More Bad News For Republicans

Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

Well, I checked with all my GOP friends and none of them are having bowel issues.

Some are cramping from laughing at people like you though.
The bowel issues are yet to come Stock up on underwear Nov 3 is coming Ron Johnson is #11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Be still my heart..... Presidents vitals over the last 24 hours VERY concerning

Liar, that's not was reported by Walter Reed at 11 AM today
You uneducated piece of dung It was reported AFTER the bs you heard, by another doctor
‘The Washington Post reports that the Democratic voters who have requested mail-in ballots and sent them back “greatly outnumber Republicans” in states such as Florida, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Maine, and Iowa.’ ibid
...which tends to suggest mail-in ballot voter fraud by democrats.
Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

Well, I checked with all my GOP friends and none of them are having bowel issues.

Some are cramping from laughing at people like you though.
The bowel issues are yet to come Stock up on underwear Nov 3 is coming Ron Johnson is #11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Be still my heart..... Presidents vitals over the last 24 hours VERY concerning

Liar, that's not was reported by Walter Reed at 11 AM today
You uneducated piece of dung It was reported AFTER the bs you heard, by another doctor

A left loon "Dr". You fcking imbecile the update by Walter Reed was made by Trump's doctors

Goddamn clown sit the fck down
Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

I don't want anyone to die.

I want them out of our government.

I hope trump takes down as many republicans as possible with him next month. None of them deserve to be in our government.

All of them have been feeding at the trough of our tax dollars way too long while passing a lot of legislation that has done a lot of damage to our nation. Or not allowed good legislation that will help our nation to even get into a committee.
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

Oh Nose! This can only mean that President Hillary will glide to reelection since, once again, President Trump has "no path to the White House"
Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

Well, I checked with all my GOP friends and none of them are having bowel issues.

Some are cramping from laughing at people like you though.
The bowel issues are yet to come Stock up on underwear Nov 3 is coming Ron Johnson is #11,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Be still my heart..... Presidents vitals over the last 24 hours VERY concerning

Liar, that's not was reported by Walter Reed at 11 AM today
You uneducated piece of dung It was reported AFTER the bs you heard, by another doctor

A left loon "Dr". You fcking imbecile the update by Walter Reed was made by Trump's doctors

Goddamn clown sit the fck down
Go speak to bri 2 schmucks in the same boat without any oars
Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

I don't want anyone to die.

I want them out of our government.

I hope trump takes down as many republicans as possible with him next month. None of them deserve to be in our government.

All of them have been feeding at the trough of our tax dollars way too long while passing a lot of legislation that has done a lot of damage to our nation. Or not allowed good legislation that will help our nation to even get into a committee.
I don't want them all to die either Just disabled
This is beautiful to see and read.

I'm sure it gave you a 4-inch woodie to read what you want to hear, but it begs the question: How does anyone know early voting trends when ballots are not allowed to be opened until election day?

Aside from that, I've heard that a preponderance of democrats, ever fearful of Covid and carrying 12 masks on them + a gallon of skin alcohol at all times, are mostly the ones voting early! So OF COURSE right now it would appear that most of the early voting is leaning toward Biden, you simp!

News flash for ya, honey, the actual election isn't for another month. Keep your pecker out of your hand.
At first I was in agreement but then I reread the article and it didn't say anything about voting trends. It said ballot requests for dems were higher than repubs.

I've never requested an absentee ballot so I don't know how it works. Do they ask you, when you request a ballot, what your political affiliation is?
This is beautiful to see and read.

I'm sure it gave you a 4-inch woodie to read what you want to hear, but it begs the question: How does anyone know early voting trends when ballots are not allowed to be opened until election day?

Aside from that, I've heard that a preponderance of democrats, ever fearful of Covid and carrying 12 masks on them + a gallon of skin alcohol at all times, are mostly the ones voting early! So OF COURSE right now it would appear that most of the early voting is leaning toward Biden, you simp!

News flash for ya, honey, the actual election isn't for another month. Keep your pecker out of your hand.
At first I was in agreement but then I reread the article and it didn't say anything about voting trends. It said ballot requests for dems were higher than repubs.

I've never requested an absentee ballot so I don't know how it works. Do they ask you, when you request a ballot, what your political affiliation is?
They make *ahem* assumptions based on the political affiliation that you declared on your voter registration...Which makes the validity of all of this especially questionable when it comes to open primary states, where you declare affiliation the day you choose a primary ballot.
This is beautiful to see and read.

I'm sure it gave you a 4-inch woodie to read what you want to hear, but it begs the question: How does anyone know early voting trends when ballots are not allowed to be opened until election day?

Aside from that, I've heard that a preponderance of democrats, ever fearful of Covid and carrying 12 masks on them + a gallon of skin alcohol at all times, are mostly the ones voting early! So OF COURSE right now it would appear that most of the early voting is leaning toward Biden, you simp!

News flash for ya, honey, the actual election isn't for another month. Keep your pecker out of your hand.
At first I was in agreement but then I reread the article and it didn't say anything about voting trends. It said ballot requests for dems were higher than repubs.

I've never requested an absentee ballot so I don't know how it works. Do they ask you, when you request a ballot, what your political affiliation is?

Well, they shouldn't ask that, why do they need to know this? It is an easy way of building a database of names and party which then has the potential of being abused as most people vote with their party.

But it is already a matter of record that more Dems are asking for and going the route of the write in than Repubs who largely still intend on voting at the poll. I guess that means Democrats tend to be more REACTIVE while Repubs tend to be more PROACTIVE.

But if more Dems are requesting write-ins, it only stands to reason that of course, EARLY VOTING TRENDS favor Biden! It is a meaningless, redundant stat being overstated by the OP to suggest some blue wave election for a guy who can't get ten people to show up for a rally.

Maybe that really suggests that nobody is actually voting FOR Joe, those Biden voters are really only doing like Hillary-- -- trying to vote AGAINST Trump, so why bother going out and risking an infection just to hear Biden speak? The guy is about as interesting as the fat kid in class reading his report in school about what he did interesting all summer.
Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

I don't want anyone to die.

I want them out of our government.

I hope trump takes down as many republicans as possible with him next month. None of them deserve to be in our government.

All of them have been feeding at the trough of our tax dollars way too long while passing a lot of legislation that has done a lot of damage to our nation. Or not allowed good legislation that will help our nation to even get into a committee.

Not that you could ever point to any damage to our nation as a result of Trump.

You do see blue governors now losing court cases as they attempt to exert total authority over our lives.

Something that was never intended they would do.
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

It may happen one day, but not in the next 12 years, we need to remember Texas turns full blue in 2024 or at the latest in 2028, therefore the GOP will need to completely disenfranchise hate groups which the pussygrabber has embraced, and somehow attract Spanish, which are the largest ethnicity in America and also entice african americans, if gop does not get rid of right wing extreme and terrorism, they will become an eternal minority..
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

Conservatives and Republicans will be voting on election day. Everything else is speculation
And the day after you'll all have the virus I'm praying for you all

No thanks. We don't want your prayers.

The flacid diety you likely worship is of no interest to me.
And the obese pig you worship is better??

Please point out where I said I worshipped anyone or anything.

What obese pig do reference......I have never liked Jerry Nadler.

Nadler lost a ton ages ago! Maybe you're thinking of Christie! OMG, what a beast! :rolleyes:
Laundry at WH working OT with all the soiling going on But I'm praying too The Jewish prayer for the dead

I don't want anyone to die.

I want them out of our government.

I hope trump takes down as many republicans as possible with him next month. None of them deserve to be in our government.

All of them have been feeding at the trough of our tax dollars way too long while passing a lot of legislation that has done a lot of damage to our nation. Or not allowed good legislation that will help our nation to even get into a committee.

Don't sweat it! It's what "they" do to deflect from their own pathetic lack of concern for others! Trump was speaking of replacing RBG before she died and had a name to replace her before the body was cold, but they point fingers at Dems for being cold and unsympathetic! Fk. all of them! I have so little respect for Republicans now, it's a kiss of death if someone even admits to voting for one of those bastards much less is a part of the organization! IDK how they recover; their soul was lost ages ago! :dunno:
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

Conservatives and Republicans will be voting on election day. Everything else is speculation
And the day after you'll all have the virus I'm praying for you all

No thanks. We don't want your prayers.

The flacid diety you likely worship is of no interest to me.
And the obese pig you worship is better??

Please point out where I said I worshipped anyone or anything.

What obese pig do reference......I have never liked Jerry Nadler.

Nadler lost a ton ages ago! Maybe you're thinking of Christie! OMG, what a beast! :rolleyes:

You can still lose a ton and be a fat little toad.

Nadlerss is living proof of that .
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

Again, we know how the media works, we see this EVERY election....
The dem has a big lead until a week before the election and it will get closer but with the dem still ahead
On election day the exit polls will have the left creaming in their pants
and then disaster for the left....actual votes get counted
and if it's close for the dems they will call the state
if it's close for the pubs, they will wait 4 hours
and then we'll have a winner.....and Trump will win.
It's happened in every election from 2000-2016, except in 2008 and 2012

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