America and Europe trying to force Sodomy onto third world countries.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime minister Cameron,
are trying to black mail third world countries into accepting Sodomy/ and or Homosexuality.

They are telling third world countries that if you don't allow sodomy/homosexuality to exist in your country, you will not receive any international aide.

This has got to be one of the sickest things the west could do.

go to the for more info on this story.
Sodomy and homosexuality are already going on in every country.

But telling countries that need financial aide, to allow sodomy/homosexuality, in order to get much needed assistance is kind of weird if you ask me. Countries must deceide on their own if homosexuality is legal or illegal. Without outside interference.
American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime minister Cameron,
are trying to black mail third world countries into accepting Sodomy/ and or Homosexuality.

They are telling third world countries that if you don't allow sodomy/homosexuality to exist in your country, you will not receive any international aide.

This has got to be one of the sickest things the west could do.

go to the for more info on this story.

Please, I'm begging you to be quiet. I hate watching people make complete idots out of themselves. With every word you type you fall further and further into the hole of lunacy. You are really embarrassing yourself. now...:eusa_silenced:
Sodomy and homosexuality are already going on in every country.

But telling countries that need financial aide, to allow sodomy/homosexuality, in order to get much needed assistance is kind of weird if you ask me. Countries must deceide on their own if homosexuality is legal or illegal. Without outside interference.

Than if they want to keep executing homosexuals, they can forget about getting US moneys.
That don't make it right

Do you understand Mr. High gravity, that does not make it ok , or right.!

You said the US wants force sodomy and homsexuality on third world countries, how can we force these things on them when they already exist there?

These countries are dirt poor, tying U.S. aide to Homosexual perversion is sick man.
The U.S. should cease this requirement. We have no business telling these countries
that they should allow Sodomy/homosexuality. Its a sexual perversion man!!!
Do you understand Mr. High gravity, that does not make it ok , or right.!

You said the US wants force sodomy and homsexuality on third world countries, how can we force these things on them when they already exist there?

These countries are dirt poor, tying U.S. aide to Homosexual perversion is sick man.
The U.S. should cease this requirement. We have no business telling these countries
that they should allow Sodomy/homosexuality. Its a sexual perversion man!!!

The US is just trying to make homosexuals are not being rounded and killed like they are in Iran and Uganda, thats all, and that makes sense to me. If these countries want to maintain these policies than they can do so without US moneys.
Countries that permit sex with infants less than a year old as a treatment for AIDS will still get foreign aid though.
You said the US wants force sodomy and homsexuality on third world countries, how can we force these things on them when they already exist there?

These countries are dirt poor, tying U.S. aide to Homosexual perversion is sick man.
The U.S. should cease this requirement. We have no business telling these countries
that they should allow Sodomy/homosexuality. Its a sexual perversion man!!!

The US is just trying to make homosexuals are not being rounded and killed like they are in Iran and Uganda, thats all, and that makes sense to me. If these countries want to maintain these policies than they can do so without US moneys.

U.S. dollars / Cash is King in the global marketplace man, oil and many American goods
and spare parts are purchased with cash man!, these countries need American dollars in order to survive.! They can't do with out the good old American greenbacks man!!$$
These countries are dirt poor, tying U.S. aide to Homosexual perversion is sick man.
The U.S. should cease this requirement. We have no business telling these countries
that they should allow Sodomy/homosexuality. Its a sexual perversion man!!!

The US is just trying to make homosexuals are not being rounded and killed like they are in Iran and Uganda, thats all, and that makes sense to me. If these countries want to maintain these policies than they can do so without US moneys.

U.S. dollars / Cash is King in the global marketplace man, oil and many American goods
and spare parts are purchased with cash man!, these countries need American dollars in order to survive.! They can't do with out the good old American greenbacks man!!$$

Well if they need the money that bad they can start treating their people better, otherwise they can go hit up Russia or China for some loot.
The US is just trying to make homosexuals are not being rounded and killed like they are in Iran and Uganda, thats all, and that makes sense to me. If these countries want to maintain these policies than they can do so without US moneys.

U.S. dollars / Cash is King in the global marketplace man, oil and many American goods
and spare parts are purchased with cash man!, these countries need American dollars in order to survive.! They can't do with out the good old American greenbacks man!!$$

Well if they need the money that bad they can start treating their people better, otherwise they can go hit up Russia or China for some loot.

The Russian Ruble, and the Mao China man Rinimbi are worthless currencies.
The American dollar is required for all international transactions today dude.$$!
Nothing else can be accepted, people don't even want the Euro now.!
Next America will tell these countries that they have to let homosexuals marry
American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime minister Cameron,
are trying to black mail third world countries into accepting Sodomy/ and or Homosexuality.

They are telling third world countries that if you don't allow sodomy/homosexuality to exist in your country, you will not receive any international aide.

This has got to be one of the sickest things the west could do.

go to the for more info on this story.

We aren't blackmailing anyone. Nor are we forcing anything on anyone. If they want OUR money then they have to take it with OUR stipulations. Its very simple.

Personally i think we should be doing a bit more of this. You want our money... then play by OUR rules.
American Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and British Prime minister Cameron,
are trying to black mail third world countries into accepting Sodomy/ and or Homosexuality.

They are telling third world countries that if you don't allow sodomy/homosexuality to exist in your country, you will not receive any international aide.

This has got to be one of the sickest things the west could do.

go to the for more info on this story.

We aren't blackmailing anyone. Nor are we forcing anything on anyone. If they want OUR money then they have to take it with OUR stipulations. Its very simple.

Personally i think we should be doing a bit more of this. You want our money... then play by OUR rules.

Depending on the ideology of the current administration or the party with majority control. The conservative policy at one time was against abortion in some countries. Now the policy is probably more toward abortion and same sex for exactly the reason I have stated- politics. The problem arises when power shifts from one party to the next we end up with an ambiguous set of policy's, because the values of those enforcing the policy's are in conflict with the previous set. The United States suffers from this duality in foreign policy. They are constantly changing the goal posts to benefit the game for their team when they get the ball, so to speak, to gain advantage. We need a set of laws on foreign policy for them to follow like we have with domestic issues. That way when they come to power they can't change the rules for their own benefit.
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Can we give them Celine Dion while we're forcing them to do what they've been doing since their dawn as a people?


I think Canada will take the blame if they take Celine.

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