? Do you not realize how many Americans live on welfare? Are you unaware our infrastructure is crumbling? WHO's going to PAY for it if more and more tax dollars are spent caring for people flocking here to live off of American taxpayers?

Do you have a CLUE how much American workers give already to pay for education and medical care and housing for illegal immigrants? ANY CLUE AT ALL? It's a LOT. Look it up.

Medical care, food, housing....providing that to everyone on Earth will require that MANY AMERICAN CHILDREN will get less or go without.
We have starving and needy children right here in America already. Why not encourage immigrants to work on improving THEIR HOME COUNTRIES rather than send all their needy here...depriving American children?

You want Proof of how it's hurting American families? Just look at all the ads from charitable organizations like St Judes Childrens hospital, Shriners Childrens hospitals and a slew of other American charity organizations that have been helping Americans for nearly a century. They are not getting the cash inflow they used to get and are having to advertise more than ever trying to get money to continue their operations..

Basically, you're full of Progressive shit. And Jillian as well.

Like it or not "sweetie".....that's the way it is. Now you know why.
That is only true if you believe it is a zero sum game. You are making the exact same arguments critics made a century ago. Yet here we are.

True, dat! Their erstwhile hero, RINO Ronnie Reagan famously said, "a rising tide lifts all boats". Now they've retreated to, "No more room in the boat!"

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