Mitt doesn't see dead people

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011

Last week, speaking to The Columbus Dispatch, Mr. Romney declared that nobody in America dies because he or she is uninsured: “We don’t have people that become ill, who die in their apartment because they don’t have insurance.” This followed on an earlier remark by Mr. Romney — echoing an infamous statement by none other than George W. Bush — in which he insisted that emergency rooms provide essential health care to the uninsured.

These are remarkable statements. They clearly demonstrate that Mr. Romney has no idea what life (and death) are like for those less fortunate than himself.

Please don't bother whining about the source or that Rmoney didn't say this. He did say it and its absolutely true that he has no clue what real people have to deal with out here in the real world.

We have all cringed when we heard other things he has said, such as ...

I have a plan but I can’t tell you because you won’t vote for me!
I like being able to fire people.
Income inequality should be talked about in quiet rooms.
I'm not concerned about the very poor.
Cheesy grits. Varmints. Y'all.
My wife has two cadiIIacs and a car elevator.
I don't watch NASCAR, but some of my friends are owners.
You went all out to buy those rain ponchos
Friends own NFL
Corporations are people my friend.
Annual speaking income of 370,000 "not that much"
I'm also unemployed.
Ten Thousand Bucks Bet
There were times I worried about getting a pink slip.
Who let the dogs out
12 hours of windsurfing his poor dog
47% don't take responsibility
Harvesting companies and firing the employees
Blind trust lies
Hiding his tax returns, Off-Shore TAX D0DGING
On shore draft dodging
Extractionism - Corporate Raiding
Cayman and SWlSS Exceptionalism
Proud of Staples Poverty level openings promising poverty level pay with taxpayer funded Food Stamps

Feel free to add those I've forgotten.

His lies are legendary:

Greed and Debt: The True Story of Mitt Romney and Bain Capital | Politics News | Rolling Stone

JOSH KOSMAN | author

Mitt Romney's Terrible Wall Street Journal Op-Ed - By Aaron David Miller | Foreign Policy

Greedy Republicans

Pants On Fire Mitt Romney tells 616 Lies in 33 Weeks | Addicting Info

Fact-checking Romney's "47 percent" comment - Political Hotsheet - CBS News

Mitt Romney Was Pivotal Advocate For Homeland Security 'Fusion Centers' Slammed In New Report

Mitt Romney tells 533 lies in 30 weeks, Steve Benen documents them

Mitt Romney's Real Agenda | Politics News | Rolling Stone

Even the IRS thinks he's lying

IRS Looking Into Tax Schemes That Reportedly Boosted Romney's IRA
Emergency rooms provide health care services to uninsured people every minute, every second of every day.
Emergency rooms provide health care services to uninsured people every minute, every second of every day.

Including illegals.

Who do you think pays for that care?

The hospital? No. Most are "for profit". They don't give away their services.

Make no mistake. The hospitals do send out bills. Often to made up addresses and to names that don't exist.

The insured patients pay and it means the quality of care for all of us is less. Why do rw's want a SOCIALIST health care system where hospitals close the most expensive and least profitable departments, like trauma and burn centers?

We all know that Massachusetts has a variation of the affordable care act. We also know that one of the best hospitals in the nation is there - Mass General. How do they afford to offer that quality of health care?
Any of you rw's actually read that article?

If so, how come not one of you can offer even one tiny shred of debate?

Because its friggin true and you know it.

That's why, every time a liberal posts FACTS, you rw's reply with insults.

ROTFLMO cuz, THAT is all you've got.
Emergency rooms provide health care services to uninsured people every minute, every second of every day.

That's right - sadly, you are completely correct here. Are you ENDORSING something like this? Sounds like you are.

We have four to five hour waits in emergency rooms in our (Los Angeles) area, occasioned SOLELY by the fact that whenever you walk into an emergency room, regardless of the time of day or night, you will be confronted with a waiting room that is packed with people, 95% of them being uninsured Hispanics (in this part of the country) who don't have any type of emergency. They have a kid with a cold or a family member with some non-emergent medical problem but they DON'T HAVE ANY MEDICAL INSURANCE SO THEY GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM.

I, for one, think this has to stop, NOW. George W. Bush said a lot of very stupid things. His statement about emergency rooms is right up there near the top.

Emergency waiting rooms crowded with uninsured people are NOT the solution to the health care problem in this country.
Emergency rooms provide health care services to uninsured people every minute, every second of every day.

That's right - sadly, you are completely correct here. Are you ENDORSING something like this? Sounds like you are.

We have four to five hour waits in emergency rooms in our (Los Angeles) area, occasioned SOLELY by the fact that whenever you walk into an emergency room, regardless of the time of day or night, you will be confronted with a waiting room that is packed with people, 95% of them being uninsured Hispanics (in this part of the country) who don't have any type of emergency. They have a kid with a cold or a family member with some non-emergent medical problem but they DON'T HAVE ANY MEDICAL INSURANCE SO THEY GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM.

I, for one, think this has to stop, NOW. George W. Bush said a lot of very stupid things. His statement about emergency rooms is right up there near the top.

Emergency waiting rooms crowded with uninsured people are NOT the solution to the health care problem in this country.

As quoted above, Mittens couldn't even come up with anything original. He just regurgitated what Bush said. For both of them, its just a variation on, "Let them eat cake".

A matched set of idiots.
Emergency rooms provide health care services to uninsured people every minute, every second of every day.

That's right - sadly, you are completely correct here. Are you ENDORSING something like this? Sounds like you are.

We have four to five hour waits in emergency rooms in our (Los Angeles) area, occasioned SOLELY by the fact that whenever you walk into an emergency room, regardless of the time of day or night, you will be confronted with a waiting room that is packed with people, 95% of them being uninsured Hispanics (in this part of the country) who don't have any type of emergency. They have a kid with a cold or a family member with some non-emergent medical problem but they DON'T HAVE ANY MEDICAL INSURANCE SO THEY GO TO THE EMERGENCY ROOM.

I, for one, think this has to stop, NOW. George W. Bush said a lot of very stupid things. His statement about emergency rooms is right up there near the top.

Emergency waiting rooms crowded with uninsured people are NOT the solution to the health care problem in this country.
Or you could not be a cheap chiseler and go to a fee-for-service urgent care clinic.

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