More Democrat Misappropriation And Spending Of US Tax Dollars - Biden Steals From Americans To Pay For His/Dems' Agenda


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
'On Friday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the National Board of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program would distribute $332.5 million in humanitarian relief to areas of the United States that are providing temporary shelter to illegal immigrants awaiting immigration proceedings.

The money will be distributed to 35 various local governments and nonprofits.

More than 6.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office.'

Here's an idea -- close and secure the Open Border, DON'T let them in, and tax payers won't have to pay for them.

Last I checked Tax Payers did not specifically vote to allow Biden and the Democrats to.vu9late the Constitution / exosting immigration laws or to let Democrats to steal tax dollars to fund the leftist extremist illegal invasion agenda that includes funding of drug, human, and child trafficking, paying for food/medical/housing/food, etc...

For all you Biden / Democrat apologists / supporters, they are stealing YOUR tax dollars, too, to pay for all of this.

The Democrats bend you over like everyone else, but you snowflakes be like...

I don't know if you're aware, but the US is a representative system, not a direct democracy. Our politicians do not need voters to specifically vote on every issue in order to govern.
Additionally, one does not have to be a tax payer to vote.

Closing the border (assuming it's truly possible) would probably be a complex and expensive task and likely would involve constant costs to maintain. That might not equal the cost of paying to house illegals, but taxpayers would still be footing a bill.

A more realistic solution might be to improve our immigration system, which from all I have seen and read is incredibly understaffed, back-logged, and inefficient. That, too, would cost the taxpayers, but ANY solution(s) to illegal immigration are going to cost.
'On Friday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the National Board of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program would distribute $332.5 million in humanitarian relief to areas of the United States that are providing temporary shelter to illegal immigrants awaiting immigration proceedings.

The money will be distributed to 35 various local governments and nonprofits.

More than 6.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office.'

Here's an idea -- close and secure the Open Border, DON'T let them in, and tax payers won't have to pay for them.

Last I checked Tax Payers did not specifically vote to allow Biden and the Democrats to.vu9late the Constitution / exosting immigration laws or to let Democrats to steal tax dollars to fund the leftist extremist illegal invasion agenda that includes funding of drug, human, and child trafficking, paying for food/medical/housing/food, etc...

For all you Biden / Democrat apologists / supporters, they are stealing YOUR tax dollars, too, to pay for all of this.

The Democrats bend you over like everyone else, but you snowflakes be like...

Response from a Republican:
This shows the upside-down values of Democrats, and how little they care about hard-working American citizens. With a debt nearing $32 trillion, and law-abiding citizens struggling to buy groceries and gas, Biden distributes hundreds of millions of OUR taxpayer dollars to people swamping our borders with bogus asylum claims and then never show up for their hearings.

Response from a Democrat:
So I see you don’t like brown people.
I don't know if you're aware, but the US is a representative system, not a direct democracy. Our politicians do not need voters to specifically vote on every issue in order to govern.
Additionally, one does not have to be a tax payer to vote.

Closing the border (assuming it's truly possible) would probably be a complex and expensive task and likely would involve constant costs to maintain. That might not equal the cost of paying to house illegals, but taxpayers would still be footing a bill.

Unfortunately there is no meaningful oversight of spending tax dollars or accountability for its use to fund illegal, treasonous acts perpetrated by politicians...such as...

Spending millions over the last 7 years attempting failed coups, criminal Impeachments, manufacturing of false evidence, illegally targeting / spying on Americans, facilitating the on-going illegal invasion, drug / human / child trafficking, etc...

Its also patbetic that politicians who oversee and contribute to our current nearly $34 trillion dollar debt continue to criminally add to that debt by bringing in millions of illegals into the country at US / tax payer expense.

The fact that the US would have to pay off almost $34 trillion in debt JUST TO BE BROKE seems to escape these politicians.

It is no wonder these same politicians have come up with a bill to punish responsible Americans with good credit and reward financially irresponsible ones.
I don't know if you're aware, but the US is a representative system, not a direct democracy. Our politicians do not need voters to specifically vote on every issue in order to govern.
Additionally, one does not have to be a tax payer to vote.

Closing the border (assuming it's truly possible) would probably be a complex and expensive task and likely would involve constant costs to maintain. That might not equal the cost of paying to house illegals, but taxpayers would still be footing a bill.

A more realistic solution might be to improve our immigration system, which from all I have seen and read is incredibly understaffed, back-logged, and inefficient. That, too, would cost the taxpayers, but ANY solution(s) to illegal immigration are going to cost.

Other countries patrol their borders to keep their citizens safe, and shoot anybody without legal documentation trying to enter.

We should be able to do the same.
I don't know if you're aware, but the US is a representative system, not a direct democracy. Our politicians do not need voters to specifically vote on every issue in order to govern.
Additionally, one does not have to be a tax payer to vote.

Closing the border (assuming it's truly possible) would probably be a complex and expensive task and likely would involve constant costs to maintain. That might not equal the cost of paying to house illegals, but taxpayers would still be footing a bill.

A more realistic solution might be to improve our immigration system, which from all I have seen and read is incredibly understaffed, back-logged, and inefficient. That, too, would cost the taxpayers, but ANY solution(s) to illegal immigration are going to cost.
Maybe you should talk to the boots on the ground (Border Patrol).

I've talked with scores of them and to a man they want a wall because it works where it was built.

Till the last two years when they had to spend half their shift processing illegals I never heard them complain of being short staffed either.

Hell, they have BP agents on our northern border processing (via zoom) illegals on our southern border. They are required (along with their additional duties) to pull half their shift doing that.
'On Friday, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) announced that the National Board of the Emergency Food and Shelter Program would distribute $332.5 million in humanitarian relief to areas of the United States that are providing temporary shelter to illegal immigrants awaiting immigration proceedings.

The money will be distributed to 35 various local governments and nonprofits.

More than 6.3 million illegal immigrants have crossed the border since Biden took office.'

Here's an idea -- close and secure the Open Border, DON'T let them in, and tax payers won't have to pay for them.

Last I checked Tax Payers did not specifically vote to allow Biden and the Democrats to.vu9late the Constitution / exosting immigration laws or to let Democrats to steal tax dollars to fund the leftist extremist illegal invasion agenda that includes funding of drug, human, and child trafficking, paying for food/medical/housing/food, etc...

For all you Biden / Democrat apologists / supporters, they are stealing YOUR tax dollars, too, to pay for all of this.

The Democrats bend you over like everyone else, but you snowflakes be like...

And the only reason they are appropriating this money is to placate those "sanctuary" cities that are complaining. If they keep bringing them across the border, they should continue to be sent to these sanctuary cities. It will have to happen until Americans finally say ENOUGH and start holding these commie globalists responsible. Guillotines anyone?
Response from a Republican:
This shows the upside-down values of Democrats, and how little they care about hard-working American citizens. With a debt nearing $32 trillion, and law-abiding citizens struggling to buy groceries and gas, Biden distributes hundreds of millions of OUR taxpayer dollars to people swamping our borders with bogus asylum claims and then never show up for their hearings.

Response from a Democrat:
So I see you don’t like brown people.
And the only reason they are appropriating this money is to placate those "sanctuary" cities that are complaining. If they keep bringing them across the border, they should continue to be sent to these sanctuary cities. It will have to happen until Americans finally say ENOUGH and start holding these commie globalists responsible. Guillotines anyone?

The 'Sanctuary Cities' designated themselves as such ONLY because they did not believe a Democrat President would send illegals there. They did not count on a Republican Gov sending busloads of illegals to Blue cities & to Martha's Vineyard, another self-proclaimed 'Sanctuary City' ... until a busload of illegals showed up.
Maybe you should talk to the boots on the ground (Border Patrol).

I've talked with scores of them and to a man they want a wall because it works where it was built.

Till the last two years when they had to spend half their shift processing illegals I never heard them complain of being short staffed either.

Hell, they have BP agents on our northern border processing (via zoom) illegals on our southern border. They are required (along with their additional duties) to pull half their shift doing that.

During Trump's presidency he wanted to hire 5,000 more CBP agents and 10,000 more ICE officers. Congress apparently mandated a CBP staffing total of just over 21,000 in 2016. Neither of those actually seems to have happened. Maybe both Congress and Trump were wrong to think more border patrol agents were necessary, but at least some of our representatives believe we need more.

The "wall" wouldn't be a single thing over the nearly 2,000 miles of the southern border. There are currently about 700 miles of barriers along the border, more than a third of which is to stop vehicles. I'm not saying that walls are ineffective, but building a border wall would be neither simple, nor easy, nor cheap, nor anything close to 100% effective. With those caveats, I'm not opposed to the idea of border walls/fences, I would just like them to be well-planned and -executed, and I have a lot of doubt about the federal government doing that.

Additionally, border patrol is far from the only agency/organization involved in immigration, legal or illegal. Processing immigrants of any type involves lawyers, judges, reams of paperwork, room and board during the process, translators, and all the various people and material that go along with determining the status of a million+ people a year. From things I've read and seen on the subject, there are not enough people to do the job in anything remotely resembling a timely fashion. It's similar to the rest of our legal system in that way; there are too many cases and not enough people with not enough time to process them properly, if at all.

Some links to provide evidence of my points:


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