More Bad News For Republicans

This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

Conservatives and Republicans will be voting on election day. Everything else is speculation
And the day after you'll all have the virus I'm praying for you all

No thanks. We don't want your prayers.

The flacid diety you likely worship is of no interest to me.
And the obese pig you worship is better??
No need to drag Hillary into this...back to the basement with you.
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

Ahhh yes, Vanity Fair.....where the vain and the fags go for the latest in fashion style tips and trends.......

Early voting isn't everything.

Exit polls don't mean shit.

Voter registration affiliations don't mean shit.
But you keep counting those chickens.
Agreed and especially any state driven poll. In 2016 who did the polls predict to win? Yep, you got it. The evil witch Hillary! The following is from a 2018 article by Nate Silver in FiveThrityEight (so you know they support polls;) "The average error in all polls conducted in the late stage of campaigns since 1998 is about 6 percentage points. If the average error is 6 points, that means the true, empirically derived margin of error (or 95 percent confidence interval) is closer to 14 or 15 percentage points! That’s much more than you’d infer from the margins of error that pollsters traditionally list, which consider only sampling error and not other potential sources of error and which pertain only to one candidate’s vote share and not the margin between the candidates." Fourteen or fifteen percentage points is quite a difference, and considering various factors of polling that create false outcomes, this coming from a writer who works for a polling organization, I'm thinking this is likely legit.
This is beautiful to see and read.

The cherry on top is the reaction from the republicans to this.

You people were warned in 2016. You all were told that trump would destroy your party. You didn't listen. Hopefully the republicans can rebuild itself into a party that people can vote for.

What kind of tabloid link is that?
I believe that's one of the mags that you see while standing in a check-out line;)
Meanwhile, the Dem party will continue to loot, burn and cheat while pushing a mushbrain as their choice of party leader. :rolleyes:
I dont hear much abput the burning down of cities and looting . Polls bust have told the dems to knock it off it was helping trumo.
Yes they are. It probably is why trump has been in such a nasty disposition for the last few weeks.

He knows he's going to lose and possibly a huge loss.
And Losing for Trump probably Means JAIL that Barr et al have shielded him from
and why his pardon power will no longer have any weight with the guys who didn't Flip. Manafortov and Stone-ov.
and alot more we don't know now will come out.

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