More Rush...why the left is envious...

Love boortz still....

I've enjoyed Boortz every time I've heard him, but he isn't offered on any of the stations I most usually listen to. These days I don't listen to all that much radio, but when I was still working, I had our No #1 news/talk station on in the car as I made my rounds and then also here at home in the office until sometimes the wee hours of the morning.

So yes, we have a local talk show host on from 7 to 9:45 - the Huckabee Report (that has replaced Paul Harvey) - Rush comes on at 10 and runs to 1 pm followed by Hannity from 1 to 3 and then another local host takes over to get us through drive time; Lavin in the evening and then Coast to Coast comes on at 11 to get me through to bedtime whenever that comes. It's all running in the background as white noise most of the time but I sometimes focus in on a snippet here and there.

Sometimes if the regular guys are less than inspiring, I switch over to the #2 station, also a news/talk station where a lot of the other syndicated talk show hosts are featured.

It is almost all conservative slant, but the perspectives of the various hosts often vary widely. You get a pretty good grounding in what is going on in the world.
Rush is a shock jock...thats all....nothing more nothing less. The man is filled with hate. I don't think he can think objectively anymore...if he ever thought objectively at all.

End of story...he is just trying to make a buck. He is a business man not a patriot.
Rush is a shock jock...thats all....nothing more nothing less. The man is filled with hate. I don't think he can think objectively anymore...if he ever thought objectively at all.

End of story...he is just trying to make a buck. He is a business man not a patriot.
Yes. Rush is a very well sourced shock jock. But he's a shock jock and entertainer ONLY when it suits his critics. Otherwise he's some sort of moral center and leader and newsmaker and pundit leading a few thousand (in their lying hearts they wish this was all) insane people to certain beliefs, lockstep in an effort to reintroduce slavery for minorities and women in an effort to reestablish a plutocratic patriarchical society that never has nor ever will exist in this nation.

Thank you for proving your screen name is a lie about your actual abilty. I do believe you need to be redubbed "ThinkDoublly". Or "INeverThinkCritically".

Then you'd be honest.
3 hateful words for our friends on the left.....


carry on :)

If a man can make a bundle by rounding up more gullible customers into the arms of his get-rich-quick-scheme advertisers than any other single radio host, I guess that's an accomplishment. But it's not an accomplishment to be proud of despite the fact that it obviously pays exceptionally well.
Hey, c'mon.....ya' never hear......

...."splitting-hairs", like that.​
A perfect example of the gullibility and stupidity of the typical DittoNutzi!!! :rofl::lmao;

The "Sullivan Group" is a real estate agency run by his fellow CON$ervoFascist hate radio shock jock Tom Sullivan. His "accuracy rating" is as phony and made up as his "documentation." You morons will swallow whatever bullshit your MessiahRushie feeds you! :cuckoo:

And his "sources" are either fellow CON$ervoFascist liars parroting their GOP scripts or if they are real sources then your MessiahRushie misrepresents what they said knowing that you are too stupid or lazy to check.

Here is an example from a real source. Your lying MessiahRushie claims BOTH satellite radio companies count cars that have not been sold as subscribers when the very SOURCE he linked to said quite clearly that XM does NOT!!!!!

Stack of Stuff Quick Hits Page

Story #7: 1 in 10 Satellite Radio Subs in Unsold Cars

RUSH: You know these satellite radio guys? I have no brief against them, don't misunderstand. I've explained why this program is not on satellite radio a number of times, not that it never will be, but in this current iteration, three-hour program Monday-Friday, it can't be because we would be cannibalizing the terrestrial radio stations that have made this program, so I've assured them of that. But they report their subscriber numbers. I think the combined total for satellite radio to both of those companies is around 13 million or eight million. I'm not sure. Anyway, it doesn't matter what the total number is, because one in ten satellite subscribers are in un-owned cars still sitting on the car lot. The way these people report it is the number of radios sold, or manufactured. Most of these satellite radios are in automobiles since they're manufactured, but one in ten of satellite subscribers live in car lots, either in cars that haven't been sold by anybody yet.

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count - TheStreet

Scoping Sirius' Curious Car Count
Page 2

Sirius CFO Dave Frear says he recognizes that the two companies have different policies when it comes to counting subscribers, but he downplays the significance.

Frear says Sirius' lot-counting practice doesn't apply to all cars with factory-installed radios. He adds that overall it represents less than 10% of total subscribers.

"There's a distinction without a difference," says Frear.

But an XM representative disagrees.

"It's important for people to understand that we have a different way of counting subscribers," says the XM rep. "We count people who have made an active effort to try the service, not by counting cars on the lots."
And this means what exactly?
It means my local real estate agent from the Rupert Group has certified that my opinions are 100% accurate! :lol:
Whenever CON$ have been shown to be complete fools, they play dumb.
.....Primarily to avoid legal-consequences!!!!!

"SCI has long cultivated Bush and his allies. They gave governor Bush $35,000 in the last election and $10K in 1994, gave $100,000 to the George Bush, Sr. library, and hired the ex-president to give a speech last year for $70,000. They also spread money around the Texas legislature and the Texas Attorney General's office.

After the investigation got serious, SCI's boss, Robert Waltrip, called the funeral commission's chairman and told him to "back off." If not, Waltrip said, "I'm going to take this to the governor."

Still, the investigation continued. So Waltrip and his lawyer/lobbyist, Johnnie B. Rogers, went to the governor's office and dropped off a letter demanding a halt to the investigation. Rogers told Newsweek that he and Waltrip were ushered in to see Joe Allbaugh, Bush's chief of staff (who is now Bush's campaign manager.) Rogers goes on to say that Bush Jr. popped his head in and said to Waltrip, "Hey, Bobby, are those people still messing with you?" Waltrip said yeah. Then the governor turned to Rogers and said, "Hey, Johnnie B. Are you taking care of him?" Rogers said "I'm doing my best, Governor."

The problem for Bush is that he swore under oath, in a July 20th 1999 affidavit, that he "had no conversations with [SCI] officials, agents, or represenatives concerning the investigation or any dispute arising from it." If Rogers is telling the truth, than Bush Jr. lied directly under oath. He filed the affidavit in an attempt to avoid testifying in a whistleblower lawsuit concerning this investigation and it's alleged squashing by Bush's administration.

Back in August of 1999, Bush himself admitted that he spoke with Waltrip and Rogers -- in other words, that he lied under oath -- but used Clintonesque denials to claim that it was nothing substantial. Bush told the Associated Press that "It's a 20-second conversation. I had no substantive conversation with the guy. Twenty seconds. That's hardly enough time to even say hello, much less sit down and have a substantive discussion. All I know is it lasted no time. And that hardly constitutes a serious discussion. I did not have any knowledge at all of Waltrip's problem with this case."

3 hateful words for our friends on the left.....

Whew!! hate him, because he's Gay.....or, because you find yourself defending....


Just a public service announcement in the interest of this Shaman guy..........lefty pals might want to keep an eye out for this guy after the election. Ive been urging him for 2 years to seek use of Effexor XR, Lexipro or one of the other wonderful OCD related pharmaceuticals on the market right now. Guy is one miserable fuck imagine after the election. Gonna need some serious support.............has some issues.

Shit.........even the Biker monthlies are concerned...............



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You know what? I am envious of the 600 stations that the RW owners put him on. I'd like to see those same owners put progressive talk on at least half of them.

Oh, that would show balance...can't do that.

I guarantee you that if they put on progressive programs that would pull in the ratings, they would do it. But there's too little audience for a progressive sociopolitical program which is why Air America failed. No audience, no advertisers. Why would anybody want to pay big bucks to advertise on a station during a slot nobody is listening to?

Our local No. 1 station honestly did try. They have now tried four different progressive hosts in very favorable time slots. All four were really good. All four initially enjoyed a good audience but not one of them could keep it; the advertisers refused to have their ads run during that time not because of the content, but because there weren't any listeners But when they put a conservative, even re-runs from some syndicate, into those slots, the ratings shot up. The #2 station in this market area experienced pretty much the same thing.

A whole lot of people who think they are Progressive are bored silly within a short time by progressive radio content. Why? In my opinion they are actually more conservative than progressive. And while they may be more annoyed by some of the content of the Limbaugh program or Hannity program etc., they will hear more there that they can relate to than what they hear that annoys them.

And yet despite being on 40 stations compared to 100 stations, talkers like Thom Hartman, Ed Shultz, Randi Rhodes and Stephanie Miller consistently score in the top of the "Heavy Hundred" of Talkers Magazine. Those shows also consistently beat out their conservative rivals in major, oh, San Francisco.

And yet, in San Francisco, Clear Channel made the decision to replace their most popular morning show with Glenn Beck. Sorry, but you can't play the "market dictates" card with a move like that. They replaced a radio show from a host that has been selling out venues across the country touring her "Sexy Liberal Show" with Glenn freaking Beck and you're trying to push the "there's no market" meme? Free Market my ass.

Standing up to the right
You know what? I am envious of the 600 stations that the RW owners put him on. I'd like to see those same owners put progressive talk on at least half of them.

Oh, that would show balance...can't do that.

Liberals/Progressives are LITERATE!

They hardly (that's "not-hardly", in Bush-speak) need some pompous/orally-fixated pig telling them what to think, when any-and-all details/facts are readily-available to those who've mastered the English-language.

Besides....if you're medicated..... "trumps" your inability to focus on the written-word.


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Wow, Koshergrl got banned?

Anyway, I have mixed feelings about Rush. I think he's occassionally enteraining and sometimes insightful.

I think sometimes he goes over the line.

From a business perspective, he's working on an old model. He's one of the few radio hosts that demand a franchise fee from stations that carry his show. Most provide content for free while splitting advertising time. Hense, a lot of smaller markets will start dropping his show in favor of guys they can get free content from.

He absolutely does wander across the line and also into areas of bad taste at times. But he also does 15 hours of an intense radio program covering essentially every controversial issue on the planet.
.....And, proceeds to LIE, about.....


3 hateful words for our friends on the left.....

Whew!! hate him, because he's Gay.....or, because you find yourself defending....


Just a public service announcement in the interest of this Shaman guy..........lefty pals might want to keep an eye out for this guy after the election. Ive been urging him for 2 years to seek use of Effexor XR, Lexipro or one of the other wonderful OCD related pharmaceuticals on the market right now. Guy is one miserable fuck imagine after the election. Gonna need some serious support.............has some issues.

Shit.........even the Biker monthlies are concerned...............




It is all he has
it just tears him up because

Obama isn't working
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Rush is a shock jock...thats all....nothing more nothing less. The man is filled with hate. I don't think he can think objectively anymore...if he ever thought objectively at all.

End of story...he is just trying to make a buck. He is a business man not a patriot.
Yes. Rush is a very well sourced shock jock. But he's a shock jock and entertainer ONLY when it suits his critics. Otherwise he's some sort of moral center and leader and newsmaker and pundit leading a few thousand (in their lying hearts they wish this was all) insane people to certain beliefs, lockstep in an effort to reintroduce slavery for minorities and women in an effort to reestablish a plutocratic patriarchical society that never has nor ever will exist in this nation.

Thank you for proving your screen name is a lie about your actual abilty. I do believe you need to be redubbed "ThinkDoublly". Or "INeverThinkCritically".

Then you'd be honest.

You basically parroted what I said and then told me that i'm not thinking critically....:lol:
So? The size of the audience does not affect the value of the message.

So, the fact that Limbaugh has a large audience has no bearing on the substance of his commentary? :lol::lol::lol: Thanks for being honest.

The nature of Rush's large audience though does have a bearing on the substance of his commentary.

But NPR is substance-less even though they have a statistically even audience as Rush. Got it.
Rush is a shock jock...thats all....nothing more nothing less. The man is filled with hate. I don't think he can think objectively anymore...if he ever thought objectively at all.

End of story...he is just trying to make a buck. He is a business man not a patriot.

I have been listening to Rush intermittantly for a quarter century now. He is sometimes crude, but in all that time I have never seen him be rude or express hate toward anybody. He sometimes crosses the line into bad taste, but it is always an attempt at humor that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. He sometimes makes fun of people but if that is hateful, then Leno, Letterman, and Conan are the world's most hateful people. He frequently uses absurdity to illustrate absurdity, a technique that has been successfully used going back to Biblical times. And some really clueless people have actually taken him seriously and repeated what he said out of context making themselves look really hateful.

I still remember when somebody called in and told him he didn't care about his elderly mother. He replied not to worry, he had just bought her a brand new case of dogfood. Pat Schroeder, Dem, then congresswoman from Colorado took him seriously and denounced him on the floor of the House the next day as a person who fed his mother dogfood. So who was being hateful? Rush or the Congresswoman? (Rush had a field day making fun of that.)

NEWS FLASH: Being loud, sometimes crude, sometimes being wrong, being politically incorrect, being colorful, being critical, and/or being truthful does not equate with hate. I have challenged others to provide me with a single Rush quotation, verifiable, IN CONTEXT, that could be characterized as hate. So far, nobody has been able to do it.

(And no you won't impress me with the long lists of quotations from "I hate Rush" sites that are supposed to show him as a really bad person. Those won't be in context and you won't be able to verify most of them.)
All Things Considered and Morning Edition on NPR get approximately the same size audience as does Limbaugh.

Rush accomplishes his audience using 100 percent free market whereas NPR requires US taxpayer funds....whether the US taxpayer agrees with content or not. All of Rush's audience and supporters do so because they want to....the same cannot be said of NPR. If NPR is as succesful as you site, perhaps NPR is ready to subjects itself to the same market forces that Eush does?
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All Things Considered and Morning Edition on NPR get approximately the same size audience as does Limbaugh.

Rush accomplishes his audience using 100 percent free market whereas NPR requires US taxpayer funds....whether the US taxpayer agrees with content or not. All of Rush's audience and supporters do so because they want to....the same cannot be said of NPR. If NPR is as succesful as you site, perhaps NPR is ready to subjects itself to the same market forces that Eush does?

Good point. Every PBS and NPR affiiliate gets huge amount of federal dollars. Could any survive if they had to depend on advertising to survive? Air Americva and no other 100% progressively targeted programming has been able to do that?

Given all the controversy re Limbaugh would he be carried in every radio market in the country and several in Canada if he was costing stations advertisers? Some advertisers, out of political correctness, have asked not to be aired during his show. Some don't want to be aired during any political or controversial broadcasts. But those sponsors aren't sponsoring Rush. It is Rush's ratings that pull the advertisers to the station. Smart business people, regardless of their politivs, generally put their advertising where it will be heard and can have an effect.

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