More than 30 states have a serious secession movement

Sounds like the federal government to me.

Even a state that has seceded will have a central government, don't know what these people think they will be solving by splitting away and allowing hard right dickheads to decide what their rights will be.
Therein lies the problem. NOBODY left or right will decide what my or anyones rights are and thats just one of the reasons some of us wish to secede. The Government can stuff the NDAA, TSA and Patriot Act :)

This country is falling apart and perhaps one day (when Americans turn of their TV's) everyone will see this. I don't blame any of this on Bush or Obama, I blame it all on the uniformed American public for continuing to vote puppets into office. We will end up like Rome if Americans don't wake up and turn off their TV's. See below

I blame it on 20 plus years of talk radio (and later FOX News) engaging in rabble rousing for ratings (and let's not forget fun & profit) by shamelessly promoting propaganda with about as much truth in it as there is REAL orange juice in a glass of SunnyD (Sunny Delight). The dumbing down of America over the previous few decades has made that incredibly easy, unfortunately.

As far as TV is concerned, I agree that people should turn their TVs off. I did. I don't watch TV, and I don't miss it. People ought to read books. And I don't mean the partisan screed variety, either. Read some fiction. Take up a hobby. Exercise. Get involved in your community (in a positive, helpful way). In other words, stop letting other people fill your minds with nonsense and hate. Do something productive.
becki, you have to stay within the law and the Constitution, and thus far that is what the Dems have done. Right?

All we need to do is win an election next time, which we can do, if we drop the haters.
you are comparing your wacks with murderers? really??

600,000 random idiots. :clap2:

Or as a realist would say:

0.215% of the TOTAL population of the USA.


You do realize it really only takes 2 people to make a big enough stink to make the world take notice. right? ie- Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman murder.

So 600,000 is a nice big blip on the ANY radar. you're talking about it now. proof.
Plenty of people can both follow news, AND be productive.

I know, novel concept.

And for that idiot paper, nobody is comparing the petition authors with Zimmerman, you nutcase. They are making the point that MINORITIES can definitely make the world sit up and take notice.

I wonder how many people marched for black rights in the 60s? I dont' think the numbers were anywhere near 600,000.
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Newsflash: Retards live in 100% of US states and territories.

They're easy to spot; they're the ones who voted for Obama.

Actually, I think they're the ones who bought into Rove's phony poll numbers and kept funneling cash to his American Crossroads group. See, Rove really DID learn something from the financial crash and how all those ratings agencies like Moody's and Standard & Poors kept giving those AAA ratings to those essentially worthless mortgage backed securities that got sold to other banks, and municipalities, and retirement funds that ended up taking a huge loss when those Credit Default Swaps proved to be worthless.
Geez, AngryWhiteMen-Istan are acting stupidly.

I say that the US should give any willing conservatives a land grant. To get it, they must renounce their citizenship. Then, for whatever the market price is, they can buy land in this set aside area where they can establish their own political entity. Then, the rest of us can sit back and watch as they all devolve into smaller groups that spend their time creating conservative purity litmus tests that everyone else is expected to pass.
Extremist reactionaries who have trouble with the constitutional republic will do that, not true cons.

Geez, AngryWhiteMen-Istan are acting stupidly.

I say that the US should give any willing conservatives a land grant. To get it, they must renounce their citizenship. Then, for whatever the market price is, they can buy land in this set aside area where they can establish their own political entity. Then, the rest of us can sit back and watch as they all devolve into smaller groups that spend their time creating conservative purity litmus tests that everyone else is expected to pass.
Of course we have walled communities. Walled and gated. Walled, gated and armed guards.

Take a look at your homeowners association for a preview of what a secessionist government would be like. Arbitrary rules, lack of due process, the ability to ruin your life out of sheer spite and run by fascists who hate everyone.

Actually, that sounds like what we have had for the past 40 or more years.
I'm so sick of stupid conservatives. Birth certificates, death panels, succession, it just never ends with these fucking people. If they would actually channel their energy into positive causes and positive changes instead of engaging in utterly offensively jackassery, they would actually accomplish things and be respectable in this nation. Instead they're so ass-hurt that Bush was such a goddamn lemon and that they haven't had a legit leader in a couple of decades that they want to stick it to the rest of us. I don't know if I'm happy that the retarded minority of this country continually engages in this idiocy while screaming for attention because it keeps these people occupied and out of real matters. Or if I'm upset because these people are such a goddamn waste of time.
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"Union Dixie" a little ditty popular in the Grand Army of the Republic during the 1861-65 unpleasantness, and sung to the tune of the better-known "Dixie":

Away down South in the land of traitors,
Rattlesnakes and alligators,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
Where cotton's king and men are chattels,
Union boys will win the battles,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.

CHORUS: Then we'll all go down to Dixie,Away, away,
Each Dixie boy must understand
That he must mind his Uncle Sam,
Away, away,And we'll all go down to Dixie.
Away, away,And we'll all go down to Dixie.

I wish I was in Baltimore,
I'd make Secession traitors roar,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
We'll put the traitors all to rout.
I'll bet my boots we'll whip them out,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.


Oh, may our Stars and Stripes still wave
Forever o'er the free and brave,
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
And let our motto ever be --
"For Union and for Liberty!"
Right away, come away, right away, come away.
660,000 people is NOTHING. It is not even a "movement" at less than 0.25% of the total US population.

It will be a "serious secession movement", when it is like 25,000,000 people.

Otherwise this is just a joke.

It's 132X the size of the KKK, yet you Libs bring them up CONSTANTLY...

Just sayin'...
660,000 people is NOTHING. It is not even a "movement" at less than 0.25% of the total US population.

It will be a "serious secession movement", when it is like 25,000,000 people.

Otherwise this is just a joke.

It's 132X the size of the KKK, yet you Libs bring them up CONSTANTLY...

Just sayin'...

What an interesting comparison you just made. I see the similarities as well.

Lets look at the record

An abolitionist got elected and the Southern States seceded
Civil Rights legislation passes and Southern States threaten to secede
A black man gets elected President and Southern States threaten to secede
A black man gets reelected and the SouthernStates threaten to secede

Is there a common thread here?

So it's all Southern States?

Fucking RETARD!!
Since the actual number of secessionists is rather small, I say we grant them all what they wish.

Lump them all together into Arizona, and let them have it as their new nation of rugged individualism.

Just make sure to remove any nukes first.

Lets look at the record

An abolitionist got elected and the Southern States seceded
Civil Rights legislation passes and Southern States threaten to secede
A black man gets elected President and Southern States threaten to secede
A black man gets reelected and the SouthernStates threaten to secede

Is there a common thread here?

So it's all Southern States?

Fucking RETARD!!

Not to mention these states don't have the economies to support themselves. How is a state that's addicted to the federal dole supposed to be self-sufficient? I really don't want to have to pay for southern refugee camps when these motherfuckers start flooding over the border. Everything about this idea is stupid and whining.

Secession is the solution offered us by
simpering simpletons
and Dualies
who would divide us
so that a nation
as unified and as small as Israel.
could by means of more and more money,
and even tighter control of the news media,
better control us
and then conquer us
piece by piece.

I have said that unity is the last strong suit we have
and I would fight to the bitter end to maintain that unity.


I'm very glad to hear the right is going to just move further to the right. By the 2020's they won't control any part of government.

The right doesn't have to control government to cause serious disruption among those who do control government.

By 2020, they'll have fallen off the edge of the flat earth they live on.

This is a tempest in the teepotters. The same thing happens with every election as the losers try to find ways of making themselves feel better. The Rs got a shellacking, both in the popular vote and the electoral college and the most ignorant among us are just doing some self-medicating.

The difference is that the internet allows news to travel around the world and the dunderheads believe they're actually being heard.

And, I s'pose they are. But, tomorrow they'll be forgotten by everyone except the "simpering simpletons" who believe they can "cause cause serious disruption among those who do control government".

But, please, don't let that slow you rw's down. Its fun to watch.:D
You do realize, ludley, the tea party had nothing to do with the nomination of Mitt? He wasn't a tea party pick.
Since the actual number of secessionists is rather small, I say we grant them all what they wish.

Lump them all together into Arizona, and let them have it as their new nation of rugged individualism.

Just make sure to remove any nukes first.

Great idea. They'd be neighbors with Mexico. And USA wouldn't have to protect them from Mexico either. Wonder if Joe Arpaio would protect them?

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