Misery in Missouri: Solutions?

Sure. Authorities could go to the local store and buy them treats...oooopps. It's done been looted.
Hey, if it works it works. Would you rather they just escalate the situation into martial law and a hundred dead? I'd take the snow cones and water works any day.

"Martial law and 100 dead..." That would probably end it real quick
"Martial law and 100 dead..." That would probably end it real quick
Maybe. But then again think of the uprisings all across the country that would spark. Hope they have extra police in Harlem NY and Watts LA etc.
Maybe. But then again think of the uprisings all across the country that would spark. Hope they have extra police in Harlem NY and Watts LA etc.
The more they act up, the better. It exposes them and forces people who might be sitting on the fence to accept the reality of the plague of negro crime.
The math isn't in their favor anyway...People are waking up.
The more they act up, the better. It exposes them and forces people who might be sitting on the fence to accept the reality of the plague of negro crime.
The math isn't in their favor anyway...People are waking up.

it also exposes those leftist bozos leaders and the instant failed policies they dream up

Wow, a couple of nazis are posting here. OK. That explains things. How about real people? Any ideas about how to calm down the civil unrest?
Wow, a couple of nazis are posting here. OK. That explains things. How about real people? Any ideas about how to calm down the civil unrest?

Enforce the law?..but since negroes are a legally "protected class" we can't expect them to conform to normal, civilized behavior and they don't even want to try.
Enforce the law?..but since negroes are a legally "protected class" we can't expect them to conform to normal, civilized behavior and they don't even want to try.

" we can't expect them to conform to normal, civilized behavior and they don't even want to try."

That is so true. In Ferguson, there was a study as to how the city has changed over the course of 10-12 years. There were programs by the gov. implemented to try and resolve this poverty. The result:

Education grants were established to help educate disenfranchised minorities. The result? A new generation of professional students. They take the money and enroll in a community college but never graduate. As graduation approaches, they change to another major so they never have to actually work, just go to school from time to time and collect their checks. Ask them what they do and they reply "I'm a full time student". Ask them 5 years from now and you will get the same answer. As with most Government programs, there's no oversight to prevent the abuse and the abusers are quick to get on the freebie bandwagon.
These same people keep having children they cannot feed. They want the government to feed and clothe them. Tax payers are running out of money.
Well, we can always do the only thing that will help. Truth. How about that? Rather than patronizing these people and telling them they are justified in their behavior, the situation becomes more and more volatile.

How about instead of exasperating the crisis, the Obama administration in all of his democratic victimology strategy to win elections by systematically dividing races and classes, should declare that anyone looting or throwing anything will be arrested on the spot and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

Instead of the pathetic democratic governor placating the anger (no doubt on instruction from the democratic political machine) by saying the officer will be charged (regardless of what any evidence says), he should declare the same thing that the Obama administration should be declaring.

All of the race baiting assholes that incite violence like Sharpton should all be arrested and brought to trial for deliberately escalating the situation by pouring gasoline all over the situation by calling the looters liberators for his monetary and political gain.

I just gave you the only solution. Anything else is a mere band aid at best. At worst this whole situation is being celebrated by the democrats in the corridors of washington. Behind their little locked doors, and they are salivating over these things. Never let a crisis go to waste, so says the anti-Jew Jew Rahm Emmanuel.

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