More important than politics


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
Hello Everyone - As I read these posts from Conservatives and Liberals flailing away at each other with well rehearsed sound bites, slogans, and ugly language, might I suggest something rather important: How you manage yourself and your time is more important than politics. It's easy and fun to blame our lawmakers for our problems, but the fact is 90% of our problems can be traced back to ourselves, cases in point: Do you make smart food choices, or eat over processed junk foods? Do you exercise daily, or do you put it off? Do you save at least 10% of your pay and build your nest egg, or do you splurge on "must have" emotion driven items you don't really need? Do you have written financial goals you review and work towards, or do you just drift along? Do you manage your time well, or do you come home from work, flop in front of the TV until it's time to go to bed? As a small business owner, I struggle with these things too, and after 60+ years on this planet, I've come to the conclusion that we are our own driving force, ...and we are our own brake.
As Pogo once wisely stated......:"We met the enemy........and it is us...."

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