Mitt Romney Adviser: 'Real Americans' Don't Care About Candidate's Afghanistan Policy


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
A senior adviser to Mitt Romney declined to provide more specific details on the presumptive GOP nominee's plan for Afghanistan on Thursday, saying it was a distraction from what "real Americans want to talk about."

The Romney campaign has said the former Massachusetts governor "supports the 2014 timetable as a realistic timetable and a residual force post-2014" in Afghanistan, but he would not have announced the withdrawal timeline publicly, as President Barack Obama did. But as Josh Rogin at The Cable notes, "details remain sketchy" on what Romney would do beyond the timeline.

Top senators are equally flummoxed. None of them who talked to Rogin were able to explain what Romney's policy was.

More: Mitt Romney Adviser: 'Real Americans' Don't Care About Candidate's Afghanistan Policy
Apparently the Romneys believe that voters just don't need to know much of anything about them.

apparently this would be more believable if it came from a reputable source..but that ain't going to happen, now is it?

Hufferpost troll
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