Mitt Romney flip flopper


Gold Member
May 30, 2008
The Democratic National Committee is up with this web advertisement (in addition to a shorter 30-second bit in Virginia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pittsburgh and Wisconsin) highlighting what they see as Mitt Romney’s changes of heart on a variety of issues (from abortion to the President’s stimulus plan to recent ballot measures in Ohio) all interspersed with TV pundits and late-night talk show hosts taking aim at the GOP frontrunner.

While Newt Gingrich has garnered headlines - and is in the lead for the GOP nomination, according to some polls – the DNC still sees Romney as the Republican to beat.

Mitt Romney portrayed as flip flopper in new DNC ads -
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

I don't know. Newt might have him beat. Running mates perhaps? If both can survive the wrath of the kooky-right, that is. :lol::lol::lol:
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

You're saying Mitt Romney is not sane...? :lol:

He has a pro-life opinion and a pro-choice policy record...Big deal, he is human.

Let's play "gotcha" with old quotes...YAWN. What will he DO as President is what I care about... I don't see that issue even addressed as part of his current platform.

News | Mitt Romney for President

Can you post all these major issues you claim he has flip flopped so terribly over...?
Newt called Mitt a "flip flopper"?


The same Newt that was screaming at Obama for not going into Libya, and the screaming at Obama for going into Libya? The Newt?
Christ, you guys act like he promised the healthcare negotiations would be on Cspan or something...........
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

Have another drink, guy.

Fact is, the GOP is pretty much where the country is at on most issues. It's the community organizer who is forcing things on us we don't want.
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

You're saying Mitt Romney is not sane...? :lol:

He thinks he's wearing magic underpants and he's going to be a God on his own world when he dies.... Yup, I think he's nuts....

He has a pro-life opinion and a pro-choice policy record...Big deal, he is human.

Let's play "gotcha" with old quotes...YAWN. What will he DO as President is what I care about... I don't see that issue even addressed as part of his current platform.

News | Mitt Romney for President

Can you post all these major issues you claim he has flip flopped so terribly over...?

Well, it just says that he will say whatever he thinks will fool people.

The question is, will the GOP fall for it?
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

Have another drink, guy.

Fact is, the GOP is pretty much where the country is at on most issues. It's the community organizer who is forcing things on us we don't want.

Not really.

And I don't drink.
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

Have another drink, guy.

Fact is, the GOP is pretty much where the country is at on most issues. It's the community organizer who is forcing things on us we don't want.

Not really.

And I don't drink.

Stop smoking crack......
Romney a flip flopper? Get outta town! I've said repeatedly that the Democrats will use this against him if he is the nominee. Although, it's pretty hysterical to see the DNC attacking him for this considering they supported John Kerry for president in 2004.
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

You're saying Mitt Romney is not sane...? :lol:

He thinks he's wearing magic underpants and he's going to be a God on his own world when he dies.... Yup, I think he's nuts....

He has a pro-life opinion and a pro-choice policy record...Big deal, he is human.

Let's play "gotcha" with old quotes...YAWN. What will he DO as President is what I care about... I don't see that issue even addressed as part of his current platform.

News | Mitt Romney for President

Can you post all these major issues you claim he has flip flopped so terribly over...?

Well, it just says that he will say whatever he thinks will fool people.

The question is, will the GOP fall for it?

Riiight, he will FOOL people. So you have no major issues to speak of?

All you have is fear mongering, really?

He may FOOL people and SOMEHOW overturn Roe v Wade?

What else do you fear he will fool people over.......? Do tell.
The beauty of video tape.

Romney has probably changed his positions on major issues more than any other candidate in recent memory.

The Republican base has moved so far to the right, it would hard for any sane person to get the nomination.

Have another drink, guy.

Fact is, the GOP is pretty much where the country is at on most issues. It's the community organizer who is forcing things on us we don't want.

Really? Let's just take a look at that.

Poll: Most Americans Support Obama Deficit Plan to Tax Rich - Robert Schlesinger (

66 percent of all Americans favor the idea of raising taxes on individuals earning more than $200,000 and families making more than $250,000 in order to pay for the president’s jobs plan, while only 32 percent oppose the idea. By an even larger margin (70-26), Americans favor eliminating tax deductions for some corporations, thus raising their taxes.

Poll: Most Back Public Health Care Option - CBS News

A clear majority of Americans -- 72 percent -- support a government-sponsored health care plan to compete with private insurers, a new CBS News/New York Times poll finds. Most also think the government would do a better job than private industry at keeping down costs and believe that the government should guarantee health care for all Americans.

Poll: Two out of three say repeal don’t ask, don’t tell – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

As Congress contemplates repealing the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" measure, a Gallup survey released Thursday indicates that 67 percent of the public say they would vote for a law that would allow gays and lesbians to serve openly in the armed forces, with 28 percent saying they would vote against such a bill, and five percent unsure.

Poll: Americans favor union bargaining rights -

Americans strongly oppose laws taking away the collective bargaining power of public employee unions, according to a new USA TODAY/Gallup Poll. The poll found 61% would oppose a law in their state similar to such a proposal in Wisconsin, compared with 33% who would favor such a law.

Roughly two-thirds of the people questioned in a recent poll on abortion supported parental and spousal notification but opposed a constitutional amendment to ban the practice altogether.

Despite the support for restrictions, 61 percent of those questioned were opposed to a constitutional amendment to ban abortion.

You were saying? :eusa_whistle:
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There is nothing Romney has done, or Gingrich, or Cain or anyone else that is so bad, it's worth keeping obama in office over.
The Democratic National Committee is up with this web advertisement (in addition to a shorter 30-second bit in Virginia, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Pittsburgh and Wisconsin) highlighting what they see as Mitt Romney’s changes of heart on a variety of issues (from abortion to the President’s stimulus plan to recent ballot measures in Ohio) all interspersed with TV pundits and late-night talk show hosts taking aim at the GOP frontrunner.

While Newt Gingrich has garnered headlines - and is in the lead for the GOP nomination, according to some polls – the DNC still sees Romney as the Republican to beat.

Mitt Romney portrayed as flip flopper in new DNC ads - CSMonitor.com8

Obama is a fish out of water he flips and flops so much.

I will sign no bill with earmarks, first 3 days in office signs one with 9,000 earmarks.
I will close Git-mo within the first year, it's still open for business.
I will work on illegal immigration in my first term- has done nothing and time is running out.
I will not deal with lobbyists in my administration- has dealt with them since day one and is still dealing with them. Solydra. Need more?????????????????????/ We got a book of them.

By the way, the only thing that Mitt has changed his mind on is from pro-choice to pro-life and BTW Reagan and Bush did the same thing. You are quoting one liners without the facts to back them up, get the facts, the facts will set you free. Newt Gingrich has flipped and flopped one hundred times more than Mitt Romney ever dreamed of, he's next on the vetting schedual and he will be crucified by the media.
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