Minimum Wage Case in Point


The Pale Orc
Gold Supporting Member
Aug 4, 2018
Boston, MA
Businesses In CA City With Nation’s Highest Minimum Wage Have This Problem

Businesses in the city with the highest minimum wage in the United States are laying off workers.

I have always stated that min wage is for part timers, students, etc. It was never inteded to be a wage to support a family full time. Automation will be placed on fast forward if the min wage is hiked. The article above is case in point.

197 working economists conducted in February, 74% oppose raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and almost half (43%) think that the federal minimum wage should be eliminated altogether … 88% of economists thought an acceptable federal minimum wage should be less than $15; 66% agreed that an appropriate federal minimum wage would be $10 an hour or less. 84% thought a $15 minimum wage would negatively affect youth employment; 77% believed that the minimum wage hike would have a negative impact on the number of jobs available.”

Enjoy those $15 salads and $10 Coffees. Keep the min wage where it is!
Businesses In CA City With Nation’s Highest Minimum Wage Have This Problem

Businesses in the city with the highest minimum wage in the United States are laying off workers.

I have always stated that min wage is for part timers, students, etc. It was never inteded to be a wage to support a family full time. Automation will be placed on fast forward if the min wage is hiked. The article above is case in point.

197 working economists conducted in February, 74% oppose raising the federal minimum wage to $15 an hour and almost half (43%) think that the federal minimum wage should be eliminated altogether … 88% of economists thought an acceptable federal minimum wage should be less than $15; 66% agreed that an appropriate federal minimum wage would be $10 an hour or less. 84% thought a $15 minimum wage would negatively affect youth employment; 77% believed that the minimum wage hike would have a negative impact on the number of jobs available.”

Enjoy those $15 salads and $10 Coffees. Keep the min wage where it is!
There should be "no" minimum wage, that a persons knowledge and ability earns them their pay. If someone is worth $1.00 an hour then so be it, if someone is worth $1,000,000 a year, so be it. Why is it a professional athlete makes millions of dollars while a burger flipper makes $7.00 an hour. Because people are willing to pay the prices. When you artificially raise people wages, that dont earn them, not only do the slackards not improve their skills, but costs must go up to cover. One day those athletes are going to price them out of a job because when ticket prices go out of range, then no one will watch. This is how the FREE market works...


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