Mixing and Matching during the State of the Union.


The Big Bad Wolf.
Oct 4, 2010
New York City
Great idea..

Mark Udall's Mixed Seating Idea Called 'Interesting' By White House

WASHINGTON — White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says a senator's proposal that Democrats and Republicans sit together rather than divided by party during the President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech is "an interesting idea."

Now maybe they can go back to the notion that politics stop at 6pm and cocktail hour starts at 6:30.:clap2:
It will not happen. It looks more impressive when a large group stands together. I suspect there will be a few Supreme Court Juctice seats open. Personally, I'd show up early plant a giant foam middle finger in my seat and go home.
Great idea..

Mark Udall's Mixed Seating Idea Called 'Interesting' By White House

WASHINGTON — White House spokesman Robert Gibbs says a senator's proposal that Democrats and Republicans sit together rather than divided by party during the President Barack Obama's State of the Union speech is "an interesting idea."

Now maybe they can go back to the notion that politics stop at 6pm and cocktail hour starts at 6:30.:clap2:

Unfortunately this is the kind of shit they think about instead of doing something that REALLY addresses the nations problems. Symbolic window dressing.
Boy, girl. boy, girl, not indicted for tax fraud, indicted for tax fraud, boy, girl, indicted for racketeering, boy, indicted for money laundering, girl
I guess since Congress didn't behave this year, the teacher is gonna have to separate them and go back to assigned seats. They're not allowed to sit with their friends anymore.
How about size order?

Oh wait...wasnt that banned as it gives the shorter and the taller boys and girls complexes?
Maybe it should be by weight class. I don't think its fair to put a welterweight up against a heavy weight. Can I be a ref?

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