More Dem Voter Fraud ... Big Surprise.


Platinum Member
Aug 5, 2010
"Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's campaign is asking Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli to launch an investigation into voter-registration forms that are being sent to Virginia residents and addressed to deceased relatives, children, family pets and others ineligible to vote.

The errant mailings from the Washington-based nonprofit group Voter Participation Center have befuddled many Virginia residents, leading to hundreds of complaints.

The organization has been mass-mailing the forms — pre-populated with key information such as names and addresses — to primarily Democratic-leaning voting blocs such as young adults, unmarried women, African-Americans and Latinos.

Justin Riemer, the State Board of Elections' deputy secretary, said forms have been sent by the group to deceased infants, out-of-state family members, and non-U.S. citizens, among others.

In a letter this month, the State Board of Elections asked the group to cease pre-populating their forms and raised questions about how the group was obtaining lists of registered voters, citing the errant forms.

Riemer noted that pre-populating the forms violates rules set forth in the state code and the Virginia Constitution requiring that voters fill out their own forms."

Romney camp asks Va. to probe voter forms | Richmond Times-Dispatch

No wonder Dems are against having to show ID's to vote.
I've said for a long time that voter fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive and is the only and only thing that makes it looks like they have 95% support from blacks
How do you think they got a turnout in Madison WI that was 119% Greater than the total registered voters there?

Tammany Hall, Daley in Chicago and now every big Democrat City is a Vote manufacturing facility. Purple fingered elections in Baghdad are far more accurate and honest than in any Democrat controlled American city
Dems are allowed to do it because they best represent the desires of the non-living

Not a Democrat!
I've said for a long time that voter fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive and is the only and only thing that makes it looks like they have 95% support from blacks

Voter fraud in this country is almost non existent. If there is so much fraud why the hell are not all you conservatives taking it to court instead of just sitting around making up stuff so you can pass laws to suppress the vote?
I've said for a long time that voter fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive and is the only and only thing that makes it looks like they have 95% support from blacks

Voter fraud in this country is almost non existent. If there is so much fraud why the hell are not all you conservatives taking it to court instead of just sitting around making up stuff so you can pass laws to suppress the vote?

Dems control the political machinery where the fraud occurs. What are they going to do, sue themselves?

We need a national photo ID Requirement for national elections and the only absentee ballots should be for US military serving overseas
I've said for a long time that voter fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive and is the only and only thing that makes it looks like they have 95% support from blacks

Voter fraud in this country is almost non existent. If there is so much fraud why the hell are not all you conservatives taking it to court instead of just sitting around making up stuff so you can pass laws to suppress the vote?

Pure BS which is easily proven BTW.

Just look at Wa. St.

Thanks for playing I guess.
I've said for a long time that voter fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive and is the only and only thing that makes it looks like they have 95% support from blacks

Voter fraud in this country is almost non existent. If there is so much fraud why the hell are not all you conservatives taking it to court instead of just sitting around making up stuff so you can pass laws to suppress the vote?

Dems control the political machinery where the fraud occurs. What are they going to do, sue themselves?

We need a national photo ID Requirement for national elections and the only absentee ballots should be for US military serving overseas

Requirements for absentee ballots have become pretty lax but I think more than just US military should be allowed to have them, including college kids out of their voting area for school and other people overseas at the time of the election. Also other people with disabilities that would prevent them from reaching the polls. To apply for an absentee ballot you still need to provide a copy of your ID and send it to the Department of Elections. I have done this before. You have plenty of time to do this before the election to assure you get your ballot, fill it out and send it back in time.
I've said for a long time that voter fraud is the only thing that keeps Dems competitive and is the only and only thing that makes it looks like they have 95% support from blacks

Voter fraud in this country is almost non existent. If there is so much fraud why the hell are not all you conservatives taking it to court instead of just sitting around making up stuff so you can pass laws to suppress the vote?

they are investigating it. There has already been voter fraud in va and ohio. They have found people selling drugs for votes. If the druggies aren't registered they get them registered. There will be enormous fraud in this election, and they know this and investigating it. Soro's also hired a spanish company to count votes also. The things the Democrats won't do is just disgusting. Obviously they know they can't win fair and square.
but but but the Philadelphia paper says it doesnt go on.......oh wait they're liberal

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