*Moran In WH Insults Jews:AGAIN!*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. But the Moron in the white house, along with joe, insulted Jews across the planet, by mocking them on Hanukkah today, some twelve days early.
2. Is he this moranic?
3. Must be.
LINK:News from The Associated Press

" President Barack Obama is marking Hanukkah as a story of "faith over doubt."

Obama, first lady Michelle Obama and Vice President Joe Biden convened a Hanukkah celebration at the White House Thursday in an early celebration of the Jewish Festival of Lights.

Obama said the Hanukkah story was about "right over might, faith over doubt." In the Hanukkah story, a small band of Jews rededicating a Jerusalem temple found that a one-day supply of oil kindled a flame instead for eight."

4. Maybe the Jews will throw him under the bus NOW???

It was "An Early Celebration."

Sorry bout that,

It was "An Early Celebration."
1. Gosh I surely hope the Jews are smart enough to know when they are being mocked.

Worked fine until you thought of the problem. Well, you did read it and simply regurgitated it. Now I'm one of those who views this President with a leery eye towards foreign policy.

But this isn't much other than an AP blurb without any real citing of any Jewish response to this supposed insult.

So, to reiterate, I don't feel insulted even if you think I should.

Sorry bout that,

1. Its just "One big ass party" for Obama and his wife, you ever see that ass on that women?.
2. He was said to have said: "we never need an excuse for a good party." All his guests laughed.
3. I didn't know Hannukah was meant to be SOOOO much fun!
4. Maybe the Jews do it up right like the Obama's folk, eh Ropey?
LINK:Obama: 'We Never Need an Excuse For a Good Party' | The Weekly Standard

"So while it is not yet Hanukkah, let’s give thanks for our blessings, for being together to celebrate this wonderful holiday season. And we never need an excuse for a good party. (Laughter.)"

My father told me that Hannuka was created because Jewish children were complaining that their Christian counterparts were getting presents and they weren't.

So, being Jews, we made a holiday longer and with more gift giving to the children. It's for the kids... ;)

There's no insult I can see.

You can have the insult that you think I should have. Wear it as you wish chess.
Sorry bout that,

1. Obama also lit *ALL* the candles.
2. Isn't that also mocking you Jews?
3. Are not the candles to be lit one per night?
4. Seems there is nothing sacred to Ropey, I suppose we will have to wait and see if any Jews in Israel feel they are being mocked by the president.

Sorry bout that,

1. I have to say, Ropey you surprise me.
2. Your tradition has no meaning, not sacred, not anything, if it only is, is to out do the Christians, and has no meaning other than that, its sad.
3. Anyway thats just my opinion, if I may I shall be insulted for the Jews then, thanks!
4. For principles sake.

You can have the insult that you think I should have. Wear it as you wish chess.

3. Anyway thats just my opinion, if I may I shall be insulted for the Jews then, thanks!

^ Oy vey iz mir. Onward Chesswars Soldier....

There's a bit of a metaphor entwined with the Jewish identity and pain.

As a Canadian I say it differently.

Sorry bout that,

1. I have to say, Ropey you surprise me.
2. Your tradition has no meaning, not sacred, not anything, if it only is, is to out do the Christians, and has no meaning other than that, its sad.
3. Anyway thats just my opinion, if I may I shall be insulted for the Jews then, thanks!
4. For principles sake.

This is nonsense,Jewish folk,wanting to out do Christians!!!!!!!!!!,where are you coming from with all this chesswar,and I'd like to know where you are going with it??????!!!!!!!!theliq:cool: Are you saying that all American Christians today celebrate Christmas for the real reason,we have Christmas,I don't think so in this world of commercialism,suggest you get out there and do a poll.Question to ask the children "What does Christmas mean to you?"I'd be interested to know the result.
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Sorry bout that,

1. I have to say, Ropey you surprise me.
2. Your tradition has no meaning, not sacred, not anything, if it only is, is to out do the Christians, and has no meaning other than that, its sad.
3. Anyway thats just my opinion, if I may I shall be insulted for the Jews then, thanks!
4. For principles sake.


As Ropey says, Chanukah is a not a major holiday, no fasts and Jews work, so let Obama have his photo op.
Sorry bout that,

You can have the insult that you think I should have. Wear it as you wish chess.

3. Anyway thats just my opinion, if I may I shall be insulted for the Jews then, thanks!

^ Oy vey iz mir. Onward Chesswars Soldier....

There's a bit of a metaphor entwined with the Jewish identity and pain.

As a Canadian I say it differently.


1. To you, there is nothing even noble in Hanukkah, just a vehicle to shower the children with a few unnecessary gifts, in order to compete with the Christians, and the sharing of gifts.
2. The concept of a miracle is noble, and shows the power of God, and should be regarded with high regard, if it actually happened.
3. If its an invention, then its worthless, and just a lie, which goes back to it being sad.
4. Obama poo-pooed it, and that is a fact, the liberals will forgive Obama for murder, we know that, even if caught on camera, they will justify it.
5. Its sad liberals will allow Obama to insult this tradition, and get a pass, and a slap on the back.
6. At-a-boy Obama, is about all I'm hearing, *disgraceful*.:mad:


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